This is one of mine: Lira, an Imperial, was a former member of the Penitus Oculatus, and one of few women given the honor. She was in Solitude, guarding a cartload of goods that was to be sent to the Emperor's ship before its departure. Then the Emperor was assassinated. Overnight, those left of the Penitus Oculatus were outcasts, shunned and embarrassed by their failure to protect the emperor from one little Dark Brotherhood assassin (one little assassin who'd managed to quietly kill every soul aboard that boat). Lira was dismissed for a failure she hadn't even been around to make a difference for; she was uselessly guarding a cart of wilting vegetables while Titus Mede the II was silenced forever. Abandoned in Skyrim, and with nothing left to lose, Lira decided to go after the assassin herself. After months of careful planning, watching, waiting and listening, her investigation became a subsequent, and unintentional, fascination. Not only was the assassin THE Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, but also the famed Dragonborn who was slaying dragons left and right. They held the title of Thane in cities across Skyrim. They had leadership ties to the Thieves Guild, the Companions, the Stormcloaks, and the Mage's College. They killed trolls, giants, hoards of bandits, vampires, Draugr, and Falmer as easily as shooting fish in a barrel. So, when she finally ambushed the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood as they were leaving the Dawnstar Sanctuary and attacked with everything she had, she already knew she didn't have a chance in hell. Instead, her plan from the start was to give the Listener damn hard time of it. Her steps were light and quick, her blade-work fast. She used potions and scrolls and defended against the Dragonborn's shouts and attacks as best she could, using summons to whittle away their focus and surprise explosions to knock them off their feet. It was a good attempt, but futile, as she'd known. As she crouched, one knee on the ground with a hand holding onto a bleeding wound at her side, she bid the Listener to finish it. Instead, they said, "Well, that was fun. Now... who are you again?"" That day, Lira failed to counter the Listener's persuade check and ended up joining the Dark Brotherhood. It was Lira's rebirth. These days, when she's not performing Black Sacrament assassinations, or puttering about on her own interests, she's following the Listener all over Skyrim and beyond, finding out just what it's like to go up against dragons and hoards of Draugr, bandits, vampires and Falmer. And the occasional surprise! cave bear. ---- I wish Lira was an actual follower. :)