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About vixsyn

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Oh he's a beauty! It's such a shame the ears get cropped - I know it can be practical for coursing but your little girl is just adorable with her big flopsy ears! Having seen the way the dog bodies have been manipulated a little so far - such as adding floppy ears to Dogmeat - I'm sure someone could make a pretty convincing replica of your boy there, or guide you in the right way. You could perhaps snip the ears off Dogmeat (!) and tag them on to the head of the rotti - I'm far better with textures than nifs, I'm afraid, or I'd offer to help :( Second welcome from me o/
Anyone else waiting for Vortex before they start a new game?
vixsyn replied to mkr1977's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Well as a stop gap you could give MO2 a try - some people have problems with it, personally I've had nothing go wrong (aside from when I moved it - had some registry issues I had to clean up). It's much more reliable when it comes to installing/uninstalling textures at least, as nothing is every permanently overwritten. -
Honestly you could probably skip the high-res DLC, there are plenty of alternatives on Nexus and that DLC is considered to be poorly optimised.
You only moved your NMM from Program Files, right? Assume FO4 is installed on G also? Or am I assuming badly?
Do either of you have xEdit installed? If so, is xEdit finding your plugins ok? This might be a bit out there but possibly worth a shot. You said you removed "Read Me" from the plugin.txt in AppData - have you tried deleting the FO4 folder there and allowing it to regenerate (make a backup first of course). Also remove anything relating to your mod manager and then try again. I mention this because there have been a couple of occasions where I've moved something or there has been an update that has confused my MO and this needs to be done. You're not using MO but, for the purposes of this problem, the programs are not that different. If this doesn't work, then the next thing you may want to check is regedit - NMM or FO4 may have left something in the registry that isn't lining up well with your current version of the game. When you're in regedit you want to look, for example, in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and then SOFTWARE. Find NMM there and under the "Data" column check that the path is pointing to the correct drive - it may be, especially in your case, DJ, that it's still trying to find the information in the Program Files location that you uninstalled from. Once you've found and checked this, if it's wrong then you'll likely want to perform a search to correct all of the wrong entries - either go to the top of the window and go Edit>Find, or press ctrl+F and type in part of the path you're trying to find, i.e. nexus mod manager\Fallout4, and correct the path for each instance. Finally, go to where NMM is installed and if it has a settings/config file (like nmm.ini or similar - as I said I use MO so I'm not sure if NMM does), open this up and make sure the path is correct there as well. You may think you set this up via the client but it's worth doing a manual check just in case. If you're not sure how to run regedit it's pretty simple - go to start, type regedit in the search box and it should come up on the list. This might not be any help but hey, it's something, and it's previously worked for me.
Another good example, this time using Strong. I'm hesitatingly saying that I think it's a problem with how the game is responding to _s maps, but given it's not a problem in the textures themselves I'm not sure what to do about it. No light Light
So I have another slightly weird one. Whenever characters are in very low light (night time, caves and so on) their faces go strangely pink and indistinct. Their features are sort of blurred. It's a little hard to explain to be honest so I'll post some images. If anyone else has had this problem or solved this problem I'd be very interested in finding out more about it. EDIT: I've narrowed it down to NAC having something to do with the problem, as with all other mods turned off the problem persists, but with NAC turned off the problem disappears. Hmm... EDIT 2: Yep, definintely NAC. Disabled it (leaving NAI on) and the problem went away. Still no idea what about NAC was causing it. Still, if anyone else ever runs into the same problem, perhaps this will help narrow it down. These two pictures show the issue I'm having. This one is with my PipBoy light on - not a great pic but shows the difference.
Under point 8. Yes Bethesda... that triple buggering can be a pain in the arse!
Most users are 18-21? That makes me feel ancient. I'm 30... though I still use my Shawn the Sheep backpack as a handbag. Does that make me young inside or just mentally deficient?
As Faelrin said, you'd be better off using a different mod manager. It's a little alien feeling if you've played the newer games like Skyrim/FO4 and used NMM or MO, but also rather necessary to get everything working well. I seem to be having a problem getting the STEP site to load right now but there are some very good, indepth guides/walkthroughs for modding Oblivion there as well. Are you making sure you've locked your FPS to 60 or below? TES games (and FO games) get hinky if they're running too fast.
If you can't find a donate button for an author but would really like to donate to them you could always contact them - if they don't want your money directly, perhaps they'd appreciate a donation to a cause or charity. And if they don't want anything at all, maybe they'd just get a happy feeling from your thank you note!
