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  1. lol nevermind, Another sorting mod does this :/
  2. Anyone see the Dollar sign bug or issue before on items in inventory? I have it on [$]Misc-Firewood, Garnets. Seems like raw materials only?
  3. Resolved, you need to disable all animation mods and re enable them 1 at a time till its gone.. weird because all is enabled and problems resolved
  4. This person has a similar issue also using AGO Mod. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/6l7kxc/skyrim_archery_gameplay_overhaul_help_bugged/
  5. Hi guys, Anyone every see this bug, not sure whats causing it. My character holds the Arrow after you switch from 1st person then to 3rd person while the arrow is in the bow ready to fire, when he stands up he then puts the returns the arrow to the bow, i could only get this to happen once i had switch to 3rd from 1st person with arrow loaded.
  6. Hey Guys, Has anyone seen this issue when you click start new game and it just loads doesn't start. I recently started a new game just to test a few mods to see if it loaded correctly, using alternate start when i loaded into the save game of that test character the game loads fine its just trying to start a new one. Deleted the entire My Games > Skyrim SE folder and it recreated it and still loads loads nothing else I realized checking the log files 3 mods had the incorrect version i updated them, just weird cant think that it could be anything else causing it, it started with ECO's Dual sheath redux i managed to get that working no problem but yeah no idea whats causing it. sometimes it loads in and just hangs and i dont see the menu in the main page just loads, its not frozen just loading forever. Disabled a couple of mods then i get past it then the next issue is the "New Game"then that loads and does nothing.. i checked the logs and i didn't see issues on startup, skse loaded up correctly etc Any help would be appreciated
  7. Hi Cithramir first thanks for your reply, I got a message from another Nexus user and it seems changing my imaxgrassdensity was the key, I really appreciate your help though and If it starts happening again I will be sure to try your suggestion :smile: No problem, glad you got it sorted out. Interesting fix :D
  8. Hey, Sorry to hear that you having issues, i find it best to just rename your folder to .old at the end. Install a fresh copy of skyrim, check if the issue still persists, if it doesnt then its one of the mods then go down the list of your mods and install them 1 by 1 and test it till you get whats causing it. Also what you can try if you think its drivers. Guru Graphics remover, use this tool to remove your current NVIDIA drivers then reinstall it with this : https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html I also suggest not changing any settings in your Nvidia control panel, make sure to also rename your old My Games > Skyrim > .old just incase your saves go missing. Good Luck!
  9. Hi Guys, after following a tutorial, i have checked my nif models, compared them with ingame nifs and they seem correct. The textures point to the correct texture folder Cant think of anything else that is an issue. When im ingame after importing it, all i see is blood on the mesh and an invisible weapon. Now i know this could be the texture is not able to be applied but i noticed errors on importing it into Creation Kit. Please note i have run the Spells in Nifskope as i read on a google post somewhere that you need to run it in order to fix tangent issue. Ran most of whats in that list with no luck Error Blood on Weapon Mesh, no Texture Texture FIles Nif File :
  10. Thanks for the reply, i currently have Skyrim SE nifs that are already in BSTrishape, the tutorial got me so far i created the mesh and the texture of the weapon. Now im sitting with the trying to import the OBJ file into the (Template aka Daedric Copy)
  11. Hi Guys, Im struggling to import files into a .nif file with nifscope. Im making a weapon that i want to import into skyrim se, but all the youtube guides i can find are for Skyrim vanilla. So when following guides, i see that they have NiTriShape Data container where the Sword sits in, when i open in this case a daedric sword it hs BSTrishape instead of the NiTriShape data. So i ignored it carried on and then i got to import and its greyed out. i tried with the latest versions of nifscope and 1 version back from the latest still cant import the obj files Anyone with experience importing weapons into SE? Please thanks
  12. Any idea's when CBP will be updated, How long has .50 update been out for now
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