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  1. /casts raise dead I've considered doing a mod like this, but you have to admit that the Creation Kit is a nightmare to navigate. It's certainly better than some other editors out there, but let's get real - generating enough NPCs to create 3 factions worth caring about is at least 30 NPCs, each with their own dialogue trees, multiple quests, and personalities... You totally could have an entire clan of "mute" vampires to reduce the voice acting to 2 factions, but even then, you'd have to make that mute-clan very gesture-oriented in order to make their clan interesting, and Skyrim really doesn't have good tools for that. Dialogue is definitely the largest issue, but even just scripting NPCs to have the right routines and objectives at the right times is a royal pain. Doing each clan justice would probably require a least a few unique spells/abilities per clan, as well, which would be another annoying undertaking. I think it's a more managable task to sit down and try to write three vampire companions, than three vampire clans. That way, you can pour your effort into making each one very reactive, and you can throw in three or four quests per each one - I think people would enjoy a mod like that just as much and it would be feasible for a single person to develop. That's what I'm setting out to do, but even something like this won't be easy. Finally... if someone is interested in attempting a mod like the OP is describing, I would highly suggest they get some kind of an SVN/GIT going. Yeah, right, I know that getting the creation kit into a state for that is... a task in itself (I don't even know how the CK resolves conflicts if two pepole work on the mod at once, or what kind of functionality exists there)... but at the very least, starting a code repoistory for the mod's progress would mean it'd have the potential for someone else to pick it up and finish it, or for more people to sit down and contribute.
  2. #include "utility_h" #include "events_h" #include "global_objects_h" #include "effects_h" #include "ability_h" #include "stats_core_h" void main() { event ev = GetCurrentEvent(); int nEventType = GetEventType(ev); object oPC = GetHero(); object oParty = GetParty(oPC); int nEventHandled = FALSE; switch ( nEventType ) { case EVENT_TYPE_MODULE_START: { break; } case EVENT_TYPE_MODULE_LOAD: { break; } case EVENT_TYPE_EQUIP: { nEventHandled = TRUE; object oItem = GetEventCreator(ev); // the item being equipped AddItemProperty(oItem,8,4); AddCreatureMoney(30000, oPC, TRUE); break; } case EVENT_TYPE_INVENTORY_ADDED: { AddCreatureMoney(30000, oPC, TRUE); nEventHandled = TRUE; break; } case EVENT_TYPE_UNEQUIP: { AddCreatureMoney(50000, oPC, TRUE); int nInventorySlot = GetEventInteger(ev, 0); object oItem = GetEventObject(ev, 0); break; } default: break; } if (!nEventHandled) //If this event wasn't handled by this script, let the core script try { HandleEvent(ev, RESOURCE_SCRIPT_MODULE_CORE); } } I've got a very basic module here. I know it loads and starts fine. The main issue is that the inventory added and unequip functions are not being handled. I'm confused why I'm not getting money increases when I pick up things or unequip things. Any advice?
  3. Hmm, after some initial testing, and upon reading this thread http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/193366-item-property-script/page__hl__additemproperty it seems that scripts that effect items are... difficult. I don't know how those two particlar mods do it (Ravage mod doesn't have source for me to look at), but I'm a bit lost at the moment.
