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About avallanche

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  1. https://bethesda.net/pt/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/3105041 https://bethesda.net/pt/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/3260335
  2. I cant find it either but apparently there is one somewhere...
  3. Thanks people for the help. And thank you greyday01, thats what I wanted.
  4. Yeah... thats the problem... I was afraid of doing it because I dont want to mess with vanilla stuff. But I will make a backup and give it a try. Thanks.
  5. I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear... What I mean is... I placed some structures around (towers, houses, walls and stuff) without duplicating them... so now, if I change the textures it will change it globally, right? I dont want that. So... is there a way to change the textures now, without duplicating the itens just so I dont need to place them again?
  6. Hi. I'm creating a castle in the CK using most vanilla assets and now that it's almost finished i'm considering changing some textures... walls and towers mostly... The problem is... I dont want to change vanilla textures, only the assets I used. I should have duplicated them at the start, but I didnt... so... is there a way to duplicate the objects "in place" so I dont have to redone everything? Or is there a way to replace the texture of one specific asset without changing it globally? Thanks.
  7. As said, heavily depends on the type of guild... building from ground up, for true neutrality and convenience, it would be preferable somewhere in Whiterun... Dont know what your plains are in style and such but from the little info we got here, I would suggest someting in the lines of retaking a fort and gaining control over it... How about Fort Greymoor? Plenty of space for improvements, well defended, center location, no big quests involved (except for Agnes), and being a fort it is plausible for any group to establish there... from farmers to warlords... from necromancers to templars... anything is fine... And you can simply add structures there or, even better, add some kind of quest to rebuild it slowly...
  8. I wont link it here because I dont know about external link rules... but you are probably thinking about Heliomancy Spell Pack... its free at Bethesda.net.
  9. I got no answer but since I found out the problem, I will let it here as it may help other people... who knows... It's the Mind Killer - Cloak proc effect from WinterSun... worshipping Vaermina. Dont know if it was supposed to have this visual effect but... well...
  10. Creatures at close range are having this weird purple flame effect. I'm having a hard time trying to find out from which mod this comes... Its a mid playthrough with SSEMerged and Bashed, so I was wondering the best way to isolate the problem... any sugestion?Its there a way to isolate the effect without uninstalling a bunch of mods? Glad for any help.PS: Pls dont mind the bad quality of the image.
  11. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6521
  12. Absolutely. It's a immersive mod really, nothing else. You can stuff any container you find and came back to retrieve it later or use the savage beacon... no npc will touch it (unfortunately). The idea here is a hiden container... not something as exposed as a dresser in some random house. Again, a nitpick for immersion. Only asked because NV have one.
  13. Simple Question: Does anyone knows a mod that allows you to hide/ bury stuff and mark it on your map? NV used to have something similar. You drop a duffle bag, put loot inside, hide it and mark it on the map to retrieve later. Very useful on Survivor Mode.
  14. Its a really silly mod but I'm doing it anyway to learn my way around the C. Kit. So any tip would be much apreciatted.
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