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Posts posted by amanasleep

  1. Bioelectric Skin and Battlescanners work for both sides in Multiplayer matches, but I guess that doesn't mean they work for aliens though. Would be awesome if aliens could foil stealth since it's so game breaking against them.
  2. I have been playing Long War EW Beta 13 for a few weeks and having lots of fun, its superb. One thing that imho could use some kind of solution is the alien pod charge on smaller maps.


    Long war got much more aliens on maps , compared to vanilla. They also seem to react/ be drawn to firefights much faster then in vanilla. The result being most of the time on small maps, i dont move further then 1/2 move from the landing zone, when all the aleins from the map charge me in few subsequent turns. The result being small maps with 12 aleins are often much more difficult then large ufo with 25+ because on the small map you will get swarmed by them at nearly same time. And you will have nowhere to retreat, to regroup.


    Imho the diifficulty of XCom climbs expotenantialy with each alien you have to face on the same turn, and much slower with total aliens you got on a given map. I know making all aliens just camp inplace is lame and destroys the game, on other hand as it is , i really feel its a bit out of control.

    It's best to post this in the Long War Beta 13 Feedback thread.



  3. I have a legal rights question.


    Since UDK XCOM scripting requires at least dummy XCOM uc sources to be created, anyone who wants to make his own XCOM mutator, will need those files. To make things easier, we could share those dummy files via github, for example, for anyone to use and update. But do we have a right to publish XCOM content? If it's not an exact content, but non-functional script sources, obtained from the original XCOM resources by decompiling and manual editing?


    I think it's time to ask Firaxis for those files. :smile: UT unrealscript sources are public. Those files are needed by any coder to make his own mutators to the UT game. XCOM will require the same thing. Those files can be original Firaxis sources or dummy files re-created by the community. First option is certainly better. :smile:

    This dialogue could be started with a Direct Message through Twitter to Jake Solomon. I think a direct request from Johnnylump in particular would be considered seriously.

  4. Sorry, I was serious too. I really don't have twitter and don't plan on having one. Nor any other social account, as I dislike those.


    I posted long lists of game bugs and issues on 2K forums. But I don't know if they even bothered with reading this.


    I honestly don't think that we'll get modding tools some day. Firaxis works with Unreal Editor and only way we can do the same would be to have their source files. And I doubt they will release those.


    Understood. It's just pretty clear at this point that the 2k Forums channel does not prioritize issues for the Devs effectively.


    Every time a major issue gets tweeted to the leads it gets a prompt response. For my part I'll keep lurking here to find out what's really going on and I'll keep trying to make sure that important issues are communicated through whatever channels.

  5. I don't have twitter. :smile:


    I'm serious though. You guys know more about the game than anybody, and you can isolate specific technical issues and express them in ways that will get a dev's ears to prick up. Don't you want them to start thinking about mod tools and unlocking map building and stuff?

  6. Played 3 missions with full mimetic squad. Seems, they've been trying to fix "once marked — always marked" issue, when inactive aliens, discovered with ghosted soldier or battle scanner stayed visible forever. Now visibility seems to be reset after player's turn end. But it causes crazy teleporting, as aliens no longer makred as seen and thus allowed to warp around again. Had a very frustrating EXALT mission where I was chasing two teleporting pods around the whole map.


    EDIT: Apparently, I'm having this issue with EXALT units only. Other enemies behave as usual.


    PS If my assumption is true and they did in fact reset visibility at the end of player's turn, it can be fixed by resetting visibility at the end of aliens turn instead. Will look into this when I have time.


    PPS Seems, Firaxis motto for patching XCOM is "fix this, break that". :sad:


    Do you tweet @agauntpanda? You and other modders really should. A few tweets were literally the first time Garth and Ananda heard about Keybinding getting broke, and Ananda issued a swift apology and a pledge to fix.




    In fact I wouldn't mind if all alien units ignored stealth (aliens know stealth unit's position, but cannot fire on it). This would balance the fact that the player can shield scan to find stealthed or otherwise out of LOS aliens.



    This is actually already true, as the code that computes "goodness" of movement positions doesn't take into account stealth. So basically the AI gets to shield scan in order to find non-flanked positions to move to, but it also knows which positions will enable it to flank a unit, even if that unit is stealthed. And with these mods, performing the flank removes the stealth effect, allowing shooting.


