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About BigKriss

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  1. Well... Thats just an awsome helmed o.O my yaw dropped to the floor !
  2. I don't know the slightest bit about modding :( ... I can only create NPC's ( like followers, spouse ect ) and give them spells and equipment and thats about it :( Would be cool to see Dark Souls and the quistline of it in Skyrim though !
  3. First of all i would like to apologize if there already exists a mod like this or if a request already has been made! If you look outside of you're window and see these peopple walking the street what do you see? non of them are the exact same lenght. In skyrim the NPC's of the same race are the exact same lenght(except Cicero, i dont know what his deal is though) but it would be nice to see that some NPC's ar larger/smaller than others. I figure some animations like blacksmithing, enchanting, ECT wil not work correctly, my gues is that they wil will shrink/stretch to the normal size but hey i could live with that. So tell me what you think and if someone wants to do this. i have seen some crazy and cool stuff thats hard to do so this would be easy i think. i would do this my self but i just suck at that kind of stuff. (And sorry for my bad english !)
  4. Thx for the pic mate ! I hope this makes the chance bigger that someone makes this Mod.
  5. I would love to see a SilverKnight and a BlackKnight armor from Dark Souls. I wanted to create them myself but even with the Tutorials on youtube I cant pull it of. I had even figured out a way to make it somewhat fast. I would create the SilverKnight. Copy it. Remove the Cape. Add the collar, Change the horns and recolor it. For the smithing I had like this in mind... Armor Weight Gold Ignot LeatherStrips Armor 45 38 1500 5 3 Boots 19 7 275 3 2 Gauntlets 19 7 275 2 2 Helmet 26 10 750 3 2 Shield 40 14 750 4 1 (Silver Knight = Silver Ignot) (Black Knight = Ebony Ignot) But like I said... Even with the Tutorials on youtube I cant pull it of. I cant even create something really simple. Its not in my blood... Black Knight http://i.imgur.com/HHuTo.jpg http://i.imgur.com/d2zLa.jpg Silver Knight http://i.imgur.com/gkaFL.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GnVcv.jpg
  6. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post it. I created my own follower mod and it al worked fine until now. I did a load game and it said that some containt wil not avalible. Afther that I noticed my follower was gonne.I deleted the old mod and recreated that follower in a brand new .ESP file. But still the dude aint there... Skyrim just wont load my mods anymore. Can anyone help me with this problem?
  7. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post it. I created my own follower mod and it al worked fine until now. I did a load game and it said that some containt wil not avalible. Afther that I noticed my follower was gonne.I deleted the old mod and recreated that follower in a brand new .ESP file. But still the dude aint there... Skyrim just wont load my mods anymore. Can anyone help me with this problem?
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