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Everything posted by gaoptimize

  1. Conceptually simple, but maybe a challenge to implement. 1) Define the ideal climate and seasonal quality cycle, probably for ingredients the PC collects themselves - Altitude, latitude, direction of slope, shade, and dampness of soil. - These might be able to be calculated from the existing map, but hidden maps of these might need to be created with less than 4 bits per 10 Meters2, and will likely be highly compressible. 2) Determine the quality influence (maybe some combination of additive and multiplicative) that each of these factors have on potion quality and a reasonable compressor that would take the resulting quality number and compress it to say 10% of standard effectiveness to 10X the effectiveness. 3) Somehow convolve the one ingredient quality with the quality of 2 or 3 ingredients Now, rather than 3 or 4 RefIDs and base IDs (Minor, , ...Ultimate of Healing) there might be 10 or 20? I think this would add additional motivation to quest for ingredients and stockpile them for use in other seasons. So for snowberries, plants high up on the Throat of the World at the depths of winter might yield the most potent berries, and butterflies might be completely unavailable for four or 5 months of the year.
  2. By my count, the default game has ~9 fully covering female NPC voices. I think there ought to be more, and the highest priority NPCs unique to them (Lydia and Aela get to get their voices uniquely, for example). Now that elevenlabs.io can morph an audio file of any voice to another (~50 canned or recorded), it should be possible to batch generate all the standard NPC dialog plus high priority mods like the Nether's Follower Framework. If anyone knows the technical details of how this could be done, I'm happy to dedicate my month's worth of elevenlabs ($20) to contributing to make this happen. Maybe we could also find some English-speaking Nordic women (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Russian, Fin, Scottish, Irish, and British) to lend their voices (~10 minutes of recording to be semi-immortalized ;). ( https://elevenlabs.io/blog/how-to-clone-voice )
  3. While the interiors would need to be done, and perhaps change the building exteriors back 500 years, I have to believe that JK or the other epic city modders could take this file: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/mont-saint-michel-france-ee4eb76e449044d297010c49a178825a and quickly build an epic location. They only want attribution, which is de rigeure in this community.
  4. The worst is when a NPC paralyzes an animal and the party spends the next 90 seconds taunting and casting high-level spells at its motionless body. LOL!
  5. How hard would it be for someone to convert a candle model and smoke effects into incense with various magical effects within an area of effect similar to the "circle" spells? I've got some general effects you could imagine, and then specific effects I would PM you with related to the "O" mods.
  6. Hi, I don't know if it is just Apocalypse Magic or even the base game spells, but I don't think expert and master level destruction spells would be invoked against low level targets by NPCs. Maybe a mod could be created to classify the standard set of animal opponents like spells and NPCs would choose spells up to one class higher to attack them. Also, some of the pre-combat threatening and post-combat victory dialog by NPCs against these furry, non-sentient enemies sounds superfluous and idiotic.
  7. As much as I adore the 20s YO Lydia, Aela, etc, and am determined to not let them waste their youth in the long (decades game time, years real time) playthrough I'm in, I'd like them to age slowly and appropriately. I think it might be possible for a pre-game-load mod to do the following: 1) One time: Assign an age to high-priority NPCs (Lydia 27, Aela 24, Ildi 20 etc.). 2) Run this once or twice a game year before loading Skyrim. 3) Check the last game date of the most recent save (don't know what to do about older saves). 4) modify the skin and model appropriately for age in a batch process. IRL, when I was in Los Angeles CA in my 20's, I had several girl friends in their 40's and 50's who I was very fond of, and I'd like my dearest NPCs to age into women like these.
  8. I honestly haven't thought about Starfield since January. But I noticed in gaming news the creation kit is out. I'm wodering when the OXxxx series of mods, or the equivalents are comming so I can start my "Barbarella" playthrough? I'll check back in the fall unless this is answered here sooner.
  9. I just want a lore-friendly explanation of all the gold,
  10. A mod called "Stacks of Septims" became popular today. Further, come to think of it, late game a player might come into 5 or 6 figures of septims. Is there lore where the imperial mint got the gold for this, ehem...liquidity/money supply? If not, why not in Skyrim somewhere? The penny anti Kolskegger gold mine isn't a satisfactory solution in size or productivity. Maybe "panning for gold", could be added as an activity downstream of it? But that would still be not enough. If you saw the Peter Jackson LOTR movie "Fellowship of the Ring", you know the vast scale of the Mines of Moria, to fill the Drwarven halls taken as a bed of gold for Smog. Still, a scale demonstrated as feasible for a mod by Blackreach. I've mentioned it before, but a mint would be an excellent mod too.
