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Posts posted by AngryBananaStudios

  1. personally i never minded any of the DLC, except for Honest Hearts and the abuse of Poisons and Cazadores, i would lower the occasions of Cazador encounters and just have more types of encounters, while lowering said encounters and how often poisoned gauntlets would be on those guys.

    I think you misread the post. This isnât asking how would youd change or remake a dlc. If you had to remake it as it was but using assets from pretty much everything but that specific dlc


    I would go with old world blues. All the dead money references means the assets from that would be pretty useful. There are a lot of things that would need to be replaced. The think tank would be securitrons with different faces. Sonic emitter would be the pulse gun with robobrain sonic weapon effect. Domes would be the ones at the repconn testing site. LAER would probably just be a laser rifle with a blue laser. Scorpions wouldnât be so robo. Those crystals in the ground I honestly have no idea. What are they anyway? Biggest pain would be voice acting since Im pretty sure old world blues has the most unique voices of the dlcs

  2. So as the title says, I'm trying to convert a skyrim mod that has voice acting to SKSE. However, none of the voice files are bing packed. I thought I might be able to fix it by exporting the List and adding the desired files to it however, upon converting the .achlist file to Notepad so I can edit it, I could not save the file as .achlist. I tried simply renaming the file extention from .txt to .achlist but that did not work,

    Anyone know how I can fix this or maybe even know an easier method of packing these files?

  3. So as the title says, I'm trying to convert a skyrim mod that has voice acting to SKSE. However, none of the voice files are bing packed. I thought I might be able to fix it by exporting the List and adding the desired files to it however, upon converting the .achlist file to Notepad so I can edit it, I could not save the file as .achlist. I tried simply renaming the file extention from .txt to .achlist but that did not work,

    Anyone know how I can fix this or maybe even know an easier method of packing these files?


    Posted this on separate page hence the "0 Follow this Topic" being left over from the copy and paste

  4. I'm trying to make a companion blade for Dawnbreaker, meant for undead characters and I would like to invert the color of the light emitting from the hilt. This would (ideally) turn the white light into a sort of "shadow". I have opened the model in Nifskope with the hope of finding the light's color wheel or something similar (since the light itself does not have its own texture) has anyone here done anything similar? If so I'd really appreciate some advise.

  5. I’m starting a project, similar to Enderal however not on such a large scale, and for the time being I need writers.


    -For those of you not familiar with the Knights of the Old Republic franchise, in 2003 BioWare (developers of such series as Mass Effect and Dragon Age), released Knights of the Old Republic (or Kotor) a Star Wars Role Playing Game. It is set 4000 years before the Original Trilogy and has its own unique and immersive plot as wells as dozens of interesting Characters and two different endings (Lightside/Darkside). In 2005 Obsidian Entertainment released the second installment of the series “Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords” which, while in some cases was inferior to its predecessor, was a step in the right direction and was a wonderful game. Later, in 2011, Star Wars the Old Republic (a Star Wars MMORPG taking place about 200 years after Kotor) was released and was a in many ways a disappointment although with later expansions the story vastly improved. However with Disney decanonizing the entire Star Wars EU (now dubbed Star Wars Legends) it is very unlikely that we’ll get a third Kotor game. Except that doesn’t mean we can’t get a good Star Wars RPG.-


    If you skipped the history lesson above I’ll fill you in. I really like Kotor. It sucks that we ain’t getting another one, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get another Star Wars RPG. Skyrim has a very good RPG Engine and with mods such as Star Wars; Blasters, Races, Trooper Armor, etc as well as Magicka Sabers one would have the means to create such an RPG.


    Of course all of this is just Theory, which is why I need writers above anything else at the moment. If you are (for example) a good coder or a model builder, GREAT, talk to me later though. I figured this would be more doable if it were broken down into specific steps. For example right now I need writers, next I’ll need concept artists then 3D Modelers and Texturers (not a word).


    Frankly I don’t even want to touch the Creation Kit until the first stages are complete. So if you’re a writer PM me and we can discuss things further. And make sure you can work with others, if no one can agree to work as a team then the project is doomed from the start.


