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About Silveressa

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  • Discord ID
    please feel free to message me on Nexus if you want to know
  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Star Sector, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Far Cry 6, Horizon Zero Dawn,
  • Favourite Game
    Rimworld, Fallout 4, Far Cry Primal

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  1. Thanks a ton, I'm admittedly a novice when it comes to scripting, this has saved me tons of time. :cool:
  2. I'm working on making a small series of player homes scattered throughout the wasteland, (simple one room deals, nothing too fancy) and One thing I wanted to add was containers that were linked together. For example if you access the "ammo bin" container from any of the homes and you are accessing the same container. This would allow the character to store ammo or what not in any of the boxes and be able to access the loot from any of the houses saving a lot of back tracking for reloading bits, grenades, etc.. However I'm unable to get the containers to be one properly and was wondering if anyone else knows how or if this is even possible in FoNV? Any help would be most appreciated, thanks.
  3. Great concepts, another thing that would make finding mods easier would be a "downloaded mods" category added to users profiles (With auto created links that lead you to the mods page.) This would make it far faster and easier to check and see if mod X has been updated recently or if the latest official patch has caused it problems rather then trying to do a manual search for the mod. (It'd also be handy to view friends profiles and see at a glance which mods they're running.)
  4. One thing I noticed when opening my boot.ini is I have more then one line: [boot loader] timeout=30 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /usepmtimer Do I duplicate & edit the default=multi line or the one beneath it? (I'm guessing I'm supposed to edit the bottom most line and add in the /3GB right before the /noexecute line) but I want to get confirmation before I accidentally bork up my system and need to re-install the OS. Edit: Never mind I figured it out, it's the second line, not the default= one. On a side note, before this I was suffering continual hang ups on the level transition loading screens, (where it would crash and stay on the loading screen forever) with this fix I can now level transition/fast travel without any more hangs. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif Excellent fix, and well worth the time to make work, no unwanted side effects so far with usual system operation (and none expected tbh) so imho it's well worth a try if you've tried everything else and are just about ready to give it up. Edit 2: Well it seems this fix does cause a few errors, (tried it on 2 different computers, each gave a different problem. PC#1: it seemed to work well, but after exiting the game and trying to relaunch it after supper I got a BSOD along with a nv.dll display error, (Likely because the graphics card attempts to use Ram that the 3GB switch has already allocated.) PC#2: When trying to launch the game after exiting It gave a Steam error code 3 and refused to launch until after a system restart. In short the fix works as long as I'm willing to reboot my PC between every play session, (which is a PITA with how often I play for 30 minutes stretches through out the day every few hours as work allows. Anyone else ran into these kinds of bugs? if so what did you do to fix them?
  5. I need to undo the adoption of my second child Sophia, I adopted her several game hours back and she never showed up at my home in white run. Now after marrying an NPC she's appeared at the home, but has no dialogue options at all and my game is continually crashing every 5 minutes or so. According to the debug log: "Error taking longer than 3 secs to star new adoption handler" posted about a thousand times right up until the crash. I've tried various console commands (disable/reenable, resetai, recycleactor, markfordelete, etc..) but none of them have done any good. I'm hoping someone knows of a way (console command or otherwise) to undo the adoption some how or otherwise cancel it from continually trying to run the new adoption handler and crashing me.
  6. I went through this last night, with crashes every few minutes, leading to a near endless amount of quick saving and reloading/launching the game. One thing I noticed however was *all* of my crashes revolved around Delphine being in view of my character. As soon as I gave up on following her and simply ran ahead I managed to make it all the way to Windhelm without a single crash issue, yet with Following Delphine the crashes occurred every 2-3 minutes (or even every 30 seconds in some areas) Not sure what it is about her during this quest that causes the crashes, but she seems to be the epicenter; I'm hoping to find a way to mod her and resolve the issue at some point, but until then running ahead seems to fix the issue.
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