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  1. It'd be nice if someone created a castle/estate that wasn't a player owned home for once. Seriously, you can take any of the player homes on the list, attach it to some random rich NPC (there are plenty of them in every major hold, and it was always odd to me that the only person who owned an actual estate, or "mansion," as it were, in the game is Maven Blackbriar, and even then, not that impressive), put some mercenaries in it, fill it with goodies, and BAM, exactly what we're, or, er, I'm asking for. Of course, I'm the type of person who's perfectly happy with Breezehome. Oh well. Maybe I'll try my hand at modding this sort of thing myself? I've never tried before.
  2. I made a similar request. I guess it died. *sadface* http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/965163-a-theifs-paradise/&do=findComment&comment=7791559
  3. It might just be a bug. I've never had him say that, And I've been there untold times. Or you could just go to a different fence.
  4. A decent Combat System would have been nice, instead of just clicking the mouse button until something falls over. But I guess you can only put so much code into this game. Also decent horse controls that don't make me want to gouge out my eyes trying to aim a bow. And a better final boss fight with Alduin. Seriously, for the world eater, you're sure a pushover. Just wail on him for thirty seconds and he's dead. Exciting.
  5. Well, There's zero gameplay difference, They're easier on the eyes, and.... well actually that's it. When I play games like this, I'm not actually Role-playing as the character, I'm not projecting myself onto the character. I'm creating a character, and tend to let their actions speak for themselves, and choose the dialogue options that most fit their character; I don't so much create their character as guide it. I like to be an observer of the story, rather than being a part of the story. Don't take that to mean I don't want the protagonist to be an active participant; in a story, that's required. But for me to be immersed in a game, all I really need is a story well-told. In a game like Skyrim, where there's no difference between a male and female character, I'll go with the one that's nicer to look at for 700+ hours.
  6. Well, there's not really much of a difference between that and what I'm asking. Of course just stopping you and saying, "You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people," wouldn't really have the same effect. It'd be like if people see you transform into a werewolf, or if you attacked (or killed) someone unprovoked, with about the same reaction. I personally don't know how to mod at all, that's why I'm appealing to the wonderful modding community.
  7. So the Dark Brotherhood is supposed to be this universally feared group of assassins that is generally sought after by the higher authorities of Tamriel. Something that I've found quite odd in my playthroughs of Skyrim is that nobody really seems to care about it that much. I mean, I've had guards comment on every single type of armor I wear, even Thieves Guild armor, and yet, they never seem to notice that you're wearing Dark Brotherhood armor. It's not even like it isn't distinct. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/320002_10152737369485008_1023901894_n.jpg I'm just your average neighborhood assassin, don't mind me. My request is to have a mod where, if you're wearing DB armor, guards and soldiers attack you on sight, and civilians run in fear of you. It would make a lot more sense than you just being able to walk anywhere you want with it (even in front of the guys who are hunting you down!) http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/521923_10152737371055008_156622090_n.jpg Oh, hey guys, didn't see you there... In your outpost.
  8. Okay, my request has technically already been done with Shenk's thievery Overhaul, but I'm asking for slightly more than that. That mod aims to add vaults under each of the cities, but that's not going far enough IMO. A couple of my favorite missions in the game are the Thieves' Guild quests "Loud and Clear," When you go into Goldenglow estate and steal things, sneaking by mercenaries, and "scoundrels folly," when you go into the Warehouse following gulum-ei. The levels reminded me of the thief games, but Skyrim doesn't really make the most of it. There are very few valuables to steal in there, and the guards are incredibly easy to sneak past or kill. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121110215261/elderscrolls/images/thumb/d/d4/Goldenglow_Estate.png/640px-Goldenglow_Estate.png It seems a lot bigger on the inside. My request is for a few large, well-guarded complexes (warehouses, large estates, military compounds, castles, etc.) to truly put our thieving skills to the test. Lots of valuables to take, lots of rooms to explore, lots of locks and pockets to pick, and plenty of guards to sneak past. The dwemer museum is something like that, but if Calcelmo allowed you in, you can basically take anything you want and the guards won't even care (because you're sneaking). As it stands, sneaking and thieving are fun, but really they lack any sort of challenge to back up the relatively massive rewards. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/73138_10152730528690008_1784635094_n.jpg Now there's a place I want to rob! A good example of a place like this is Blackbriar lodge; good-sized house, and lots of guards, but there's very few things to steal in there for the amount of people you have to sneak past and/or kill. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/540138_10152736785135008_778401244_n.jpg It's okay, I guess. I'm asking for the sort of challenge that lets me sneak past people and take things from right under there nose, and causes them to fire their security for being so incompetent. The kind of thing that requires me to use every ounce of my skill to get it done, and gives me the satisfaction of knowing I ruined somebody's career, and spread more wealth around to the needy (i.e., myself). If anyone were to do this, you're a wonderful person. Thank you all, you're all wonderful people. And I spelled Thief incorrectly in the title. Wonderful.
  9. <p>I like being stealthy. I like sneaking up on unsuspecting bandits/guards and picking them off one by one with a dagger to their throat before they even had time to remember their happiest family memory. I like gleefully picking pockets and locks on chests that seem to contain far more stuff in it than would be reasonably assumed. But I believe that the stealth in this game is severely lacking in one aspect that truly keeps it from being amazing/fun/insertpositivewordhere. And that is Cymbals- http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/564375_10152730544210008_649376971_n.jpg Clang! Okay, that's enough of that. What we truly need is some sort of interface that shows us exactly how detectable we are at a given moment. Think of the visibility gem from the Thief games, or that weird visibility strip from Splinter cell, both of which managed to combine all of the factors of detection into an easily visible token-the darker it is, the harder it is for enemies to find you. The lighter it is, the easier. http://images.wikia.com/thief/images/6/67/LightGemAnimation.gif Like this Granted, this might take away some of the challenge of stealth, but it would make it far better, and might even make all of those stealth mods clogging up the lists worth getting after all, because what's the point of focusing on stealth if you're just going to get detected immediately anyway, even after digging a nice hole in a corner in dark shadows. And then you'll have to deal with the boring combat, but that's a post for another day. Anyway, please take this into consideration, oh beautiful, wonderful, awesome, amazing modders.
  10. I won't ever claim to be a modder, but I truly hope someone tries to do this. I love Every aspect of skyrim, but when I get into combat, My eyes just sort of glaze over and I play on automatic, half-heartedly clicking the mouse, drinking potions in case I needed them. I'm not saying that the combat can't be intense, especially when fighting the higher level bandits when you're only level 4 or so, but that only lasts so long. It lacks any sort of depth or complexity to it to keep it interesting. I've logged an absolutely massive amount of hours into this game, but the combat is boring enough that I just keep losing interest. I'd do it myself, but I don't know anything about modding, or how difficult this would be. So I humbly request that someone attempt this impossible feat. It's also hard to tell exactly how much attention this forum gets from the modding community. I Also should have read the rules before posting. Damn.
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