so i was playing the dawnguard dlc...and the vampires "house" is not yours at all. its a pre-created place to sleep. so it got me thinking, what if you could have your OWN vampire abode? now im talking remove all spawning enemy's, have ability to place forge and different interactive/usable items in the home, maybe even the ability to make your own clan! say on any npc a vampire and have them be able to go to bloodlet throne, as there new housing. basically the ability to make your own personal vampire clan that's full of people you want, and at a "vampire" like home. maybe even make blacksmiths/priests/court wizards/and other kinds of shop keepers recruit-able! obviously turning them to your own cold kind in the process. i would not think of messing with follower options. if they are going to be messed with then that can be left for a different mod. just making our own little clan, any followers incorporated into the clan would still be hire-able. have the members interact in the area, and with the surroundings. dialog is unnecessary, if you want it, recruit people that normally chat. but if its added i dont see why that's bad. LOCATION: this is my BIGGEST queef. bloodlet throne is the BEST location, secluded off the beaten path in the mountains and snowy. dont get me started on the name. its cut off on one side so theres only one exit. now, the interesting part is making it all dawnguard compatible. so i could have blood potions, my own molag bal statue of blood, my own chalice, my own vampire lords ;). it just makes so much more sense to have it DG compatible as we can use items from a vamp based dlc. the only thing i could for-see this interfering with is the random quests you may get to clear bloodlet throne out. now, lets remember console commands. we could just leave it like that and youll have to console complete it, or we could remove that at a quest location all together. anyone that agrees or would like to support it should comment. i personally cant do any of the modding, nor do i have the time to learn right now. i would probably donate to you for all the work. im not sure how much. but it would defiantly be something i would try to do. BIG THANKS TO ANYONE THAT SUPPORTS THIS IDEA!