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Everything posted by cdgfanatic

  1. I suppose we can take solace in knowing it isn't some issue with just one or two of us. This means it will get fixed pretty fast (hopefully)
  2. Well it just seems as though you can't download any new files, that doesn't prevent you from using the mods you already have
  3. Same. I don't pay to not be able to download. The thing is, just, like, 10 minutes ago, I was able to no problem
  4. Not a criticism, but a genuine question. Why are there FAR fewer mods for this game than its predecessor? Yes, I know that Fallen Jedi is MUCH older, but it still seems that the mods are a bit thin on this game. You type in "lightsaber" and you just get 1 page of results. I know that with Outfit Manager you can change your saber colors, but no mods for intensity or even specifics. Even the NG+ mods that exists are without keeping your abilities. Is it all because the issues us PC players were having in running the game? I truly am 100% ignorant on these matters as I don't know the first thing about modding this game. I have yet to even find a free way to open a .pak file (I used to mod eyes in GTA V, and would love to do it in these two games). So, I really am genuinely curious.
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