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Everything posted by KellMiffy

  1. I've just started playing again after a month and decided to add some mods to the game for the first time. Have plenty of experience modding 3, New Vegas and Skyrim so, I'm hoping, i've installed the mods correctly. I add mods one at a time and check stability in the game before adding the next. After adding the any mod any weapon mod, whenever i open the crafting section of the workbench i get an instant CTD. Even when removing the mod, the crashes persists. I tried removing any mod that adds a new crafting bench and still, it crashes. Any help would be appreciated. My plugins + load order: Fallout4.esmArmorKeywords.esmHomemaker.esmSpringCleaning.esmAnyModAnyWeapon.espArmorsmith Extended.espBetterNightVision.espCraftableAmmunition_Core.espCraftableAmmunition_Recipes_Components_Easy.espCraftableAmmunition_Recipes_Core_NoPerks.espCraftableAmmunition_Recipes_FusionCore_NoPerks.espCraftableAmmunition_Recipes_NukaGrenade_NoPerks.espDarkerNights.espTrueStormsFO4.espDarkerNightsDetection.espDarkerNights-TrueStorms.espHomemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.espHomemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.espSC_ExpandedScrapList.espTrueStormsFO4-ClimateSettings.espValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks.esp Thank you, KellMiffy
  2. Yeah, I found SkyUI-Away and am now using that. Hopefully the SkyUI team will add an options to enable the SkyUI crafting in the next update as I've read other people aren't that happy with the crafting UI now. Thanks for the help :D
  3. I feel pretty stupid right now. I just went to the SkyUI page and saw it straight away... Thanks for helping with my stupidity... I understand people would favor this UI for crafting but I feel there's too many items to craft to place them into just their type category. Now i just need to find a way to change it back. Thanks again for the help.
  4. Hi Nexus users, I hope i'm posting this in the right place. I have recently started playing Skyrim again with a fresh batch of mods, most I have never used but they are all working perfectly with no problems so far. I played for a couple of hours without using any kind of crafting (Smithing, Alchemy Etc.). When I decided i had enough resources to make a viable weapon i noticed my smithing UI was different to what it normally is. Here is what it looks like: http://imgur.com/sYv4h80 I thought it might be a new feature to SkyUI as i haven't used it in a while but I can't find any information suggesting that it is. My mod list/load order is: Any help finding out which mod is changing the UI would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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