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  1. Hello everybody, I wanted to retexture and modify thanks to the creation kit the Hazmat Suit to be an underarmor. But i have a problem. The window of the helmet disappear. If you have somes tips to fix that. http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/766176Fallout42017032916240714.pnghttp://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/493310Fallout42017032916243532.png
  2. Super. The problem is solved with the Hardag's advice Thx to InfinityXeon too!
  3. Hello, I need your help to solve a problem. When I export my model and I re-attribute the textures via NifSkope. Why, ingame, the werewolf head seems to float and is not attached to the armor. Why she does not follow the body movements, While the textures without attaching she sticks to the armor. Some screens to illustrate (Sorry for my bad English i'm French) http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/2662/screenshot74j.png http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/7403/screenshot75d.png
  4. http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/7025/clochardarmure.jpg As you can see on the screenshot. I've mixed some differents armor pieces to make an only one. But when i extract my .nif files and replace the texture.dds the meshes disapear in game. My character is the invisible man. I do not know how to fix that :(.
  5. Hello everyone. I try to mashup several pieces of armor to create an only one. For example holding female prisoner's outfit, the female iron armor and all over the UNP body. I followed the tutorials Nightasy. Only I had to miss a thing because in game, my edited meshe is invisible leaving only the head hands and feet appear. How can i fix that ? Sorry for my bad english i'm from french.
  6. Can some one modding this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26688&navtag=file/images.php?id=26688&tab=3 For skyrim platform ?
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