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Everything posted by talveren

  1. In my load order, Oblivion XP is near the bottom. It's nearly the last one. When you try and start a new game, when does the crash happen? Are you able to make a character?
  2. Have you looked through the Better Cities wiki yet for stuff about the OMOD? Here's a link if no. http://www.darkcreations.org/better-cities/wiki/OMOD_Install you might find something helpful.
  3. I don't know. When I first started modding Oblivion, NMM couldn't handle any but the simplest mods for Oblivion so I chose to use OBMM and Wyre Bash. I haven't kept up with NMM's progress at all so I can't tell if the most recent versions have been updated to the point where it can handle the complicated mods. I like Wyre Bash because it makes it somewhat easy to roll back a mod install, it allows you to change install order as well as load order, you can look at a save in it and see the mod dependencies, the bashed patch allows you to merge mods and tweak some in game settings, and if you want, you can edit your .ini files in it. The learning curve is a bit high, but these days I use it nearly exclusively for my modding. The exceptions are mods which have nice omod wizards or that are only available as omods.
  4. I used the directions in this tutorial to get mine working. Without more details on how you did your install, I can't really tell what went wrong.
  5. I'm going to be a tad thorough to make sure we understand each other. I'm a bit confused as to what you're putting in which plugin folder. The obse dll's need to be put in the root of the Oblivion directory. They don't go in a plugin's folder or data\plugins. There are plugins that depend on obse and are .dll's. These files usually live in Oblivion\data\obse\plugins. Make sure your steam overlay is turned on. OBSE won't work if it's not. This is in Steam -> Settings -> In-Game and make sure the Enable Steam Overlay while in game is checked. The blockhead file needs to go in (your steam path)\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\Blockhead.dll. The OCO files go in their respective meshes and textures folders.
  6. Have you tried installing it with Wyre Bash? That's what I usually use for Better Cities. I took a quick look at the mod page and it does look like it's been updated as recently as Sept. 2015. I haven't tried that update yet so I can't tell you if it's a problem with their omod or not.
  7. Hi All, I've been using OBGE v3.1 for quite a while. I'm doing a clean install and new mod configuration for Oblivion now and I was wondering what you all think about upgrading to Oblivion Reloaded? Primary things I'd like to know: 1. Is the performance better? 2. Does it have replacements for the stand alone effects such as god rays, liquid water, etc? If so, are they comparable in prettiness or possibly better? 3. How much backwards compatibility is there? I'm open to replacing some of my graphics mods that depend on OBGE v3.1 if I can find something similar or better.
  8. It looks like it's looking for the Falskaar esm. When Vilicky (the mod author) posted that mod, he said it was a big change and couldn't really be removed without corrupting the save permanently. It's as big as the DLC and makes as many changes. Is Falskaar still installed? If so, post your load order. We might be able to tell what your conflicts are if we see those.
  9. I'd try restarting Skyrim. It always seems to show up in the main loading screen after the Bethesda movie for me.
  10. I love Morrowind. I can't wait to visit more of it in the the 4th era. :) I'm tracking this topic. If you need beta testers, I'm willing to break things for you. :D
  11. Well, I still don't know what caused it, but I do know when it occurs now. When I leave the Falkreath Sanctuary, the armor regenerates in my inventory. I've been removing each set and putting it in storage (I guess I'll sell it later). Anyway, without adding too many spoilers, there's a point in the Dark Brotherhood quest where this can't happen anymore. Problem solved. I'd still like to know what mix of mods made this happen.
  12. I now have 8 copies of the shrouded armor, boots, and gloves. I'm using shrouded robes, shoes, and hand wraps. Is this one of my mods or a bethesda patch problem? I really dislike it because I'm running frostfall, cold and wet, and realistic needs. I need the space in my inventory for food and exposure items. Load order: Active Mod Files: Thanks
  13. The Visual C++ runtime redistributable is required for several applications. You don't need to try and debug that error, because if you tried, it's going to return machine code. This error is telling you that some library that the .exe is calling is part of the crash. The program that's causing the error is the Oblivion.exe. It's possible that the bashed patch is the thing causing Oblivion to crash but I'd need more information to figure that out.
  14. The steady hand perk in the archery tree is one that slows time when you're zoomed in. Do you have that one as well? If so, I'd look at mods that change how the sights and timing of the bows/crossbows. Try disabling that mod, loading your save game, saving in a new slot, then re-add the mod.
  15. I don't think these are sorted either. Use BOSS to get the load order straightened out as you add mods. You may also need to build the bashed patch each time you load a new mod. You could also wait until you've got all your mods verified as running and then build the bashed patch.
  16. I think the belt might be going into the tail slot.
  17. I can try it. The install directions for those shaders specifically say to set bFloatPointRenderTarget to one. Right now it is set to one, and those two screenshots are with that setting. Given the name of the variable, I sort of think it's changing the RenderTargets from integers to floating points which is why someone would see odd effects elsewhere.
  18. I honestly don't remember. I used the SkyrimLauncher.exe to change the video settings after I installed the new video card. Also, here's the promised nirnroot image. I'm sorry it took me so long to get it uploaded. It looks like the enb has fixed some of the artifacts, but not all of them. Still, it's an improvement over what I had. If anyone has ideas of settings or tweaks I could use with the enb stuff to further refine the fix, I would love to hear them. As an aside, I'm pretty happy with the rest of the changes from those shaders. Nirnroot with the water behind it. Note the glow edges are now further out from the plant. The water looks like there's an effect around the leaves likely from the reflection that's enabled for the water. http://imgur.com/pLWlVyX Here's the same nirnroot with the log behind it. Note that the effect close to the leaves is missing. http://imgur.com/cgqziuX
  19. I think we're going to need more info. C:\games should be fine for installing Oblivion on Win 8. I don't think there are many (if any) changes you need for installing mods on Win 8 vs Win 7. I'm also not sure what you mean by your standard mods. Would you post your load order? Are you running a 64 bit version of Win 8 or 32 bit?
  20. Doh. I'm using Frostfall. I didn't realize my character was freezing when I turned off depth of field. It appears to have worked correctly.
  21. I've been trying to turn off the depth of field. In SkyrimPrefs.ini I've set these: [blurShader]bUseBlurShader=0 It doesn't seem to have removed the depth of field effect. What did I miss?
  22. Ok, I added a mod called Skyrim Enhanced Shaders, and it looks like it's taken care of a lot of the problems. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/822 It's got it's own ambient occlusion, anti-aliasing, and Anistropic filtering. I'm using those. It also has bloom which I turned off because I prefer a darker game. I haven't messed a lot with the other settings yet. I suspect I'll tweak the firelight settings and turn off the lens flare. That's for next time I have some time to tweak. The smoke in the dungeons looks correct now. :) I'm wandering around along the river by Windhelm so I'll report back once I find a nirn root.
  23. Make sure you're running the standalone version of Wrye Bash. The other one needs python installed as well.
  24. The yellow and white exclamation marks mean you missed a mesh. How did you do the install for the mods? If you used NMM, it doesn't work for any Oblivion mods that are more complex because it doesn't handle the file structure correctly. I use Wrye Bash for my installs. It has a high learning curve, but it's worth it to me. Also, how did you activate the mods? Here's a video of how to do the install manually. The other thing you need to do with Oblivion is archive invalidation. Here's a video of how to do the archive invalidation/redirection.
  25. I have noticed that some smoke also has this problem as well. It's not all of them. So far it's been the smoke in Fort Dunstad.
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