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  1. Everyone knows you MUST press spacebar to start a video game. Said no one ever in the history of video games. I've been trawling through Frosty Editor trying to find a way to mod the start up screen so it just goes straight into the main menu without the need to press anything let alone spacebar. I can't understand why developers feel the need to put any "press a key to start" in their games. Even on console, where you'd press Start. Why? What's the sodding point? I've found the text string, I can change that to something else (game\levels\mainmenu\ui) however there doesn't appear to be a way to change the binding to any key or skip the whole thing entirely and jump straight to the menu. Anyone got any ideas? I know I'm late to the Andromeda party. I deliberately avoided it since release and haven't even used Origin for three years.
  2. Red Rocket Truck Shop was the first place I called home, as did most players I suppose since it's the first place after Sanctuary players usually find. Now I've fixed up Croup Manor to the best of my abilities or rather the limitations of the crafting system, without using the Creation Kit. However like Red Rocket is gets wet inside despite the roof being intact and it not visibly raining inside. Now I could do what others have done and fix Croup Manor exterior up and change it into a new interior cell using the Creation Kit but that sounds like too much work at this point and besides I like the immediacy of grabbing some stuff or off loading the spoils of a recent trip and heading on out again without any loading screens. So is there a way to make a building like Croup Manor and Red Rocket stay dry when it's raining? I'm assuming dry areas are governed by a zone or something.
  3. Anyone know where each HUD element is in the HUDMenu.swf file? I want to move Health widget further into the bottom left corner, the compass to go at the top of the screen with stealth indicator below it. Also move a few other things around too by changing their X and Y positions. I don't know where they are in the file though and JPEXS is really complex to use. I know there are mods that do stuff like this already but they do things I don't want. I want my HUD elements to stay I just want to move them.
  4. I see numerous posts about opening it with Notepad++, when I open it with Notepad++ I just see NUL (mind you, I am using an old version of Notepad++). I wanted to know if it were possible to separately map "transfer" and "reload" and "bash" and "grenade". So annoying when I burn myself to death with a Molotov when I wanted to bash... right after looting a corpse when I really needed to reload. Thanks a lot Bethesda you PC hating dicks.
  5. Thanks for that. My error after using JPEXS was not putting the .swf file in the right folder. Works now, no more flashlight icon!
  6. Is there a mod where you can rebind "Transfer" to a different key other than Reload? I keep going into the inventory of dead bodies and containers when trying to reload. This is especially annoying if there's a big ol' pile of corpses in front of me and I need to keep shooting to make more of them! Should be simple shouldn't it? To have a separate key for both?
  7. Specifically I just want to remove the flashlight icon as it's completely unnecessary having one. I tried editing the HUDMenu.swf using JPEXS to move the icon off the screen (change it's Y coord) but this didn't seem to work so I figured I would just find the texture and erase it/blank it out instead - but I can't find it, in fact I can't find any HUD textures at all apart from map markers and compass in Fallout4 - Textures6.ba2. If this were a mesh I'd just edit the mesh in hex to point to a blank .dds texture but the flashlight icon isn't a mesh.
  8. No one then uh? Well if you want the mod I've made so far here it is And this is what it does: - Reduces the speed of stamina loss - Slows weapon degrade - Maximum ammo you can carry for pistols is 180 - Maximum ammo you can carry for rifles is 240 - Maximum ammo you can carry for shotguns is 120 - No penalities for dying - Longer day and night cycle (10 minutes of real time equals 1 hour of game time) - The majority of melee weapons can be repaired 4 times. - Removal of or changes to some tutorial hints: - Stamina loss - Use flashlight - Making a loud noise - Falling on destroyable roof - Being chased for more than 10 seconds - Entering a vehicle - Killing an enemy - Receiving heavy damage from fall and didn't die - Melee weapon gets damaged - Coop game reminders - Near inactive (unsecured) Safe Zones - "Night is Coming" is now "It is night time"
  9. I've disabled the majority of pop-up tutorial hints but I can't remove these two: "You have unspent skill points". The ID for that is HudPoi_FreeSkillPoints, and the text string is found in common_texts_all.bin. "You can craft a new item". The ID for that is Hud_CanCraftItem, and the text string is also found in common_texts_all.bin. However the parameters for both of the above don't appear to be in the usual tutorial_hints script, and in fact don't appear to be anywhere apart from a .dll but I'm not mucking about with .dll's or I might get VAC banned. It's very frustrating having disabled most of the hints apart from two of the most annoying. I could blank out the text from the string in the .bin file but that would still leave the pop-up and the sound it makes.
  10. Ooh, never mind I found 'em. There's me answering my own posts again. tutorial_hints.scr, if anyone's interested.
  11. I hate those prompts on the screen. The hints that tell you how use a flashflight when it's dark. No? REALLY? Use a flashlight when it's dark - I really did not think of doing that when it's dark and thanks for keep reminding me...EVERY FRICKING FIVE MINUTES! There are plenty of other incredibly annoying tutorial hints and button prompts that pop up right in the middle of the screen and quite frankly I want them gone. There are some I'd like to keep though and maybe there's a way to move the text to the top of the screen above the XP bar. The less HUD elements in my face the better. I'm working through the files trying to track them down, no luck so far. I thought perhaps tutorial_hints_textures.scr might have done it but it didn't seem to work and the game actually crashed but I think I know what I did wrong with that.
  12. So I end up answering my own post? So be it. Open up Data0.pak using 7-Zip, WinZip or similar (open the archive). Drag a copy of whatever you want to modify into a temp folder Make your changes to those files using Notepad++ Open up Data3.pak, put your modified files in there, keeping the same file structure as the one in Data0. Delete the place holder file in there. Done.
  13. I'm seeing conflicting posts about modding or using existing mods with Dying Light. From what I understand Techland have broken the usual modding procedures - even though they're blowing a big-ass trumpet about them supporting modding; they've got a funny way of doing that. So how does it work now? The game is, at time of writing this, on version 1.5.1. When I made a mod for Dead Island I just stuck files from the .pak files into the Out folder in Documents, this apparently doesn't work with Dying Light anymore...? Neither does dragging out files from Data0.pak, modifying them and dropping them back into the Data0.pak file using 7-Zip or equivalent. So what's the procedure now? I'd like to modify a few things. Anyone know why Techland went nuts and broke it all?
  14. So in other words scripts are save in the.esp file. Got it.
  15. I added a new script to a switch but I can't find it in the Data folder to include it in a mod. In Skyrim any scripts I create are in the script folder - I don't have a script folder for Fallout 3, so where's my script?
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