    I think we can really do something great here.

  6. I'm trying to add an item as a quest reward and this keeps happening.


    I've also tried using things like getting rid of "Game." and replacing "AntonSpellTone" with "2F0115BC" as well as removing the parenthesis and it still wouldn't work.


    I'd really like some help with this thank you.

  7. I'm trying to have some custom voice acting in a mod but although I've made all the folders and renamed both the .wav and .xwm files accordingly but for whatever reason creation kit isn't using the audio files. Has anyone else gotten this problem, if so how did you fix it?

  8. So it is pretty much known that the Thalmor are planning on taking over the Empire and I, as well as everyone I know, hate the Thalmor and the Dominion and believe that they will be an Antagonist in a future Elder Scrolls game, however it being an Elder Scrolls game there might be a way to side with them, which got me wondering. Would a decision like that be pointless?

    Are there any Elder Scrolls fans that believe the Thalmor should be in control of Tamriel?

    If so explain why.

  9. I need help...

    I am a writer, I've written as far as Movie scripts to short stories, etc. But Programming, even in the GECK, is completely out of my league.

    I have recently finished a Script for a Fallout New Vegas Quest Mod. It's taken me over two and a half years but it's finally finished, and I REALLY would like to see it made.

    I've sent messages to several talented modders asking for help. All of them declined. The last one I asked told me it would be wise to learn how use the GECK and make the mod. I took this to heart and I looked up some tutorials on YouTube. All I can say is, "Claps for all of the wonderful modders who can understand how to do all this" I have actively tried to make this myself and the product has been so ugly and awful that I couldn't continue, which is why I'm here.

    I'm looking for people who can script scenes, make quests and build new areas.

    I need people's help. If anyone is interested message me or post something here for me to see.

    PLEASE HELP ME if you can!

  10. ATTENTION: I am not the best Mod maker not even a good one. That is why I need you.


    I had an idea not too long ago to create a Skyrim Mod that eradicates the Thalmor from Skyrim. Eventually that idea adapted to the Dragonborn actually becoming the Emperor with the ability to explore Cyrodiil as well as palaces in other Provinces for social events and things of the like. The other day I got the idea to incorporate some of the features from the end of Oblivion Shivering Isles DLC.


    This mod could include (With your help):

    The Map of Cyrodiil

    Reforging of the Amulet of Kings

    Relighting of the Dragon Fires

    The Imperial Arena

    Reference to the Knights of the Nine Addon

    War with the Thalmor

    And more


    Now I'm looking for as many people I can with enough experience with the Creation kit to aid in the creation of this mod. I'm looking for people with experience in:

    Map Making

    Quest Making

    Weapon Making

    Dungeon Making


    I NEED YOU!!! Even if you can't help show this to someone who could.

  11. How advanced is your script? Is it a linear storyline, or... well, what is it? I'd love to know some more about your idea.

    Well it's fairly long but I'm not asking for it to be done in like a week. It's 3 Quests, all linear, story-driven. Of course I love constructive criticism just be fare about it. If you want info about exactly what it is, I recommend sending me a direct message or, if you prefer, I'll just keep it here?

  12. I need help...


    I am a writer, I've written as far as Movie scripts to short stories, etc. But Programming, even in the GECK, is completely out of my league.


    I have recently finished a Script for a Fallout New Vegas Quest Mod. It's taken me over two and a half years but it's finally finished, and I REALLY would like to see it made.


    I've sent messages to several talented modders asking for help. All of them declined. The last one I asked told me it would be wise to learn how use the GECK and make the mod. I took this to heart and I looked up some tutorials on YouTube. All I can say is, "Claps for all of the wonderful modders who can understand how to do all this" I have actively tried to make this myself and the product has been so ugly and awful that I couldn't continue, which is why I'm here.


    I'm looking for someone who can script scenes.


    I need someone's help. If anyone is interested message me or post something here for me to see.


    PLEASE HELP ME if you can!

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