  4. Basically, I'm attempting to implement a script that will overhaul DA:O's itemization such that it uses Diablo's mechanics (items are randomly generated). The main issue I see, is that A) Items are static in the toolset editor. B) There is no event script for "an item dropped" or even "an item is picked up" -- only plot/"training" items are checked. Would anyone happen to know of a good means of detecting when a monster drops a weapon or piece of armor? My goal is to modify that drop, adding attributes to it and renaming it, which I believe I can do through scripts. By the way, this will be my itemization system, psuedo code of the idea: Event: On Item Drop If item == weapon if item == longsword int i = RollRandom(0,100); if (i == 0) ExecuteLegendaryMods(); if (i > 0 && i < 10) ExecuteRareMods(); if (i >= 10 && i < 25) ExecuteUncommonMods(); if (i >= 25 && i < 50) ExecuteCommonMods(); else do nothing So you have a 1 in 100 chance of getting a legendary, 9 in 100 for rare, 15 in 100 for uncommon, 25 in 100 for common and 50 in 100 for no mods added to the item. The ExecuteMods() function will check if the item is already "unique" (has stats on it) and is a valid item to modify. If it does not already possess stats on it, then it executes the following psuedo code int i = RollRandom(0,10); if (i <= 1) ExecuteMageItem(); if (i > 1 && i < 4) ExecuteRogueItem(); if (i >= 4 && i < 7) ExecuteWarriorDamageItem(); if (i >= 7 && i <= 10) ExecuteWarriorTankItem(); So this separate function is basically saying, of every longsword that one finds, regardless of its rarity, some will be mage-oriented, some will be rogue-oriented, some will be damage-warrior-oriented and some will be tank-warrior-oriented. This improves itemization because suddenly, there's a reason to try and use two-handed swords as a mage, to play some kind of hybrid mage role that doesn't use staves. Although finding a legendary mage-sword will be very difficult, I imagine I'll be able to force a few legendary rolls at certain vendors to help diversity. Naturally, long swords have 2 warrior types (damage vs tank) which narrow down the number of mods the item will randomly get, but daggers, since they are rogue-oriented, will have two rogue modpools (probably 'rogue utility' and 'backstab damage'), mages will be the most challenging, I may have to give them a fairly large mod pool. But here is what I'm sort of intending as what an ExecuteMageItem(); function will look like, at least for a legendary mod roll (I imagine the legendary mod function will just be a generic mod function which takes a single integer parameter for number of mods) int i = RollRandom(0,15); int j = RollRandom(0,15); int k = RollRandom(0,15); int l = RollRandom(0,15); while (i == j) reroll while (i == k) reroll while (i == l) reroll while (j == k) reroll while (j == l) reroll while (k == l) reroll It then does 4 more rolls from specific ranges (probably from 1 to 5 or 6) to determine the strength of the mod rolled. Finally, now that we have 4 unique numbers, the game will add corresponding attributes to the item. I imagine 15 mods is a good number, a mage item function for a longsword will probably contain these mods +Intelligence +Spellpower +Willpower +Spirit% Damage +Cold% Damage +Spirit Resistance +Cold Resistance +Strength +Damage +Mana regen in combat +Spirit Damage (added) +Cold Damage (added) Converts all damage to spirit damage Critical melee chance So it might be possible to get a longsword like this +2 damage +15% cold damage +4 Intelligence Converts all damage to spirit damage What does everyone think? Any suggestions?
  5. Well, the main problem I can identify with DA2 is that A) There is no enemy diversity, all mages have the same spell pool (1 aoe knockback / dmg spell, 1 teleport, 1 self-shield); all other enemies are melee or archer B) There is no AI, at the hardest difficulty, the only viable strategy is kiting DA:O at least has much greater enemy diversity, but AI is still basic, enemies have no self preservation instincts and can be easily lured or kited into traps. They don't work as a team and just do... whatever. In the case of both games, I do think that... if you're going to increase enemy AI, you also need to increase the number of viable strategies for the player. But maybe DA:O has enough mechanics DA2 doesn't that it should be okay, balance-wise.
  6. Interesting. I'm very interested in what you're doing then, I wish I'd your DA2 mod while I was... replaying it. Yuck. Well, to put it bluntly, I'm putting a youtube video together analyzing DA2's gameplay faults, mostly for the benefit of game designers. It has some pretty AWFUL monster variety, itemization, and level design that anyone making an RPG should be aware of avoiding. Although I don't fancy myself a professional game designer, I do program. It would be interesting to compare your DA2 mod against the base enemy AI and see what you changed to accomplish this, to see how hard or easy it would have been, to make DA2 challenging and thoughtful. I'll have to download it, though I don't think I can stomach another replay of DA2, I can at least give you some proper feedback on DA:O. If you've any interest in being a professional game designer though, I'd say what you're doing is great. I mean, you could be the man who "fixed DA2" as far as I know :P. Such a title would get you hired if I were managing BioWare.
