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About KayleOfWhiterun

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  1. I admit, I'm kind of disappointed this isn't even getting any kind of comment :( Are people really happy with one-size-fits-all Dragon skulls? Ugh, at this rate I'll have to learn how to mod and model just to fix the stupidity of it all myself...so that could take ages...
  2. No one? Anyone? I know that this would require working with the mesh, but I was honestly surprised to find that no one had found this weird/stupid enough to make a mod since Skyrim came out O_o
  3. Am I the only one who thinks it's really weird/stupid/lazy how ALL dragons have the exact same skull when they die? Irrespective of what shape head and number of horns, if any, they have? Seeing a Revered or Serpentine Dragon magically grown horns as it dies is something of an immersion breaker, along with other types like Frost just losing some altogether. Unfortunately, I'm neither a modder or a modeller. D'you think anyone would be up for doing this? Would be a nice little immersion mod.
  4. No, I was asking "Is this possible, or is this only something the Devs have the tools to do?" This is the 'Mod Request' thread after all, right?
  5. So...no actually HELPFUL comments, then? Great -_-
  6. *Sigh* I did say, in the OP, that I had the WATER mod, and it's not what I'm after. Anyone who could actually make a mod like the one in the vid link (IF its even possible. I don't know, hence me asking) would be pretty useful about now...
  7. At first I thought it was actually a mod already, until someone asked if I was remembering something from the Bethesda GameJam. I was. (0:40 mark) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=iJguhBeaDIs How hard do people think it would be to make a mod that did that (the river flowing realistically, rather than what you get at the moment where you have water flowing into/through solid rock, the banks, sand, whatever, and out the other side with no interruption.) The W.A.T.E.R. mod doesn't do this for the majority of the river, although it does improve stuff like rocks in the river. I have no modding knowledge myself, sadly, so any more informed comments would be peachy, hah!
  8. Ah! Yes, that's the one! Damn, so that's not actually a mod that exists at the moment? Hm, might have to move this to the requests thread then, heh. Thanks t55.
  9. I do have that installed now and, while it does a pretty nice job, it's still not the one I remember. I think it might have been in one of the Mod Feature videos at some point? It basically made flowing water adhere totally to the river banks and whatnot, so you didn't have the flow coming out of a sheer rock or out of a sand-bank, stuff like that. It's only a little thing, I guess, but it bugs me that I have the memory of such a mod stuck in my head yet I can't find it XD
  10. Believe me, I've searched. River, Rivers, Water...all I get is a lot of mods to do with Riverwood and a few water colour changes. I'm certain there was one that made the rivers and lakes obey realistic phycis (i.e. no straight line water) Either I'm missing something in one of the mods I have looked at, or the one I'm thinking of has gone walkabout/got a different name.
  11. Hey guys, new around here and loving the pure awesome that is PC Skyrim. I have a question, or rather a need of help in tracking down a mod I remember seeing when not a Nexus member. It was one that re-worked the physics of the rivers and lakes/ponds in Skyrim, so that water flowed (or didn't) in accordance to the way the river went. i.e. you didn't have water flowing through or out of the river banks in impossible ways and stuff like that. Sorry this is a bit vague, if I could remember which one it was then I'd have already downloaded it, hah.
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