  11. I'm creating a series of speaches for Heimskr, barrowing and adapting from history using GPT-4 1106 preview. My goal is ~50, but one of those is an adaptation of a famous 1938 speech "Sudetenland Germans" to be about "Bruma Nords" in the context of Skyrim's civil war. A hold-up is finding the right voice at elevenlabs.io (to avoid copywrite issues) and that OpenAI is censoring it, so I'll have to do this one by hand. Does anyone know of, or might have interest in creating an extension mod to the civil war about the taking of Bruma from the empire? Example: Heimskr does Shakespear's Henry the 5th : "Hear me once more, you proud sons and daughters of the land of Skyrim, for today we extol the virtue of our protector, our guardian, the Dragonborn. As Ysgramor himself, with a band of mere hundreds, carved an empire from the untamed wilds, so too has our hero shaped destiny with the dragons' voice and unbreakable will. Lo, as Alduin darkened the skies of Helgen, as terror reigned and ash fell like snow upon our homes, the Dragonborn strode forth, undaunted. In their gaze lay the stillness of the highest peaks, and in their hand, the force that turns the river’s course. So did they stand for Whiterun, as the shield-barer for us all, casting out the darkened tide with heart as pure as Skyrim’s crystal streams. We honor you Dragonborn, not for power or glory sought, but for your love of Skyrim. For the Dragonborn's ambition was not of the self, but for the welfare of the Nord people, for the freedom of our children, and for the sanctity of the realm that has cradled our kin since the dawn of time. History remember the Dragonborn, with a nobility carved not from lineage, but from deeds that etch into the immortal stones of this world. Let none forget the hero who confronted Death itself, whose Thu'um unleashed the valor of our ancestors, and whose sacrifice eclipsed the most resplendent of Sovngarde's offerings. This hallowd shrine, this blessed Whiterun, this sacred Nirn, this realm, this Skyrim, nourished by the Dragonborn's indomitable spirit, now blooms anew. Look upon their works, ye mighty, and rejoice! For they have halted the twilight that sought to claim our day, and in its stead has affirmed the dawn of an era—an era where every man, woman, and child may walk in the light of their own destiny. Let our songs carry forth on the wind’s howl, from the deepest caverns to the highest eaves of the pines. The Dragonborn's story, interwoven with the stars above, shall forever illuminate the proud legacy of the Nords. 'Their life was gentle, and the elements so mixed in them' that the Gods themselves might stand in awe to proclaim to all the realms: here was a champion of Skyrim."
  12. I'd like to take nominations for any 3D rendered game made since 2020 that has uglier NPCs than Starfield, and at the same time laud the character, body, clothing, makeup, and tatoo artists that keep making Skyrim SE evermore gorgeous. Let's assess the situation: Top 30 days mods downloads: Skyrim SE ~>30K. Starfield ~1.6K. I suspect no amount of fresh interstellar planetary adventure can compensate for the revulsion caused by the female NPC appearance in Starfield. Ranking soy-based foods, atrazine, fluoride water/toothepaste, flourescent lighting. lack of sunlight and exercise, and cell phones in pockets against Starfield, it is clear that Starfield is the leading cause of male disfunction syndrome (both interest and counts). On the other hand >12 years later, Skyrim continues to evoke all wholesome heroic energies with Nord goddesses saying things like "May you die with a sword in your hand friend". When I decided to postpone my purchase of Starfield until it didn't look like crap, I though I'd be playing it Christmas holidays 2023. Now, I doubt I'll ever play it. Bethesda probably got more than compensated by Microsoft for fulfilling their emasculating corporate agenda.
  13. Hello, I've been very into the natural beauty I get from gaming since the ENBs and other mods have turned my version of Skyrim into a visual paradise. While not a fan of the star of the movie "Barbarella", I'm holding off playing Starfield until the mods necessary to recreate it's energy. Thanks!
  14. Now that we have Mantella, Skyrim Together Reborn and increasingly sophisticated coding AIs, I believe the state of the art to create what might be the ultimate Dungeons and Dragons within the context of Skyrim. 1) Supports a "party" of human PCs and NPC followers 2) Supports an observer only "Dungeon Master" 3) A coding focused LLM AI (Wizardcoder?) is taught (LORA) the Creation Kit and a vector database (Pinecone?) is loaded up with every high quality mod that is effectively open source with appropriate permissions granted here at Nexus - Conversation with this AI allows a DM or module creator to generate quest and other mods in a few minutes rather than days 4) The AI creates NPC replicas of the PCs and can test these mods using various NPC AI packages, and then outputs stats on success rates, with the ability to nerf and harden the mod to achieve a desired dificulty 5) Stats on PC deaths and other behavior during play are fed back to the AI for calibration of their replicas 6) If a human is unvailable to play in a session, the NPC replica can stand in 7) A universal common mod load utility can create a shared profile for all players, assuring a common experience 8 ) Options for "restart session or from last save on any player death" or some reincarnation/resurrection mechanism would be included Obviously, this is a major endeavor, but as what I percieve as the ultimate form of D&D, I believe it is worth pursuing.
