Hi community, i have the same request, albeit for a different reason: i am playing XCOM:EW on Android and i want to unlock all Second Wave options for a playthrough on normal difficulty. For PC users (and i know that this forum is essentially for PC games, but i haven't found anything for Android on the internet, so here i am) it is no big deal. Simply download and install the corresponding mod. I have tried to unpack the obb. files because i have found an instruction which strings to modify in game data, but without success. The archiver programs claim the obb. files are corrupted, although the game runs fine and was downloaded from Google play store. Other obb. files can be extracted with these converters i tried (winrar for android and zarchiver). So i think it will be possible to achieve my goal by loading a save file on impossible right before the game ends, finish the game and thus unlock the options i want. Now i don't know for sure if save games from a PC version are compatible with my android version. So an Android save would be preferrable. However, i read somewhere that the core structure of the files is the same (as one would assume anyway since it's the same game), and i would give it a shot as well. So, thanks for reading, any constructive help will be greatly appreciated! EDIT: spelling. See, i not only play on Android, but also write forum posts on my tablet :D