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Posts posted by Merovign

  1. I expect/hope it will be similar enough to be able to crib off the homework from the mods for Skyrim and FO4.


    I really needed the mods to play, especially opening up the restricted keybinds, but also the conflicts with reserved keys for separate menus like building.



  2. After seeing some space combat footage, I was shocked joysticks are unsupported. I was not expecting that.


    Jostick+keyboard is a lot more doable than Controller+keyboard, controllers are pretty much 2-handed (and can't point).


    I hope someone has an idea how to add that, I got nothing.

  3. What resolution are you playing at?


    My FPS is not that low, but between the last update and the last *driver* update I've noticed poorer performance in general.


    PS I've seen it reported that even texture mods that are supposed to improve FPS can instead hurt it. It might be worth removing any "performance" mods and seeing what happens (or even reinstalling vanilla).

  4. The idea of the place becoming a shipping hub sounds interesting but I can't grow anything there and can't place any water pumps there so how do I turn it into a shipping hub?


    Shipping hub, not production hub. I have no production there at all, and no humans (except Cruz). The robots just zoom around the Commonwealth moving goods. They just use the Lair as a base.


    I'm honestly not sure how effective it is compared to "random provisioning" (i.e. just sending people from one base to another), I haven't done a comparison and I'm not sure the scripts are that smart.


    I was also disappointed that the facility is just broken and there's nothing really to do with it, and that the primary result of the DLC is two new hostile factions to clutter up the landscape. My Commonwealth is starting to get really crowded.

  5. The AI and the settlement scripts don't really take account of walls, which boggles my mind, because it's *literally* the first thing I and a lot of other people thought of - controlling access.


    As it turns out, the scripts reward you for "gaming the rules" by building relatively unnatural settlements. I admit my refusal to do so is a little bit OCD, but I'm hoping someone will re-script to take account of *really obvious* things like walls and creature comforts and defenses that actually work when you're not present. That sort of thing. I build those anyway because I'm not playing a slumlord. Even though the NPCs don't use anything but chairs and beds and stoves.


    It's not like there's a manual or help system. I had to learn all of this from forums because in addition to bugfixes, Bethesda has outsourced their manuals to the audience.

  6. If you have enough resources you can make it a provisioning hub. Custom robots make pretty good (and resilient, and fast) provisioners.


    It is very flawed as a settlement otherwise. I just pretend it's a shipping hub.


    I'm very annoyed that there's so little follow-up with Cruz, but that's par for the course in FO4. I would have liked a little more interaction and story after the DLC MQ ends, other than rote radiant quests. Perhaps modders...

  7. I could not even limit it to five.


    Yeah, I was disappointed that the memory den rehashed the opening scene and nothing else. Far too many interactions in the game end abruptly with little follow-through, including the romances - I mean, seriously, minor changed dialogue and a *perk* is what you get for building a relationship. So many "story stubs" are in the game, like Tina and Holt in Vault 81, or a large number of records of interesting but absent people at places like that trailer park in the foothills, University Point... the random settlers and farmers that have only incidental responses and no dialogue that you meet in the field. You can rescue synth K1-98 but that results in... well, nothing.


    There are even some NPCs (one "bum" in Diamond City) that can be sent to a settlement, including a few random settlers, but mostly, random neutrals have no real interaction. This is partly because it's a voiced game and giving everyone some distinct dialogue is even harder, but too much of it just leaves the game looking unfinished.


    You run into a man and his child in a small camp not too far from hostiles, and there is *nothing* you can do about it. You repeatedly come across the *remains* of a family or merchant or traveler that is already lost, or someone who is *scripted* to die like in Automatron. I'm getting kind of bored of the universe because I'm so irrelevant to it. A lot of the faction stories seem to sideline your decisions as well, and you basically have the Malignant Kidnapper faction, the High-Tech Thug faction, the Farming and Shooting faction, and the We're Always Getting Our Asses Kicked faction.


    Speaking of Automatron, man, those robots are kind of useless except as companions, and they have very limited options compared to other companions. I would have liked to see them with a *little* more complex behavior in settlements.


