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About oikm

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  1. I have known about mthe Wattz laser gun mod for quite a while now, and if you didn't know, it actually shot a laser bolt in the previous fallout games, so I was wondering how I could do that. Then I found this mod called Laser Bolt FX, and I wanted to see how I could add that to the Wattz Laser Gun, just to distinguish it from the laser rifle found in the base game. Maybe add it to the brotherhood of steel as a replacer weapon for them? How could I add this effect to the Wattz Laser Gun and how could I replace the laser rifle found in the brotherhood levelled lists and vendor lists with that mod? Please and Thank you! - oikm
  2. So, I found that Weaponsmith Extended has New Calibers and LOADS patched so they work together, and I found a Reddit thread that asked the same question as me: Can I do it without Weaponsmith. https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/c6ayrq/fo4_is_weaponsmith_extended_really_the_only_way/Problem is that it doesn't really go into detail on how it would go, and due to the fact I am new to modding, I would like either an actual guide that can be linked to, a guide in the post below, or a safe (virus-free) patch that can be linked in the posts. And if you can, can I ask how you would make a patch with this patch in order for it to work with modded weapons. Please and thank you! - oikm
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