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Everything posted by keizerdoc

  1. http://pastebin.com/id8YZybV That's the papyrus log. Different errors. Oh, and how to I post my load order?
  2. Best practice...Start tutorial with no mods running, once in the outside world, Save and start adding mods ...one at a time! when you see that one mod can take 1 min to 5 mins to actually fully load itself, you will wonder how 50 or 100 mods can actually initialize all at the same time. Yes LOOT works... Some of the mods require me to have it at the start of the game, so your suggestion is not possible. Wait, LOOT actually works? How? It never runs at all, from my experience. And I've done that. It still runs in a window.
  3. I've recently started a new playthrough, and when I start the game, the carriages are flailing about and it seems as if I was the Imperial Soldier driving the cart. This is the papyrus log: http://pastebin.com/PLQDADZR I have no idea how to post my load order with MO. Oh, and I don't know how to use LOOT, and I doubt it actually works. Edit: It seems the papyrus log is full of all of the same error, and it has something to do with iHud. Edit: Apparently, I had a few conflicts in my load order. I fixed those, so now all I need to do is make Skyrim run at fullscreen instead of in the windowed mode it is now running in.
  4. I'm not sure. I could be thinking of a different setting. Approx. Total Memory is 4034mb. Is that what you're asking for? By the way, I have WIn8, not Win7.
  5. Well, the crashing is usually near Whiterun, and if you check the papyrus log, it says something about a quest.
  6. I don't know. How do I set the Ugrids? Check the spoiler now.Those are just the recognised plugins.
  7. The crashes started before I turned on the papyrus logging. I do not use ENB, I do not have the INI edits to have the Memory Booster. Stable Ugrids? I have it set to 15, because that's the default setting for me. System specs? I have a Intel Core i7-4770 CPU, My graphics card is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650. Let me know if I forgot something. It's not overclocked. I don't know how to tell my VRAM.
  8. Seems like there's no fixing these crashes. http://pastebin.com/kyVJZecp That's the papyrus log. I am assuming that I didn't do something right.
  9. Thanks, that seems to have fixed it. Edit: Nope, still crashing. Could be because of memory.
  10. Okay, removing Undeath and FoF worked, but now I randomly crash. Could be a script thing.
  11. It's a Windsong Character Overhaul module. It changes some NPCs appearances.
  12. The issue is not really game breaking, it just breaks my immersion.
  13. Okay... This is getting annoying. After I kill some enemies they respawn after a few seconds. Here's my load order: http://pastebin.com/06HPk0JV Also, it's a fresh install. Are any of the mods causing this? Conflicts?
  14. For PC gaming? It was Halo: Combat Evolved, first actual PC game I ever played. Now I spend most of my time playing on the PC. Console gaming? Gauntlet. Forget which one, though. I still play on consoles from time to time to play Fable TLC, II, and III.
  15. I know there are a bunch of mods for this kind of thing, but I want a mod where your follower leaves your party if you don't share loot. Is such a thing possible?
  16. By the way, 90% of the mods for Garry's Mod are stolen from other people/developers. So you're going to get busy.
  17. I can join chat, just that messages won't load.
  18. Apologies, I didn't notice the Classic Games discussion.
  19. Seems the entire skyrim nexus is now 502 Bad Gateway. Well, modding was fun. No longer for Skyrim. Edit: Works again. We'll no doubt see 502 again. 502 Bad Gateway: "I'll be back!" Edit: 502 Bad Gateway was correct, it's back. Edit: When the site's up, get the mod that you want quick! You never know when it will go down again.
  20. In response to post #8170393. I was redirected to a site that had a bunch of plumbing companies.
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