I've just started playing again after a month and decided to add some mods to the game for the first time. Have plenty of experience modding 3, New Vegas and Skyrim so, I'm hoping, i've installed the mods correctly. I add mods one at a time and check stability in the game before adding the next. After adding the any mod any weapon mod, whenever i open the crafting section of the workbench i get an instant CTD. Even when removing the mod, the crashes persists. I tried removing any mod that adds a new crafting bench and still, it crashes. Any help would be appreciated. My plugins + load order: Fallout4.esmArmorKeywords.esmHomemaker.esmSpringCleaning.esmAnyModAnyWeapon.espArmorsmith Extended.espBetterNightVision.espCraftableAmmunition_Core.espCraftableAmmunition_Recipes_Components_Easy.espCraftableAmmunition_Recipes_Core_NoPerks.espCraftableAmmunition_Recipes_FusionCore_NoPerks.espCraftableAmmunition_Recipes_NukaGrenade_NoPerks.espDarkerNights.espTrueStormsFO4.espDarkerNightsDetection.espDarkerNights-TrueStorms.espHomemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.espHomemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.espSC_ExpandedScrapList.espTrueStormsFO4-ClimateSettings.espValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks.esp Thank you, KellMiffy