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Everything posted by Greg147

  1. Cheers guys, much appreciated! I'll give it a crack now.
  2. Hi all, I've been trying to find a tutorial on this, but my Google-fu has so far failed me. Does anyone know of a Creation Kit tutorial that shows how to set up a workshop/workbench in an interior in the same manner as Homeplate? As in, 'decorate your own home'? Failing that, if anyone wouldn't mind giving a bit of guidance on this? Any tutorials I've found seem to focus on setting up an interior settlement, whereas I was looking to just have the player customise decorations rather than deal with map makers/settlers/rogue brahmin etc. Just the bare bones of the add/remove items in the workshop basically. Any assistance is much appreciated. Many thanks, Greg
  3. Thanks, that's got me started. I've managed to reverse engineer what I need up until the part where the recipe is directed to the MiscItem of whatever is to be added (BYOHHouseExteriorPart01Stable, for example). A Papyrus script seems to come in there, and I no idea where to go next. I haven't had any experience with Papyrus before, so don't really know what I'm looking at.
  4. Hi all, Using the CK, I've been trying to add some additions to the houses in Hearthfire; walls, towers, that kind of thing, but can't figure out how to set them to be created the same way as the existing exterior objects, i.e. at the workbench for x amount of wood logs etc etc. I've got everything placed in the CK the way I would want it to be in game when fully upgraded, but am stuck with the scripting side of things as to how to link their presence to the crafting table. Even having them as an option to buy from the steward would work, but I can't figure that out either. Does anyone know how this can be done? I've seen a few similar mods out there, but haven't had any luck in reverse engineering them. Any help would be appreciated Thanks
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