just a little PSA if you think a mod might work with a future release of a game or even with the most recent patch but it is locked to a specific version, and you would like to see if that is the case you can do so using this little guide. a little example is, i installed the most recent version of autotrader for 1.5.9. unfortunately it had not been updated to work with the most recent sub patch and listed in its module dependencies that it needed the custom battles module(now defunct) . despite the fact it worked with the most recent main branch, because it listed a version and a module dependency that did not align with the most recent sub patch it would not let me enable it. (WARNING. PROCCED AT YOUR OWN RISK) if you do this and update your game it will let you run the game with the out of date mod and it could corrupt your saves or crash, so keep track of what mods you do this to. if you go to you install folder(for steam users C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\) and go to the mod in question you will see submoduel.xml. open it in word pad. once you have it open scroll down to -<DependedModules> <DependedModule DependentVersion="e1.5.9" Id="Native"/> <DependedModule DependentVersion="e1.5.9" Id="SandBoxCore"/> <DependedModule DependentVersion="e1.5.9" Id="Sandbox"/> <DependedModule DependentVersion="e1.5.9" Id="StoryMode"/> <DependedModule DependentVersion="e1.5.9" Id="Custom battles"/> in side that list you will see all the dependencies for that mod and possibly their version as well. update the version to the branch that you are running and delete(for mods made before the line that says <DependedModule DependentVersion="e1.5.9" Id="custom battles"/> it should look something like this. -<DependedModules> <DependedModule DependentVersion="e1.x.x" Id="Native"/> <DependedModule DependentVersion="e1.x.x" Id="SandBoxCore"/> <DependedModule DependentVersion="e1.x.x" Id="Sandbox"/> <DependedModule DependentVersion="e1.x.x" Id="StoryMode"/> edit: if there is a dependency listed under depend modules that isn't a native module IE(Native - sandbox core - sand box - story mode) that module is required for your mod and must be downloaded for it to work. examples might be butter lib and harmony. ensure you download the appropriate version for your game version.