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  1. How do I fix the upper teeth? The upper teeth doesn't seems to move when the follower are talking, as if the tooth was glue shut in between.
  2. Damn, this is a bit complicated for me to comprehend. But based on the second distinct use cases the way you describe... Unless I am making a follower with custom race, I can leave the race morph and chargen morph at default. Am I right? Sorry to ask about it, I gotten soo many different answer I just need an expert opinion about it.
  3. I keep seeing different opinion regarding this part in CK. Some modder told me to leave it blank while other say to keep the racemorph and chargen there. So what it does and should I keep it blank or should I have the morph remain?
  4. Nevermind, NeivaDeepWater have already answer my question at discord. Apparently it is the sculpt issues and the beard mesh was too small, so the way to fix it is to use outfit studio. Thanks Neiva.
  5. https://tmpfiles.org/13490518/gyoubu.rar I don't know how to fix this problem with my follower, I been trying to to fix the clippinng issues without any luck. I have already try everything including what was recommend at google search such as... -Enable/disable Expressive Facial Animations without any luck. -Trying low/high poly beard. -Edit the facemorph and etc. And the beard still clipping whenever he talk, it is just plain soo frustrating that I have no idea where I did wrong.
  6. Ahh I see, to increase compatibility and avoid conflict. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/122933 Because all I want to do is to have this mod of mine appear as the final boss at the gate. Once you complete the civil war quest, he is available as follower. I don't have any idea on how to set up such a simple setup since a lot of quest tutorial is too lengthy and doesn't cover the topic I am looking for.
  7. So what you are saying is that I shouldn't temper with the quest CWSiegeObj but rather create a quest that start alongside with it?
  8. How do I set a condition for quest? There is 3 thing I am trying to do. -Make an unique enemy npc spawn at the final mission of Civil War quest (Battle for Solitude/Windhelm). -Follower available after civil war quest is complete. -Enemy npc play specific dialogue as soon as player came close to it.
  9. Yeah, everything is correct up to this point.. the follower probably have the freckles look pale since the lightning in the area isn't that great while racemenu can basically turn on the light to make it look more visible. I would mark this as solved, thanks for the help.
  10. Ahh, that would explain why I see everyone follower mod doesn't have those overlay textures. I thought they set overlay mod as masterfile. Does it mean that my tintmask already baked in correctly? I view the DDS image and it look quite fine.. Maybe the colortone I use was a bit too light at my end... Thanks for the help.
  11. Isn't that action makes it a hard requirement to run Skin Features Overlays mods unless you extract the textures and place it under your follower folder? I extract the files koralina_freckles_1.dds and place it at my follower folder under Textures > (Follower Name) > Freckles. Regarding the DDS and the method you mention, I did exactly that in the first place before posting this thread.. but the result is nowhere I expect it to be. This is how the freckles look with preset. But at my follower, the koralina freckles doesn't show up... only the default did. I add a default freckles and koralina freckles to get the face preset result.
  12. Sorry if I am not being specific, I am not referring to the default freckles. I was using koralina freckles and moles mod for the freckles. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62508
  13. I try to apply freckles to my follower, the preset is fine but the freckles isn't applied to the follower. This is how it would look if every is applied. I try applied it at CK via Textures but the face end up looking black.
  14. Is there any mod that allowed you to show/hide hair, eye, brow for normal head and hph? For example, if you are currently using high poly head, all normal hair, eye and brow would not be on display. And one that comes with search bar to look for the type of eye, brow and hair you want. For example, typing "sweet slumber" into the search bar would display all sweet slumber hairstyle.
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