  15. I think it's weird that characters can come across an item and immediately know that it is magical and precisely how much and effects. Wouldn't it be immersive to be required to take the item to an enchanting table that would reveal its magic in steps, depending on a characters Enchanting level? Novice: It's magical. Apprentice: It's affects are of this type. Expert: The effects are this powerful. Master: The second or other effect(s) are... . So, your inventory would say something like "Thin Nordic Silver Ring", then "Magical Thin Nordic Silver Ring", then "Thin Nordic Silver Ring of Alchemy", then "Peerless Thin Nordic Ring of Alchemy". Ideally, Farengar and other wizards of higher Enchanting level that the character could offer a service.
  16. There are far too many undeserving souls trapped in the Soul Cairn. I think about eternity now and then (most recently in just a 40 minute wait for a doctor in an examination room and IRL upped my praying and improved my behaivor and kindness, but I think it would be great if in Skyrim "Dawnguard", there were specially blessed soul gems or a staff maybe that would let you capture souls in the Soul Cairn, and through some elaborate ritual back in Nirn (special pool, vampire or corps dust, soul gem, offerings to Gods) allowed you to reincarnate the person who had been trapped. Of course, the Ideal Maters would be enraged by this and attack in force, as would necromancers back in Nirn. Maybe those rescued would form a faction like the Dawnguard, but dedicated to wiping out necromancers and necromancy.
  17. At least in my standard begining playthoughs, Bleak Falls Barrow is the first real dungeon challenge. Also for me, a unque high-performance armor piece or weapon that stays with the character for >10 levels becomes part of the character's persona, even if it is just an executioners hood. I propose that various performance stats be tracked/scored during the Dragon Stone quest and that score, compared to some norms, determine the contents of the large chest in the main chamber, that depending on the score will be a somewhat OP armor piece or weapon that the player will treasure and keep for ~20 levels into the early game.
  18. The implementation of research is fundamentally flawed in this game and kills immersion. How many people in known space do you think can afford a state-of-the-art research station in the game, and in some believeable immersive world? Most people in this game, and well-funded elite institutions and consortiums in a believeable world. Besides the money, 10 years of post-graduate and post-doctorate education is generally required to join elite teams doing this kind of research. A mod should be developed that involves industrial espionage, network funding and coordination of research teams, and reverse engineering of advanced equipment discovered or captured. For example, Constellation should have a James Bond-like "Q-Division" that the PC interacts with and is given assignments by. There should be corporate. government/military, criminal, and derelict labs with various greedy (Pf....-like), benevolent, and mad scientists at work on various advances that are tied into or give various side quests. The rewards of these quests would be tech, advancement in skill, advancement in these organizations, and money. There should be discoverable ancient and alien tech and research equipment and facilities. Research NPCs should be available and most prized of all.
  19. Hello, I was studying embedding with regard to Llama-2 today (Chroma), and it seems to me it would be straight forward to embed terain descriptions for Skyrim and the total map and region level, then tell her to "Make the map bigger, but keep similiar features in the regions". Most of us have the disk space to handle a larger map, and I've felt cramped in the Skyrim map for 10 years. Do this and make the embedding available, or the Llama-2 instance, available to the community, and it will usher in a new age of Skyrim mods. Thanks!
  20. VersuchDrei, Migal, ColdSun, Shadowman, and an army of others will take care of this disaster shortly after the CK is released.
  21. Congratulations Bethesda, Half the people in Starfied are so ugly, that the game, as measured by the mod download and comment levels, is dying. It reminds me of a story Patrick tells SpongeBob, in the "Sunday" episode: "Once upon a time there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The End."
  22. So the "Garfield" planet had me and the entire family in stiches for 10 minutes. Now how about "Men in Black" weapons?
  23. I'd appreciate a modder considering changing the travel time between systems, adding necessary hypersleep, a "Fertility Mode" similar to Skyrim, and think through and implement a compatible exconomic system. I will have no interest in starting a 2nd playthrough until this is done.
  24. Does anyone think it odd that fundamental features of EXTREMELY popular Skrim mods (Nether's) were not include in base Starfield?
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