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Everything posted by ansega99

  1. Finally found it. Also I set a sound in order to know if its working. Thank you ;)
  2. I would like to know where to check that "script line". Thank you :)
  3. Yeah already tried and nothings seems to work. Sometimes there are not enemies and other times there are no NPCs but enemies are not randomized. I think is the "=" hotkey and I would like to know how to change it in Cheat Engine.
  4. Hello everyone Im having problems when using this mods. 1. Start the cheat engine table. 2. Start Dark Souls II. 3. Activate the "randomizer" and press "=". I can see no enemies nor NPCs and I tried everything. I think this is because the " =" key isnt the same in my country so I would like to know how to change the key. The mod Im talking about; https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/760
  5. Hello there im Ansega and I registered to this website in 2012 in order to download some Left 4 Dead 2 mods but its my first time writing on the forum :D Im from Spain and Im stuying psychology in Madrid but Im think about changing carreer because I live alone and I dont have enough time for doing all things I want so I would study INEF (sports carreer) in Melilla (where I born). My favorite videogames sagas are Fallout, Dark Souls (also Bloodborne) and Borderlands but as I said before I dont have many time for gaming :sad: I play on PC, PS4 and Switch and Im very hyped about Dark Souls Remastered coming this friday :tongue: PS: I would be grateful if someone could help me with one Dark Souls II mod (enemy randomizer) cause I dont have the "=" key in my keyboard and I would like to know how to change this hotkey in Cheat Engine.
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