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About TheKingofKucks

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  1. YOU GUYS ARE GODS! It's fixed! Making a ba2 fixed it! I've had this issue for MONTHS, and this finally fixed it. Thank you so much.
  2. Update: I was able to update CK32bit, and generated LIP files. This did not fix the dialogue. Although there are subtimes, and facial anims there are no words spoken. It is a cruel fate, but I believe it is all a lost cause.
  3. Sorry for not responding sooner. I cannot generate LIP files, because it appears the only solution I know how (using Creation Kit 32-bit in the Tools folder) to generate the lip files refuses to read any data files, including Fallout4.esp, because those data files are newer than what CK-32bit can support. I've heard about using the Skyrim CK to do lip files, but I'm unsure if it'd work.
  4. Thank you for your help and assistance. After attempting, it seems to not play in-game. Both the WAV and XWM are detected by the CK. It is a shame this does not work :(
  5. So, I've been having this issue for about a week now. Can't get any progress done. No matter the voicetype, no matter the NPC, no matter how many new saves I create to test, no matter the NPC, I can't get them to SPEAK their dialogue. The subtitles work just fine, however their dialogue never works. And yes, the NPC I'm trying to get to speak has the correct voice type. The following things are solutions I've attempted, but to no avail: - Different microphones - Recording with Audacity, then using those files as dialogue instead of the in-engine recorder - Using all the different HZs provided by the in-engine recorder - Loading the cell the NPC is in via the main menu (clean save) - Saving and reloading after the clean save - Creating and placing an SEQ file in the Data/SEQ folder. - Forcing the Alias of the NPC in Greeting. ---- I can listen to the audio files outside of the game just fine btw. This particular bug has caused me much grief. In all my time of modding all Bethesda games, this issue has not occurred once. I'd appreciate any help.
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