Hello there im Ansega and I registered to this website in 2012 in order to download some Left 4 Dead 2 mods but its my first time writing on the forum :D Im from Spain and Im stuying psychology in Madrid but Im think about changing carreer because I live alone and I dont have enough time for doing all things I want so I would study INEF (sports carreer) in Melilla (where I born). My favorite videogames sagas are Fallout, Dark Souls (also Bloodborne) and Borderlands but as I said before I dont have many time for gaming :sad: I play on PC, PS4 and Switch and Im very hyped about Dark Souls Remastered coming this friday :tongue: PS: I would be grateful if someone could help me with one Dark Souls II mod (enemy randomizer) cause I dont have the "=" key in my keyboard and I would like to know how to change this hotkey in Cheat Engine.