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Everything posted by evilkoal
if you are looking at NEW video cards that dont support Dx11, you are being mislead my friend. the radeon 5xxx series, and 6xxx series all support dx11, and Nvidia's new GTX 400 and 500 series both support dx11. you might want to find a new place for computer hardware bro. dx11 has been out for a while now, and all new hardware that is worth a crap supports it. the only reason we do not see developers making dx11 games is because these douchebags running microsoft and sony still think their 5 YEAR OLD hardware can still hack it against the new hardware, which it has NO chance of doing whatsoever. my quadcore cpu is faster than the freaking ps3's 8 core. and if you would have read my post, i said i did not expect them to read anything i said and care.
well, i just hope for their sake that the creation engine is not direct x 9 if it is, then they wasted a LOT of money the oblivion quest only took me like four hours because it sucked? that was not the first time i had played it though. for me, oblivion, fallout and nv were all about the RPG and dungeon diving, not bethesda's story. i could really give a crap less what the backstory is as long as i have a gigantic open landscape to explore that is full of detail and horrifying monsters to kill. and is it just me, or are the monsters in video games getting more and more beautiful and less monstrous? i thought monsters were meant to make you cringe when you look at them, not make you go "oh wow how beautiful is that troll's face!" (now i could understand for a dragon, but that is different lol, dragons are not monsters!) anyway, the screenshots are not looking any better, but i have not seen anything labelled PC. the further and further along we get, the more and more i am expecting a direct console port, just like the last three times. (cheap B******S!) i wish the devs knew how to read, then they would be able to see what the hell they were doing wrong ;) and by no means to i expect them to give a flying f--- what i post on the web lol.
So.. what you're saying is that graphics is everything? Graphics is the least important thing about a game. It could have Morrowind Graphics, yet still be better than any games made nowadays! It's all about the Gameplay, depth and story; these things are what makes a game. no, i am not saying graphics are everything. I still play mount and blade: warband, even though the graphics suck ass, just because the combat is amazing. I really don't understand what you're getting at... We have only ever seen one animation from Skyrim, and that is a great animation of a centurion! We have no idea how many quests are in the game, only that they have stated there are hundreds of hours of play with the side-quests (Because of Radiant Story) Hell, we haven't even seen what the graphics really are! Only some screenshots from the Xbox! 4 hours?! Where do you get this from? It has already been confirmed the Main Quest is approximately 20 hours long, and as already stated, hundreds of hours with the side quests. Bethesda has never released a game that lasted 4 hours or less! I'll say, wait till the game comes out before you start complaining - as of now, you have no ground to complain about! I was speaking about oblivion, and morrowind. oblivion's animations sucked, even for when they came out. oblivion's textures sucked, even when they came out. oblivion's quests were boring and uninspired. the landscapes were crap, but they are fixing that supposedly. the oblivion quest was supposedly like 15hrs long too, but it takes like four hours to complete. If their track record holds true, the same thing will happen again. dont get me wrong, TES:V does SOUND like a good game, but they have a penchant for over exaggerating their miniscule acievements. by no means does it LOOK like a good game though.
i understand that some people dont mind recieving a piece of turd for their hard earned money (or in some cases not so hard). but unlike everyone else, i dont have enough money to throw away $60 every time a game comes out. i want a game that i can play for a long time, not a game that will last me four hours. i also understand that the modding community will most likely fix all the issues with the game, but WHY does the modding community have to do NEARLY EVERYTHING to make the game great? we have to make our own textures, because the ones they provide us with are bottom line, almost outdated. we have to make our own quests, because they only put twenty all together in the game. we have to make our own animations, because theirs blow. hell, if we are going to freaking build their game for them, why dont they just release the source code?
Well, you could play mount and blade, but it is not open world like oblivion. the swordplay is much more intense, and gripping than any of the games i have ever played, yet the graphics suck hardcore and it costs $30. i keep trying other rpgs but the combat just sucks so bad after playing mount and blade that i dont really get into them like i used to. maybe bethesda's new combat system will be good though, and maybe i will put down mount and blade forever. maybe i am just getting riled up over nothing. maybe the game will be great, and maybe the graphics will be up to date. we wont know until the game comes out. from past experience though, i am expecting 1/3 of what their hype is suggesting, and what is done to be done badly that way i am not dissapointed if it is that way, and pleasantly surprised if it is well executed.
