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About gforce301

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  1. Searched but couldn't find anyone with the same issue... Sometimes when entering a room all of the physics objects such as candles, baskets, weaponry, basically any movable item, go berserk flying around the room insanely fast. Sometimes they hit you and hurt you. Sounds really weird and sometimes there's a loud banging noise (as when the items start going berserk, but can't move anywhere). As soon as they get unstuck they start flying around the room.
  2. Hello, I'm extremely new to mod making. Thought I'd try creating a simple quest just to try things out and I have now made some character dialogue. Basically, the quest I'm doing is extremely simple: You walk up to an NPC created by me You start talking, several dialogue options occur After saying a certain line, the dialogue should end (goodbye box checked) and a text window should appear, telling you how the NPC in front of you has stabbed you with a knife The NPC runs off All is fine apart from that I can't figure out how to create these text boxes. I assume it's a script that you place in the "Result Script (End)" box but I don't know. I've searched and searched for the answer but can't find it anwyhere. Thanks in advance!
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