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About Testsubject276

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  1. [Mockup image for thought] Had this idea like 4 years ago, why not make a power armor station in the shape of a robot workbench? Like functionally it works like a power armor station but it's physically a robot workbench with the welders moving about as you use it. You walk the armor onto the platform, interact with the terminal, the armor frame snaps to the the center, and you enter the power armor modification menu. Perhaps add an option to lock it behind the Automatron intro questline before you can craft it for immersion if you'd like. It'd also be nice if the textures were modified to use the yellow/black/orange materials as the vanilla power armor stations so that you don't mistake it for a standard robot workbench, perhaps put the power armor map icon onto the terminal screen when not being used to really drive the point home. Or go nuts and completely redesign it like this guy did.
  2. I'm familiar with malwarebytes on past computers, would that suffice?
  3. I'm seeing these too, it's infuriating. I can't even leave a nexus tab open in the background. Thankfully, my mouse has a back button I can spam to back out. The domain I keep seeing is "ak.itponytaa" if anyone smarter than me can figure that out.
  4. I've been fiddling with VISOR DIY and managed to get it working for a few days but out of nowhere it just stopped functioning. I uninstalled it, plugged in the desired form ID, and added the desired texture, but I couldn't get it to work again no matter how much I read the instructions up and down. What it's supposed to do is essentially stretch a partially transparent cosmetic overlay of your choice over your HUD depending on the headgear worn, I managed to apply it to a mod-added helmet but it only lasted so long. There's gotta be a more idiot (me) proof way of going about this. If anyone has the expertise to simplify such a mod idea, please let me know.
  5. I started working on a starter save file a few years ago and recently decided to complete it. There are three saves that go from incomplete, empty, to fully stocked. In order to use the file to progress through the game like normal, I want to lock several blueprints so that they may be rediscovered. However, it seems in my absence from the first game, the lock command has either been removed or never worked in the first place according to users also looking for a lock command. So I'm asking for some sort of way to reset any blueprint that isn't included by default. I'm not sure ion such a thing is even possible, but I figured I'd at least ask.
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