i understand that these are console screenshots, but when i played fallout 3, oblivion, and new vegas (pc vs console) they looked about the same for all three unless you mod the hell out of them. graphics are not everything, hell, i still play mount and blade because the swordplay is awesome. i am just pissed that we keep getting handed old s*** that is completely out of date by the time it gets to us. i will NOT buy this game if it is direct x 9. nobody else should either. why would you take an old rod up the pooper when you can get twice as much for half the cost elsewhere? i will recieve this game either way, either from family or whatever, but i will not purchase this game if the engine runs direct x 9. Dx11 does not have that many horrible bugs ;) have you ever played metro 2033? i did not experience a single bug when i was playing that game. then again, the people that made that game werent lazy americans that dont enjoy their work, i am sure. (i am american, before you get offended) and i actually am starting my own game with the UDK ;)
the sensors could easily be modded into use, look at that guy using kinect to play COD (google it). i am pretty sure the kinect just uses gestures instead of buttons (which is shitty.) the playstation move on the otherhand is more complicated, and totally awesome. I am a PC gamer through and through, but i have all three systems. Play "the fight" for the ps3 for a few hours, and tell me how much you hate the motion controls and how it would be a bad idea to have the OPTION to use them.
are you kidding me? the textures look half as good as qarl's tex pack 3. it isnt like it takes more effort to paste in a high resolution picture than to paste in a low resolution picture. I have seen better clothes models/textures submitted by solo modders. overall, they are a big step from oblivion, though i will be pissed and not purchasing if the game is not Dx11. Dx9/10 are NO LONGER TOLERABLE. see all those nasty squared edges on the wench's shoulders and body? they would be completely removed by the addition of TESSELLATION, which is a Dx11 feature. the hair and fur looks like it is still going to be the same carboard crap we are used to, instead of the havok cloth they have access to. honestly, this game looks like crap compared to its potential. i cant stand to see so much money go in to a piece of garbage that will be outdated three months after its release, and will not support developers that waste my time and theirs with that kind of pollution. and these guys are professionals, wth.
can someone make a moving normal map of this texture, and use it for the fiend gang members normal maps? something to make them look more fiendish :D and maybe you could darken the bright spot a little so it doesnt look all funky as a normal map if anyone can do this, please let me know!
I have an idea for a run/walk speed mod that will interest people that crave realism, or faster than molasses walking speed. can someone make the walk speed a bit faster, and the run speed a bit faster? the run speed that the only mod out right now has is perfect. however, the mod is missing slower backwards speed, and slowdown on steep inclines. it would be great if someone could include the ability to sprint connected to shift for this mod as well. one more bug/problem with the mod that is out is that everything else speeds up as well as you. thanks, EK
found your problem! -----NVIDIA----- i had it happen to me a few times, then i dropped my sli'ed 9800gtxs and bought 5770. it performs faster, cooler, and uses less power!
evilkoal bursts through the interdimensional space-time weave, and starts shooting icicles at everybody :)
you would think that most servers have some relatively decent protection on them, but most don't. most police stations, fire departments, hospitals, and most businesses dont have adequate protection... quite sad actually. we pay millions of dollars each year for our infrastructure to be secure, but some kid in his moms basement can easily break into almost anywhere with relative ease. then if you cant figure it out, you can just use the brute force technique and now with dx11, your video card can be used as a processor... so think, 5 terraflops of processing power (per 5970 card) or you could go quad crossfire, plus a quadcore processor, and you have yourself a supercomputer capable of breaking in to almost any protection. you just have to learn how to code in C, then you can make your own dx11 brute force program! then there is the whole norton antivirus. i love that fu**ing program. there is a giant back door that you cant find unless you already know it is there, courtesy of the U.S. government. YOU CAN GET INTO A POLICE STATION'S NETWORK EXTREMELY EASILY OVER THE INTERNET. WTF. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS GO INTO ELECTRONIC PROTECTION, AND THIS IS WHAT WE GET? now my question is: why isnt our infrastructure more secure than this?
