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  1. Sorry for late answering. I have University entrance exam so I dont have time. I ignored error and I was able to run modding tools, even started to scripting tutorials. Then I stopped trying it and started to study. So deleting "()" worked? Did you make progress? Let me know pal. I am really interested in with that and will make one in summer.
  2. its not an errors it seems it is just a line. I was studying for a while I couldn't make a mod I set up tools probably(it seems)
  3. did you guys find out your errors and this thing? --- E:/Steam Library/steamapps/common/KingdomComeDeliverance/Data_reference/sequences.sql:1: NOTICE: function modding.create_sequences() does not exist, skipping create_sequences------------------ (1 row)---
  4. sa https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/864?tab=posts&BH=2 check posts tab from here. A guy named ​ AverageGamer123 answered some questions. Ok, so I tried it and I get this error: psql:E:/Steam Library/steamapps/common/KingdomComeDeliverance/Data_reference/sequences.sql:1: NOTICE: function modding.create_sequences() does not exist, skipping create_sequences------------------ (1 rs https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/864?tab=posts&BH=2 check posts tab from here. A guy named ​ AverageGamer123 answered some questions. Ok, so I tried it and I get this error: psql:E:/Steam Library/steamapps/common/KingdomComeDeliverance/Data_reference/sequences.sql:1: NOTICE: function modding.create_sequences() does not exist, skipping create_sequences------------------ (1 row) same dunno if it works. I asked who answered my questions but didn't answer yet
  5. I https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/864?tab=posts&BH=2 check posts tab from here. A guy named ​ AverageGamer123 answered some questions. Thanks a lot ZOBARCIK. I'll come back from work and tackle this beast of a a task. I had basically given up and uninstalled everything. So, you're now modding successfully? I uninstalled too and didn't try yet. If you get this error can you let me know if works even this error ::psql:E:/Steam Library/steamapps/common/KingdomComeDeliverance/Data_reference/sequences.sql:1: NOTICE: function modding.create_sequences() does not exist, skipping create_sequences ------------------ (1 row) ::
  6. https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/864?tab=posts&BH=2 check posts tab from here. A guy named ​ AverageGamer123 answered some questions.
  7. so I typed this on cmd "<PostgreSQL Installation Path>/bin/psql.exe -f <KCD Installation Path>/Data_reference/sequences.sql -U postgres –d ConfigDB -v sequenceoffset=(myID) –q" and it said "function modding.create_sequences() does not exist, skipping" . I tried to edit sequences.sql but I couldn't find right place. Thats my final situation. I am stucked here
  8. 1) just copy and paste your installation path. Don't change 2) you must copy modding tool files into kcd folders. here is a video guide for you.(If you have v2.0, sequences.sql file is different so I dont know where to write my ID. If you find out let me know or if you have v1.0 please upload somewhere and leave me a link
  9. Can someone help me about where to write ID in v2.0. On wiki says "Edit Data_reference/sequences.sql number 10578 to something higher than 100000. But it's different for V2.0 and I don't know what to do.
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