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About LordCorDox

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  1. Hoping to at the very least see a good Bat'leth added. (not the re-imagined stuff from the recent shows) Here's some reference
  2. Works fine! Your mod is one I actually wanted to use too! But yeah, earlier I tested 8 different mods all using Harmony that resulted in the same crash.. Now they all seem to be working for me.
  3. Correct, not a single mod using Harmony worked. However brandonm37211 who created the Tournament XP Enabler just provided me with a solution that finally fixed it for me. Put 0Harmony.dll into your main bannerlord\bin\win64_shipping_client folder and delete it from the mod folder. Not sure why that would work but it does.
  4. Out of curiosity, what are your system specs? Could you also post your system specs? I would like to know more about this so I can give a better answer to people that can't use my mod. Edited the top post with my specs. I also spoke with the developer of Harmony. I'll quote what he said: "I know for sure that patching with Harmony has its limits and you can crash the process if you patch the wrong method. Also, inlining will prevent you from patching certain methods and there is nothing you can do about it. The whole technique to patch methods at runtime is far from bullet proof. But its the best you can get afaik. Specifically, methods in System and those inheriting from special classes like MarshalByRefObject and others designed for remoting are dangerous to patch so: if it works, great. If it doesn’t, there isn’t much you can do."
  5. It seems for a minority of users including myself, mods that contain 0Harmony.dll cause the game to crash before the main menu appears. Every mod that doesn't use Harmony works for me. There is no option to "unblock" dlls, running admin doesn't help and running these mods without other mods does not work. It's not an issue with missing lines in an xml file. I suspect there is a hardware compatibility issue with Harmony itself, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a CPU with more than the usual amount of Cores causing the issue. Are there any developers more intimately familiar with Harmony? So far no one including Harmony in their mods has been able to to troubleshoot the issue. EDIT: Possible Fix that worked for me. Put 0Harmony.dll into your main bannerlord\bin\win64_shipping_client folder and delete it from the mod folder. Thanks to brandonm37211 who created the Tournament XP Enabler. Here are my system Specs: Dual Xeon E5 2699 V3128GB DDR4Nvidia GTX Titan(old Maxwell chipset)Windows 10 x64
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