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About drinkinbear

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    oblivion/Fallout3/ life 101
  • Favourite Game
    (old school) fallout and Wasteland

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  1. Life is good....my little Snowback finally moved down and it looks like it's ( cringe ) forever....
  2. Long time, no...beer...*wanders of to fridge*
  3. I see you visited Carah's profile but not mine. Least nothing's wrong with your hormones....
  4. Miss your funny stuff.

    Wait, that didn't sound right

  5. was santa good to you honey bear? You'll never guess what I found under my tree!
  6. Merry Xmas & happy NY, hope u have a good one. xxx
  7. I dressed as a Homicidal maniac they look like everybody else
  8. Just between you, me and the fence post ....knock on wood....
  9. well i guess there is no point putting it in the bank then ^^ i like interest LOL hope life is good for you DB?
  10. huggy bear...boo to you too.I was a succubus for holloween...go figure!...lol
  11. just remember where ever you go there you are.

    you can put that in the bank but it wont bring much interest

  12. hurray happy beerday I just love this time of year what time is that you say..well its now or was a min ago
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