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Posts posted by GideoVames

  1. So after installing a bunch of mods I have noticed that windows will tell me that my computer is low on memory. I have run Skyrim Performance Monitor while playing and Found out that skyrim uses 3gb of Ram (out of 8gb) and 2.5gb of VRAM out of 3gb (I have a gtx 780). The system monitor says that in total my computer is only using a little less than 6gb of RAM out of my 8gb. Why is my computer complaining that I am low on memory? It has 2gb left (1gb free and 1gb standby). I can keep playing the game but its annoying when the alert brings you out of the window.

    Here are my specs:

    i5-3570k @ 4.2ghz
    8gb 1600mhz RAM

    GTX 780 (3gb VRAM)

    120gb Samsung 840 SSD (Skyrim is installed on the SSD)



    EDIT: I am running max setting, 2k textures, plus other texture mods and graphics mods at 1080p

    EDIT2: I think I figured it out. I allocated more RAM to skyrim by doing this:

    1. Go to C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\Documents\My Games\Skyrim
    2. Open skyrim.ini, and check for [Papyrus] section. If it's not present, just create one at the end of the file.
    3. Add iMinMemoryPageSize=100000 and iMaxMemoryPageSize=5000000
    4. Add iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=1800000000
    5. WARNING! Do not increase iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes value, because memory fragmentation may cause the game to crash or freeze.

    The max Skyrim ever used was 3gb of RAM but the windows alert no longer appears. On average the game uses about 2.6gb of RAM

  2. I really like this idea. I'm not all that great at modding but I might fool around in the creation kit with ideas just for fun. If anything good comes out of it I'll post it.

    Personally i'd like to see the major cities be bigger and have more than just a couple market stalls expanded on the outside. They would feel more city-like but I think it would be slightly odd to have a city on the outside but a complete city on the inside of the walls. A lot of medieval cities were castles with walls and the village and markets sprung up on the outside of the walls. I guess you could make slums on the outside and have the richer citizens be the ones on the inside? idk

  3. Okay so I've looked around all day an no real result. :(

    I see a "cloud model" tab in the worldspaces menu in the CK... and I have found the mesh and texture that make the map clouds:

    But I have no idea how to edit these to fit my world. I opened the .nif in nifscope and looked at it but I have no idea how to use nifscop :(
    I even looked at the falskaar map clouds mod (falskaar.nif) and I have no idea how I would shape the mesh to my worldspace.

    Does anyone know how to do this????

  4. OK! Update. I figured out what went wrong.

    In the Data>meshes and Data>texture folders I found the files for my worlds LOD... but I also found files for LOD under "Tamriel" folders. Those weren't there before. I must have accidentally not renamed the LOD generation to my world name the first time i generated LOD so it generated my LOD for the Tamriel worldspace XD

    Now that I have fixed that I have found another problem. So in the map in my new world I have edited the cells you can move the camera in... but the clouds from the skyrim map are still there. I have seen mods to edit the cloud layer on the map (like the falskaar cloud mod) and I saw that he created a .nif and .dds in meshes and textures under a "sky" folder but I dont know how to make my own version.





    ALSO, from the highest mountain (and from my map) you can see the edge of the map :/ you can see the ocean cut off.... is there anyway to make the ocean look like it goes on farther without making my map bigger than +/-32 cells. And if there is no other way then how would I add more cells onto my map so I can add ocean and more mountains in the background?

    I know these are a lot of questions but I need all the help I can get XD

  5. I have help about the first problem ( LOD over tamriel LOD) you need to change the parent worldspace to none OR switch off the usage of data from LOD both in world settings.

    Okay thank you.


    So bassically I found out that I need to make my .esp a .esm in order to use oscape to generate LOD. I converted it and now I have a working LOD in my world.... but the LOD is still over the tameriel LOD. I haven't done your fix yet because I am not quite sure how I am supposed to create this mod. How do i make stuff if the esm isnt parented to the skyrim esm???



    Im dumb.... parent world space not parent Masterfile. Herp derp

    Anyway... it is switched off. My world isnt parenting any other world spaces... and idk what you mean by "switch off the usage of data from LOD both in world settings."

  6. So I have followed multiple tuts and even AlexJV's video (really good tut) but every time I generate LOD for my extra world the LOD generates over the Tameriel Worldspace...






    IDK what I am doing wrong... and in my actual world the LOD sucks and the map is a totally different shape then the actual map



    Any help?

  7. okay thanks! The L3DT should help me out a ton cause I have been having trouble with the CK mountain generation.

    My only other concern now is that creating the basic heightmap/continent is a lot harder than I thought. The CK heightmap editor is kind of crappy... either that or I don't know how to use it properly.

  8. Okay so I decided that I want to make a new world in skyrim just for fun. I don't really plan on making any quests (maybe a few just to try it out) but really I am making this for fun and just to be creative. However, I have a couple questions about creating a new world. I have some creation kit experience so I am not a total noob.


    A quick description of what I am trying to accomplish: Basically I want to make a new world in skyrim that doesn't relate to skyrim or any of its lore. Its not set in the Elder scrolls universe... its just totally made up just for fun. Idk if I will even release it... maybe if it actually turns out good or if I am even able to make such a mod XD I don't plan on making my new world too big either.

