Hello, everyone. First off I'd like to preface this post by saying that this is (Obviously) my first ever post to the nexus forums, and as such I expect for this post to go completely unseen by those whom could offer me the most help. With this in mind I would like to continue on this note; if anyone believes that they can render credible assistance to me and thus the project, or are just interested in hearing more of my ideas in general please feel free to message me. With that out of the way lets get to the crazy part of this post Project "Metro".... Project Metro is an idea I have been fostering for some time (Since Fallout 3), it is an expansive idea for a mod that incorporates the difficult often iconic gaming choices of the Fallout Franchise with a more intense and gritty story than perhaps Bethesda is comfortable in writing into their original games (Can't bash on Bethesda but that is just how I see it), for me Project Metro draws heavily on the Metro 2033 game series (A series I see that deals with many of the same themes as the Fallout Franchise), and because of this I think one of the biggest goals I'm looking to accomplish with this project is an almost symbiotic merging of the two franchises stories, at least in some symbolic way. Project Metro for me is a launching point into a multi-part, multi-story mod series (At least in theory) although I am aware that it may be more dramatically correct to end the mod in one fell swoop. The basis for the mod is very simple; You are the Sole Survivor in your exploration of the Common Wealth you happen upon a train, taking the train out of the central Boston area you wind up in a horrible crash, pulled from the wreckage by a group of strangers you awaken in the underground of a small backwater Metro station. Coming to your senses you discover you are trapped in the interstate subway system (A vast metro system build under the greater metropolitan eastern United States before the great war.) Upon this discovery the Character will be faced with many difficult and often ambiguous moral choices as they attempt to fight their way through the metro system back to the Commonwealth. This is not even a fraction of what I have planned and scripted for this endeavor but I believe that the above snapshot alone provides a good basis for the project as a whole. However this is where the true meat of this post comes in. I alone cannot complete this mod (I'm a writer not a coder and certainly not a modder) I'm looking to assemble a team of creative individuals who are willing to work on a collaborative project to bring a new and interesting story to the Fallout Universe. If you are interested in joining the team or would like to hear more about my ideas and goals for the project please let know, just be informed that individuals with experience in the following areas would be great assets to the team and if you have mods dealing with any of these specific areas please give reference to them in your posted or messaged reply. Thank you all so much for your time and consideration. Areas of Experience Needed: -Interior/exterior Cell design(Level Design) -Mesh and texture design -Audio recording (Voice Actors) -Storyboard and creative writing help -General modding knowledge -Custom Scripting knowledge -Custom Animation creation -Custom Object creation (Weapons armor etc...) -Custom Character creation