  7. I suspect interest is nil, but I also suspect interest in DAO has waned beyond repair. I am replaying the game from scratch, if you'd like to post the beta to your mod, I would at least have interest in it. If you've no interest in pursuing the mod, would you mind releasing your source? I am interested in improving enemy AI and your work could help me do the work you may not be interested in doing. I would be interested in testing such a mod, nevertheless, atleast just to see what you were able to accomplish.
  8. Thanks for everyone's feedback so far. I'll make some changes to my patch notes once I can reflect on them more. Also thanks for the archery feedback. I need to create a new character and open up the console and see for myself how strong Archery is :D And I was suspicious of the sneak attack bow perk. It seemed a bit strong to me since you didn't need to be behind your target to do it... Sneak in general is a bit too powerful but I don't think there's anything that can be done to fix that, given that it's mostly an AI issue (if you cast invis for instance after killing an enemy and immedaitely crouch, lots of enemies will completely lose track of you and start pacing about, letting you walk back up to them for x15 damage and one shot them).
  9. I doubt most, like myself, have the privilege or the time to teach a scrub from scratch to be able to do something as complex as "lingerie" (which has some opacity to it and is generally frilly and sleekly-designed). What I can say is that the quick and dirty way to creating your textures is: Acquire photoshop (or some equivalent program) and google what's known as the "clone tool". To start you off, I suggest you learn using some jean texture. That's very easy to understand and figure out. Google an image of a pair of jeans and clone tool the real life picture of that texture onto the texture map. See how it looks in game, then apply filters and techniques suggested by other modders to improve. Once you're able to skin a pair of jeans (using the existing skin/mesh/model of an appropriate pair of leather/cloth pants to start off with), you'll want to approach using the same quick and dirty scheme. Google images of lingerie from online lingerie stores (have fun with that) and use the clone tool to create life-like skins. Show the community your progress and get feedback from veterans. I can tell you that this approach won't be easy, you'll have to do a lot of googling (especially if you're new to art programs in general) and youtubing for tutorials; the skins you create will also probably be too life-like to meet Skyrim's current texture "standards" (which are a little stylized), but you'll probably be appreciated for what you can do even in this case. I hope this helps, I know it's not much, but instead of asking help on a forum, you should first begin by googling tutorials and trying to learn things yourself. It's rare for someone to go out of their way to teach you what you need to know. You need to show some commitment and maybe a little talent, at the very least. If you're interested in learning how to get very proficient, I know that some community/art colleges will teach open classes to students younger than 18 over the summer for a relatively small fee. Though to be fair you can learn everything you'll ever want to online by reading and watching. Finally, while I'm no expert on the matter, I presume that lingerie would likely require a new mesh/model as there is no existing clothing that could be used to properly emulate lingerie. There may be a way to use an existing mesh that's fitting, but it probably won't look as good. Creating a mesh is much more difficult than creating a skin.
  10. I hardly rambo, if anything, I have my summons rambo for me. It's more that in some enemy types aggro later than others, so you don't notice them until they're killing you. As for everyone else's points, they're a bit too numerous to reply to individually. All I can say is I respect what everyone has to say, though I must question some of the rebuttals to my ideas. Why don't you want more perks? More unique and interesting perks? Do you like the system of picking +100% damage and then leaving the tree alone until you have useless points sitting around that need to go somewhere? All of my points went into crafting after I put some points into +40% melee damage and reduced magicka cost on illusion spells, picking up 15X damage for sneak dagger attacks quickly, then not needing anything else until level 40 (Really, +60% damage from 1H weapons and 15X damage on a sneak attack means your 20 damage dagger is doing well over 400 damage, one shotting just about any enemy in the game). I never tried to imply Archer PCs were overpowered. "Cranking up the difficulty" is not a solution to balance woes. I do not enjoy whacking shield tanks for 30 seconds and getting instagibbed by a pair of mages. Enemy NPC mages can be strong, but I assure you PC mages are none of the sort. I have never suggested Skyrim should be like WoW. I detest WoW and want nothing to do with it. Updated my initial post with more specific, theorhetical "patch notes". Please give feedback on these ideas, as specific as you can. If enough people can agree a change is especially bad, I'm more than willing to rethink it.
