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About 2167997538

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  1. https://ibb.co/fu7EQz That is the grass what I mean. It seem like some kind of texture or something? Since I wanted to put some floors on the ground, I have doubted those grass might waste the machine‘s resource or not, otherwise it's truely unnecessary. I have changed the texture of the ground to "NONE", but they were still there. Has there any way to delete those things?
  2. I finally understand why this situation occured, case the mod I previously edited hadn't set as a Active, I had saved my last data to a brand-new mod I created. Whaat a s#*!!
  3. Oh it seems like what I have inputed in CK will be effected into the game but what I changed and deleted just got no result.
  4. I wanna to built my architecture by using the Creation Kit. But the problem which bothered me is after loading my mod into the game, the original things I have cleaned already in Creation Kit are still there. ...AND also my creation in game, settlers who I have summoned before, and so on. Have there any methods to clean those thing even in player archive? I have looked for hard but haven't gotten the answer.. Sincerely wish someone can help me.
  5. OH..thanks. I have heard of that before. Looks like I have to make a huge work.
  6. I wanna to know if I can pick up my building in game into the Creation Kit or not. I have taken a lot of time on it... The building was running well but it truely made my machine run slowly after that(Maybe what I have built is too complicated). And the Settlers were so stupid that they even need to take a loong time to go upstairs. I have had enough of it! So I want to make some change in Creation Kit and by the way to enchance the lamplight somewhere. Just let it become a more comfortable one. Could someone help me out?If you know, I truely need your help...Sending my appreciate. I have h
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