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Everything posted by seydaneen

  1. thank you. seems like you found an acceptable workaround. my complaints were about Google most of all, not so much about general craptcha. bet I'm not the only one here, privacy does matter big time, even if the majority might still be too blind to see ... cheers, seyda
  2. who in their right mind would NOT block google cookies ? seyda
  3. the worst aspect of this fundamentally bad decision is providing yet another privacy leak to the ever greedy data kraken. I'll keep my visits to a minimum from now. shame, it used to be fun here. seyda
  4. hello Charles, looks like it is UV maps then ... many thanks, that gives me stuff to research further. for now I have settled for CBBE, seems to be the "lesser evil". but I'll keep on digging, the curse of the better mousetrap ... :geek: thanks again for your reply, seyda
  5. sorry if this is a dumb Q ... I really put in a metric ton of learning by doing, reading and experimenting, but have hit a dead end now. I can build pretty bodies in both CBBE & UNP in Bodyslide by now, have the physics working and have a (slightly random) understanding of what clothing works with which NPC. There's a nice little crowd of followers and other turbocharged NPCs installed, the problem is half of them always look ugly (either robot hipjoints or four nippled airbags from hell on the other half), devil's alternative depending on which texture I choose. a) is there a solution at all ? b) if yes, could a kind soul please put me on track ? a rough bullet point walkthrough would be fine, or a link to a well written tutorial (written preferred over video, if possible) Or I might just be misunderstanding Bodyslide, entirely possible. any help would be much appreciated, seyda
  6. hi folks, is there a mod that binds your entire current setup to hotkeys ? armor/clothing, weapons, spells ? this would be sooo useful ... thanks, seyda
  7. thanks jeffm24, I'll check that out. ​sorry for my late reply, somehow notification did not work ... ​appreciate your help, seyda​ ​ ​edit : yes, much better now, thanks ! :thumbsup: ​
  8. Hi folks, is there a way to reduce font size or get entirely rid of those annoying messages in the top-left corner ? They take like forever to disappear, e.g. when making potions, and the acoustic feedback is obvious enough so I wouldn't need that nuisance at all ... thanks, seyda
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