    My first question is what would be what is the best way to add trees? I already have my new world created, its just a small island right now but I am going to turn it into a continent next. I just want to know if the only way to make forests is to drag and drop every tree. I was wondering if there was a tree brush or something... idk. Also I was wondering if its not recommended to adjust the tree sizes. The trees in skyrim seem small to me and I'd like a world with large fantasy world/red wood type trees. I know there is a mod for this but I have found it to be glitchy and I am already placing down every tree... so why not make it default to large? My concern is that making them larger will make trees glitch out as I know some items glitch if you re-size them too much.

    My next question is about mountains. I have no clue how to make good looking mountains... I can make hills... but I was wondering if anyone has a good tut or video on them. I've seen one or two where they make large hills and just add "Mountain Top" pieces to them. I am not quite sure that's how you make good mountains though... I really like these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fiu4Bp2QSho but idk if they would look good up close and idk how you would make that spikey effect.


    Then next part I am not sure about is cities. When you have a city like Whiterun where the city is is a different worldspace how do you make the LOD city in the main world (where it looks like the city but doesn't have all the details) and then how do you get the LOD for the city in the separate worldspace (you can see the mountains of skyrim from inside the whiterun walls). idk if that makes sense...


    I also was wondering how you make your new world show up on the map. I haven't actually tried it out yet so idk if it does it automatically or not.

    I know I have some other questions but I really can't think of them at the moment. I guess I'll just add them as I go if people respond!

  9. So basically I have a good 80 or so mods installed (70 of them are probably graphics enhancers) and I have just got tired of them. I backed everything up and reverted my skyrim to vanilla skyrim. Obviously my saves don't work now though cause I am missing so many mods.

    Is there any way to fix this? Would I have to uninstall each mod one at a time? Is there something I can do to fix the save? Or is there someway I can get a new save and mod it to have all the same quests complete and have the same stats and level? This is the 5th time I'd have to restart my skyrim save... I've never gotten past lvl 35 without breaking my game XD The first few times were because I had cloud sync off and I moved computers/hard drive failure. Then the last time was because of save bloat after uninstalling a mod the wrong way.

    Is there any way to fix my saves or will I just have to start over... again....

  10. I was thinking about this perk (its from fallout 3) and have no idea if its possible to be added into skyrim.


    maybe have it so you have a small percent chance (on hit) to have a kill cam with some sort of archer that just takes the person out (nightingale? dark brotherhood??).


    so lets say its like 5% chance when I hit an enemy with my weapon to have the archer shoot the person.


  11. What i would really want to see is an NPC that can reset your skill points, of course for a fee. :dance:


    why not Dragonborn dlc??? You'll have to wait a bit but patience is a very important virtue my friend :P

  12. Ghosu left a really nice tutorial for you. I'm sure if you followed it and actually tried, you could do this kind of thing for yourself without having to rely on internet strangers to do the work for you.


    "Bring a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime."




    I've been downloading mods from this site forever and recently I got tired of waiting for mods and decided to try making my own. Its not that hard to make basic mods like this one. Plus there is the most magical thing in the world to aid you: *sparkles* Google *sparkles*


    The internet is loaded with tutorials on just about everything so go try it out instead of waiting for someone to post it. Who knows, you could have fun :P

  13. removing magic would be kinda odd... especially if theirs a quest where someone uses magic XD. I guess you could remove all those quests and maybe make the colleges into castles with knights? Idk but A LOT of work for getting RID of a lot of content. Doesn't seem worth it to me, only if you REALLY want to Role Play?
  14. This would be cool but getting the NPC to answer the door would be kinda weird (Both talking through the door and appearing out of nowhere seems a little odd). Also if their was dialogue you would be limited to what the npc can say in the game (unless you are fine with no voice, just text). ALSO you'd probably have to make every house in skyrim special so its door is linked up with the right NPC... but otherwise i like the idea :P
  15. This would be insanely epic but making a dungeon that large would be crazy. I bet their are some pretty large dungeon mods out their to try but none 100 levels deep :/ Hell if you are going to make it 100 levels deep why not turn it into an alternate skyrim game that's like diablo? You start off in a town with a dungeon underneath and you have to work your way down to the bottom. Could be an interesting thought but probably not what you want :P
  16. I always wanted to make a mode that added different types of lock picks with different strengths and probabilities of picking the locks (iron, steel, ect...). I bet a mod like that would go well with different locks to! Some locks would be impossible to pick with say an iron pick cause it needs steel or better or some locks you need specific picks only (only glass picks can pick glass locks ect...). Now only if it was easy to do this XD
  17. Just wanted to say hi. I've been using Nexus for a while to get Skyrim and Fallout 3 mods but I never tried modding myself. Not only have I never tried modding but I've never been active on the forums or own an account! So here it is... my first account :P


    I've been practicing with the skyrim creation kit and I hope to start making some mods with my little skill I know... OFF TO THE SKYRIM REQUEST FORUMS!!!!!!

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