    The only thing the AI isn't allowed to do (it doesn't know how) is to toss AoE damage to try and catch a stealthed unit in the blast.




    Regarding bioelectric skin -- I've been encountering a possible bug in vanilla if more than one XCOM unit has the ability. In this case only 1 unit actually triggers the bioelectric particle FX. I've tested this with 1, 2, and 3 units with the ability, and it's only ever 1 unit that triggers the effects. I don't know how revealing of stealthed units would work, and naturally the AI isn't coded to be able to "see" the bioelectric particle FX.



    This also occurs in MP. However, even though the particle effect will only work in areas where the fields overlap, multiple fields will reveal cloaked units independently out to their full radius.



    Bioelectric Skin detects all stealth in multiplayer. Is that another MP only feature?



    Well, there are a couple of abilities related to stealth that appear to be MP only: eAbility_ActivateStealthMP and eAbility_DeactivateStealthMP. The Seeker gets both of these abilities. I tried giving them to a soldier unit, but it had no effect.


    I also gave a soldier unit the Seeker stealth ability in SP, and the unit had unlimited duration stealth, with no timer counting down.


    However all of the code I've found related to eAbility_ActivateStealthMP doesn't seem to be conditional on being in a multiplayer match.


    As to whether bioelectric skin reveals stealth otherwise ... I'm not sure. It definitely removes Seeker stealth in SP, but that's the only alien stealth possible. I haven't yet tested giving alien Bioelectric Skin or Mimetic Skin, although I think both should work.



    I assume Seekers need these for MP because they cannot be Mind Controlled in SP so there is no use for those abilities. Also, I believe that SP Seekers have unlimited Stealth turns so the ability implementation appears to be a balancing decision.


    I absolutely think Alien units should get Bioelectric Skin as an ability. This would change the game dramatically. Thematically it makes a lot of sense to give it to Chryssalids at minimum. It would be a good upgrade for Sectoid Commanders and Etherials as well. In the case of Berzerkers, I would suggest that you code them to ignore stealth (if possible) and use Bull Rush on stealthed unit positions if possible.


    In fact I wouldn't mind if all alien units ignored stealth (aliens know stealth unit's position, but cannot fire on it). This would balance the fact that the player can shield scan to find stealthed or otherwise out of LOS aliens.


    Do aliens get any type of "Bioelectric Skin" skill? That would be a good counter, perhaps enhancing a grenade with an skill to do a 3x3 AoE that uncovers any hidden operatives (without damage or something), or give electric skin to leaders and navigators so they can check around them in a given area.


    It appears that bioelectric skin is hard-coded to only remove seeker stealth, not stealth in general.


    However it appears that the way that the AI is coded, it bases its movement on positions -- positions that can be flanked or, will result in the unit being flanked. These calculations appear to take into account stealthed units, so effectively the AI knows where the stealthed unit is, but simply is unable to actually target the stealthed unit (I envision this like the Predator stealth where you can kind of tell where the unit is).


    Alien units will move to get out of being flanked by stealthed units, and know how to move to flank a stealthed unit (which with the above changes will break the stealth, allowing the alien to shoot at the unit).



    Bioelectric Skin detects all stealth in multiplayer. Is that another MP only feature?

  10. Patch appears to be out: Steamdb.info has the details:

    about 3 hours ago Changed Depots
    200524/manifests/local: 7634550751683547080 › 3523071468591340335
    239611/manifests/local: 35227892197345556 › 5125292964508307141
    239613/manifests/local: 6674626164324208801 › 2232415522583377931
    239614/manifests/local: 3564840095358917743 › 3665409324116367448
    239615/manifests/local: 2088330805415867293 › 7568510185970565801
    239616/manifests/local: 284753000885733139 › 2640588613196602427
    239617/manifests/local: 384780111558113330 › 187593125508629090
    239618/manifests/local: 116357021336944192 › 6589315801036310170
    239619/manifests/local: 28728337118389002 › 2336787533608611712
    239620/manifests/local: 104805678445749475 › 8312956560941512889
    239621/manifests/local: 1044082872451034769 › 7427899575893169649
    239622/manifests/local: 393954813390701020 › 2617349663792162128
    239623/manifests/local: 2643480763377385141 › 182069866110214533
    239624/manifests/local: 712864875086334265 › 282054066920302911
    branches/local/buildid: 140641 › 149222
    I'm not at home and of course 2K never posts patch notes. Anybody have access to their EW install to test out changes?
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