  11. What? Well, in a poorly designed video game perhaps, but in any true-to-human setting I know, you master one or two crafts in your lifetime, at best, even if you're some legendary hero. I can't recall anyone in myth or legend who was "Masterful" at everything. There are those who are good in one area and those who are good in two or three. The problem with "jack of all trades" being encouraged is that it's pretty much impossible to roleplay sensibly. You want to develop a mage character? Cool. Do you want to get to level 60? Well, you better pick up that bow and start using it in combat. Or start donning shields and heavy armor for a while. Are you roleplaying some chivalrous knight? Great! But be ready to lockpick, sneak and pickpocket to have access to that dragon armor perk and finish the 2h/heavy armor trees. You really lose a feel for what your character is and what you want to do with that character, when that character simply must do everything there is in the game - you can't choose to forgo something, you must eventually do everything. Which is unpleasant, at least for me. Not that you can't have a chivalrous knight who lockpicks or a mage that wears heavy armor - the only issue is you're forced to do this to get anywhere. You can choose not to, but then, well, goodluck doing anything as a pure mage past level 20. Then what is the purpose of the rest of a talent tree if you only need to spend five points to become more than proficient in a given skill? In what way? Firstly, everyone's experience is different, I'm speaking from my experience and I certainly believe magic is not in a good state. Secondly, your friend may just have done a bunch of "easy" quests and spent a lot of time cultivating the rest of the gear. My character is level 50 right now, and I can assure you magic is beyond awful. What's your opinion? Let your friend speak for himself. Believe me, I'm rolling in gold, it's not hard to get gold at all. Even with fences being scarce and your inventory space limited, it's just too easy to make a living stealing everything in sight or just selling a few rare items after every quest. On the quests I've been on, Archers have had tons of health, switch to dual wielding swords when I get close, and fling arrows so powerful they take away 1/3 my health when I don't even realize they're there. They tend to stay in the back and in the shadows, surprising me and making me sigh when I die out of nowhere from a random burst of damage. But if everyone else thinks they're not overpowered, I suppose I wouldn't touch them in a patch. You can reason it away with whatever in-game logic you want, the fact is, heavy armor has no combat downside if you are not encumbered by using it. Why pick light armor or cloth over it? Neither give bonuses that are worth talking about. It's strictly unbalanced. It's also acquired at skill rank 70, not 100, so it's not /that/ difficult to acquire if you wear it from the start of the game until about level 30. Oh no, you don't get to use "etc." after stating the only two decent end-game perks. And anyway, if you're not using heavy armor, neither of those end tier perks matter. I'm talking about Paralyzing attack for 1h, bows and 2h All the "master X" perk for any magical tree - it simply reduces mana costs of master level spells to the point where you can actually use them! Crouch taking you out of combat for a second Fire making enemies run away in fear (who ever wants this? they just run away and aggro more enemies for you to fight) The master heavy/light armor skills are kind of weak (10% dodge for light, 10% damage reflect for heavy armor), 10% dodge is nearly equivalent to 10% damage reduction (actually slightly more, about 11-12% damage reduction) which you can acquire on any half-way decent ring at about level 30. 10% damage reflect I can't speak for since I don't have the talent yet, but it seems weak. other talents like "persuasion is 30% more effective" or "you won't trigger pressure plates" Are also huge wastes. What? I'm doing it wrong? It's a magical discipline. So you're saying I picked the wrong tree? Why is it in the game? They should have taken it out like mysticism. It's this kind of attitude of the playerbase that will end up with TESVI having 5 skill trees to pick from. Conjuration SHOULD be a respectable reasonable choice for a player to "major" in. In fact, you seem to be totally against this idea entirely. That's fine! But some players may enjoy "Majoring" and restricting themselves to one or two skill trees. They should be able to. That's what "specialization" is all about. That's why I even bother playing RPGs. It's apart of "character development". Making choices and following through with them in a virtual world. Oh now I know you're trolling me. Todd may be able to get away with "200 endings in