This game is pretty sweet, despite the fact the trees look like s**t on a stick. i am thinking about making a tree mod for the game (since nobody else has yet), but i am not sure what model format the game uses... i have the speed tree editor/compiler and some beautiful trees and bushes i made with it (it comes with UDK) i am not too worried about the animations for the trees, but if i figure out how to put them in i will! does anyone have an idea of how to import these meshes into the game? i can turn them into 3ds models, and from there into just about anything... stalker's textures are already in dds format, so i can just throw the textures for needles and bark right onto the tree ;) also, anyone with good textures for needles, bushes, and all that junk, your help would be greatly appreciated ;)
yeah i just usually aim where i think the apache will be, then shoot and i usually hit... but are you locking on target when you shoot the missiles at the homing tag? you can lock on and turn up pretty far and usually shoot it down unless they are moving fast
yeah, something they should have fixed from day one, and yet still havent fixed. i wonder why game developers these days wonder why everyone pirates their games. maybe it is because they put out half of a game, and that half of the game doesnt even work correctly. i definitely wont pay for that crap any longer, and if dice doesnt fix what is wrong with this game by the time this game comes out, i am cancelling my preorder.
I have only pre-ordered 2 games before. Doom3 and this one (ME2). I pre-ordered this one simply because if you pre-order, you get a unique armor and weapon. I was going to buy this game anyway at some point so I figured I would do a fire-n-forget. I probably would not have caught that it had shipping issues if it were not for this thread reminding me to go check on it. (thanks guys) As for the length of the game? Yes, you can blow through just about any game out there (especially some of the very best) but it is obvious that you should do the side quests BEFORE completing the main quest...which helps your character grow stronger. I mentioned earlier that there was one particular thing that bugged me about ME1 but I forgot to also mention the planet explorations. Some are fun but the ones where you have to negotiate around terrain that is nothing more than a grid with single verticies pulled very high all over the place just to make it difficult to travel over is somewhat irritating after the 3rd or 4th time on such a surface. It seemed like they had two different people making landscapes because some are extremely well-designed and others seem like a newbie put it together. ** shrug ** As I said, this is one of the few games that I have completed but I think this and KOTOR are the only titles that I have completed over-and-over again. I have probably played each KOTOR game about 3 or 4 times through and ME1 at least 4 times through. LHammonds dude, the whole game on insane, including ALL side quests, getting every piece of armor and every upgrade (no guide btw) only took me 12 hours. i think the actual time was something like 11 hours 45 minutes. the lack of content in this game is rediculous. it was an insult for them to have tried to charge $60 for this game. it feels like they spent two weeks developing the game.
NEITHER. i wasted my money on both of them. if you want a real investment, build yourself a real gaming machine.
i wouldnt buy it. and i am glad i didnt, i beat it in 12 hours :( what is with people trying to shortchange us on the story? seriously a bunch of crap. and there isnt even anything to do after you beat the game.
yeah its just the beta, but it is BADA$$!!!!!!!!!!!!
you only get like one new gun per type, aside from the heavy weapons. the citadel is only like two areas with a **SNIP** of transport between lol. i think their level designers got laaaaaazy.
i believe the majority of the american population have been brainwashed to be mentally retarded by their own choices. i think television and hollywood have a lot to do with this. the subliminal advertisement doesnt help lol. watch derren brown and you will see how easy it is and pick it out much more often hahaha. of course, there are always those of us with a resistance to such tricks of language, but the more they pound it into your head, the more likely it is to work :)
im getting it tomorrow, anybody else that is post here! i cant friggin wait, modern warfare 2 pisses me the hell off every time i play it. infinity whored really screwed everyone that bought it out of a good multiplayer experience because they took away the only things that made computer games better than console games. the graphics werent even that great on the game aside from the guns lol. they seriously need to hire somebody that actually knows how to make textures next time. i hear bc2 has amazing graphics from all the things i read, but i am waiting to see for myself before judging. i am glad they are releasing a multiplayer beta before the game comes out so i can see if i actually want to buy it lol.
beat it, on insane even, they screwed it over imo. barely any weapons, almost all you get is damage upgrades and crap like that you have to research and does nothing for aesthetics even. i liked being able to buy weapons and modify them. its like they took the last game, retextured it, cut a bunch of crap out, and sold it for the same price. these bioware people are really getting on my nerves lately. there seems to be this trend lately of putting out **SNIP** retextured versions of old games and selling them for more money than the last one. it also seems like nobody beta tests their games either. seems like it isnt cool to spend money on developing games any more because they know those console retards will buy it up either way. in the end, i am glad i didnt buy this game ;) now, battlefield bad company 2 i already preordered just because of the multiplayer. EDIT by LHammonds: Removed vulgar language.