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About jedgej

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    United Kingdom
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    Probably Gary's Mod
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    Probably Gary's Mod

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  1. Hey, A mate of mine wondered if there was a perk that would stop him from ragdolling when hit with an explosion (he wants to ragdoll but can't)
  2. Whenever I go in to the dark brotherhoods sanctuary all of the members are invisible or at least their bodies are, their heads are still there, except they are floating without a body... any ideas of how I can fix this or at least what the issue is?
  3. Yay! found it thanks http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27028/?tab=3&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D27028%26user%3D1&pUp=1
  4. I'm unsure, I'll post a pic for you, it's really strange, I found it in the console but usually if I'm not mistaken the first 3 or 4 numbers indicate where in the load order it's from but mine is just 0B00 so I'm a bit unsure... I really want to find where this armour is so I can endorse it, it looks really nice in my opinion.
  5. No sorry, I think it might be from a big multi armour mod.
  6. What mod is the master ranger armour from, I really don't know??
  7. I have recently got a few mods and after finding a large number of incompatibility I uninstalled a few of them, I'v recently been getting these stretch things that seem to stretch through skyrim (you probably know what I mean) Well I don't really know what causes it, If it;s a skeleton I recently got XP32 and I also patched with FNIS, I don't really know what's causing it at all, any help is a massive help. Thanks Jordan
  8. I have correctly removed immersive animations yet still I have my weapons attached to my back, any explanation for this?
  9. In the opening sequence where you are a prisoner on the cart down to Helgen, my cart starts spinning and bouncing out of control. It is only the cart that I am in and it does not affect any others. This has only started happening since I uninstalled and reinstalled my mods. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/450660896278176464/7854FA6AA5ACCD2FEF3E3F4AC86F335926280A5D/ This should link you to an image, with any luck :)
  10. this is the only one I have http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24397/?
  11. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/884109154766527693/2D3BC98CCF5B695A9530508850E42660D1B62605/ As you will see... pretty ugly I don't know what caused it or why it's happening
  12. Does anyone know why whenever I go in and out of vampire lord I get removed from the vampire faction. Sadly this isn't such an insignifcant problem as you may think as this is what defins whether you're a vampire after accepting Harkons offer. This means I am treated as though I gave up my power. Meaning I have to ask Harkon to reinstate my powers before I can continue on the questline. The problem with that is that the option doesn't come up because I am a vampire. I can join the faction and accept the quest through the console but I won't be able to be a vampire lord through the whole questline or else I'll have to go back get the faction ID and command. It can be very annoying as I have to do this for every playthrough. I have uninstalled all of my dawngaurd mods verified integrity and still it is broken. Any Ideas?
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