    The settlement system is also much more limited than is implied. You *can* build complex, decorated, improved settlements... but it doesn't help anything with regard to the rules of settlements. Like walls. Or defenses, which really only factor into an equation unless you're standing there at the time. I hope someone really rewrites the scripts for settlements so some of that matters.


    I like the *idea* of settlements but I'm constantly annoyed by the implementation. Now that the GECK is out, I hope that will improve. People are working on vault settlements. I keep saying I'm going to learn scripting, but I don't.


    Edit: Oh yeah, also many apparent settlements that aren't, like University Point, and things that *should* have had either a form of settlement or some other story, but didn't, like the General Atomics Galleria. The latter feels like it could have been an amazing settlement if cleaned up, with robot vendors and actual shops instead of stalls.

  8. Some of the SWF files have been edited, but not addressing this that I've seen.


    The Script Extender guys have been working on keybinding (which is only part of the problem) and have been kind of frustrated, but I think they recreated a custom keymap file.


    I'll probably stop checking the forums until after the GECK comes out. It's depressing.

  9. I built a really thoughtful defense and completely walled the area, and the bad guys just spawn inside the walls and *break plants* and steal my power armor and die in it - at which point it is *completely unrecoverable*.


    I don't know that I've found a single thing yet in this game that is intuitive or well thought-out.


    *If* the UI is sufficiently fixed before the GECK comes out, I will probably ignore settlements and the minutemen thing completely, because it's a huge time sink and it makes no sense.

  10. Yeah I love the concept but he is *shockingly* in the way - in hallways, doorways, and especially when I'm sniping. I have to go somewhere he can't or tell him to move, and that's hardly practical.


    Maybe a year from now there will be a mod to give him detailed behaviors, like some in Skyrim, or to make him invulnerable to PC damage and non-clipping to the PC.

  11. There are tons of threads on this, given how horribly broken the UI is. I am not wasting my time on the game for now.


    Unfortunately, while we may or may not get the *basic* ability to re-bind keys like in a sane world before then, something like "SkyUI for Fallout" will probably not be available until well into next year.


    Most of the mods out now are texture mods or something "easy" like that (as in minimal or no scripting).

  12. pretty sure its cuz you guys are editing the HUD files and not the actual files that control the key actions... tho idk if they would/did set it up like that


    AFAICT the SWF menu files *do* control the keys used in those menus, and can override the other changes you make in the control map they encoded into the executable.


    Someday some gaming archaeologist will create a novel theory as to why someone would do this, and have a good laugh.


    As was said above, they just assigned keys to the console buttons. This isn't a bad console port, a bad port implies it was ported. With the binding problems, lack of support for multiple GPUs and various aspect ratios, it's pretty clear it wasn't ported at all.

  13. 1) UI fixes and opening up binding (or even aftermarket keybinding that doesn't break other things - but that doesn't fix other UI problems)

    2) Quest, conversation and stability bugfixes.


    I was working on another list, but I'm not playing because of these, so right now it doesn't matter. If that stuff gets (mostly) fixed, I will worry about other mods.

  14. keybinding can be chance now with a mod and i seen som UI mods as well about the NPCs walking away from quest i have not seen that yet and i been playing for 63 hours




    AHK breaks VATS and some other things for me, and, frankly, I didn't pay for this to do months of beta testing.


    Also, AHK can't fix "everything buttons" like command/store/upmenu in construction or the bash/grenade button.

  15. I stopped playing because of several keybinding/UI bugs (as well as some other bugs like NPCs walking away from quest conversations and me not being able to restart them).


    So I'm waiting for that to be fixed, if possible, before I need any other mods.

  16. I would call a functional UI number one, but I've also complained from the beginning that my damned house is full of broken sticks and piles of leaves. That's pretty ridiculous.


    I know they have a "Fallout Aesthetic" they want to keep where everything is dirty and decayed, but for crying out loud, generally even primitive hovels made of sticks aren't filled with piles of trash and leaves.

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