fallout 3" but you can't get away with this. There are 18 skill trees. There are about 9 talents per tree. Some perks can only be increased by 1. Some can only be increased by 2. Some are 3 or 5. If we approximate this at 3 levels per perk, that does definitely put things over 200 perks, in reality there are only unique 162 perks, but unique is really being generous here, since the 2h, 1h, and bows all share the same end tier perk and all the magic schools share the same end tier perk, so really there are probably less than 150 unique perks. And of the combat perks, at least half increase damage by X%, only a few add interesting or defining aspects (like bleed on hit, or disintegrate when health is low). So no, unless for some reason you think more, balanced and interesting perks to choose from is bad, I think there aren't enough perks. You're at most given at most two different paths to follow on a given skill discipline, while most RPGs are gracious enough to offer 3 different routes of advancement. We can strive to do better here I think. There really isn't much of a choice to make when one perk offers a straight up +100% damage and another far up the tree offers you 25 bleed damage over 5 seconds. I value what you have to say, even if I suspect you of not being entirely serious here, but I'm going to have to disagree with all of your rebuttals and question whether we've both been playing the same game or at least share even remotely similar ideas on what an ORPG should play like. edit: Oh and if you think 200 perks is "a lot" you haven't played many video games. Have you seen how crazy some games can get? Over 700 "perks"
  12. You can still find remnants of Oblivion and Fallout in Skyrim, if my friend isn't just spewing lies into my head. The engine is probably not too distinct from Obivion's, I doubt there will be such problems. I'll be shocked if Oblivion mods just can't be converted (with some effort of course) over to Skyrim.
  13. Please don't apologize for Bethesda's incompetence. They made so much money off Skyrim (which is essentially an Oblivion Xpack in its current state). Something simple like footprints is not a lot of development time or money. They chose not to implement it to cut costs. I don't think anyone's implying the footprints should exist for 24 real time hours, made dynamically by some footprint-creation algorithm -- the least that can occur is for footprints to be created by things within your view/draw distance and for them to fade as you walk out of such a distance, or for them to fade after a set 5-60 seconds.
  14. I too would like a mod to come out sooner rather than later, but the soonest I can even begin is after fall semester ends in December :P hopefully someone will be faster than me and address my concerns before then. Of course, this is even assuming the toolkit is out by December. I certainly hope it is.
  15. I suppose magic on the monster end can be strong, I've encountered some enemy mages that have been tough, but I'm mostly talking about players here. The only non-archer monsters I've had trouble with on Adept have been the spectral ghosts you fight during the Werewolf quest line and some of the mages you fight during the Winterhold questline. Maybe I was just underleveled or unprepared for those encounters, but they were not easy. But anyway, the ice troll you encounter on your way to meet the monks for the first time is impossible to beat for any mage character, for instance. Even though they're "weak to fire" a single firebolt does 1/25th their life and by the time you can cast 25 of those you're far beyond dead. Mid/late game it is always better to use a melee weapon over magic, except in instances where you're being swarmed by a lot of enemies (which is... almost never) in which case AOE spells are decent, but only when you can anticipate an encounter and prepare, timing the spell just right. And even then, all those attackers will likely be left with 20-40% of their life, which you'll have to fight off with 0 magicka. Frankly, I find it ridiculous how costly PC spells are. If you invest 40 levels in improving magicka (+400 magicka) you can barely cast 2-4 upper division spells before going dry. That's 40 whole freaking levels for just 500 magicka. You hardly need more than 250 stamina to swing that 2H axe to your desires, using the rest to buy into health or a little magicka for some alteration/illusion buff. I don't know what to say about shields. Guardsmen are ridiculously tanky with their shields, you can mash them with that power swing from any great 2h weapon and... well shields drag fights out way too long. I don't know if I should nerf them, adjust them (shifting them into a more offensive role with shield bashing and shield charging), or keep them as is.
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