So I've started having an issue I have no idea how to fix. Usually my game is absolutely fine. I have a pretty huge mod list at the moment so I'm not going to post it just yet - I don't think it's going to be that relevant to this particular problem anyway (could be wrong of course). I use NAC for weather, am using Subtle ENB, have no other weather or cloud texture related things. My googling has not led me to a similar issue yet... so does anyone have any ideas? Edit: Additional note. I rebooted the game but the fussy weird cloud persisted. Then I reset all effects with the NAC holotape and multicoloured dots went away but the lower layer of cloud is still made of squares. Only now they're dark grey squares!
It's a good example but let's look that that in context... the US has used two... the only two ever to be used offensively. So in actual effect the US is the only country to follow through on a threat of nuclear weapons. But again, in context, we could say that at the time they didn't actually know the full extent of what they were doing. Sure, some eggheads had said it was probably not a good idea, but you don't know until you try, right? Also TheMasterSon didn't specify nukes - they said "development and sales of these military weapons and systems." And to say the US doesn't sell a variety of weapons to potentially "terrorist" states is like saying the sun doesn't set in the west. Arms deals with various countries are publically reported. And it's not like the US only sells weapons to countries with installed democracies - they sell to several countries with atrocious human rights records, countries that treat their own people with scorn and execute them for even thinking about protesting. Obvious case of this: Saudi Arabia. But god forbid putting human interest above good oil prices. But you clearly know that from the rest of what you said. The idea that some countries get to have nukes and others don't is a pretty huge injustice. Who gets to say who is a terrorist anyway? I'm sure the tens of thousands of Afghani civilians who died as some sort of vengeance for 9/11 didn't feel like they were being liberated or that they were being justifiably punished. An indiscriminate bombing campaign against their country because a faction that was also terrorising them had decided to attack America? Was that fair? Of course, this is meant to be about what can defuse America now. But it's still relevant to a degree. A problem with the US and its involvment in everyone elses wars (or starting them because apparently other peoples' political ideologies are enough reason to attack them) is that none of it is at home. The human cost of these conflicts largely only affects the military, it's not happening in the streets. Many other countries involved in global conflicts have seen hundreds of years of wars at home and abroad, they have a history as aggressors and as victims, and their people have been directly affected in their daily lives by war, whether it was hunkering down in a pig sty to avoid being bombed or by taking refugees into their homes and seeing the suffering of not knowing what had happened to their friends and families. Without that experience to relate to, it may be a little too easy to support going to war. It's not in your back yard, so why should you care that much? Let's not forget Trump's threat to "rain down fire and fury the likes of which the world has never seen" when it comes to making threats. Perhaps everyone needs to have more patience and understanding, and less hate in their hearts. That's too idealistic though, isn't it?
I could possibly help you with your old problem - running enBoost but NOT messing with how much video memory the game has access to can fix it. It's a known problem with certain nVidia cards at least - had it all the time with my 970. As for the current problem... when are you CTDing? Can you play at all?
Would you rather live poor on welfare the rest of your life or to get a good career supporting yourself? I'm responding to your whole post but not quoting the whole thing because that would take up a whole lot of space :tongue: I understand the core concept you're highlighting here, but it's oversimplified isn't it? The generalisations of "Democrat" and "Republican" are also dated, as nowadays you'll have your conservative leaning individuals voting Republican, your liberal leaning individuals voting Democrat. There is an extremely warped vision of what being liberal is. Sure, there are extremes, and people do love to fall back on history of "democrats" to highlight where the ideology has been wrong (your point about slavery is a good example). But that's not what modern liberalism represents at all. The core of liberalism is equality. Women, LBTQ+, varied races etc, should have the same rights and the same pay as white men. A true liberal does not want to tell you how to feel because actually, your thoughts are your own and you're free to think them. On the other hand, we/they would like it if you didn't go around telling other people how they should behave or perform acts of violence against them because their religion is not the same as yours, or they're a woman who likes women (or a woman who thinks she should be paid as much as a man for doing the same job), or their forefathers were from Zimbabwe. Everyone should be able to go to a hospital when they're sick and not worry about being evicted because that hospital trip cost them the rent money. They should be able to be treated so that they're not just left to die. The poorest of society should be given aid to tide them over - and yes, some people WILL take advantage of that "help," but it's a skewed perception that it's the system that's the problem - the problem is with the people who don't want to make more of their lives. That's a social and educational issue, not an issue with trying to help people who can't afford food. It's not always a person's fault that they've been fired or made redundant - life throws spanners into the works sometimes, and just because you've been unlucky, why should you lose everything you've worked for until that point? The grades story, whilst entertaining, is also fairly irrelevant to the larger ideology. Can I point out here that many nurses work 12+ hour days, many went to college/university, and they get paid extremely poorly. A banker, on the other hand, can do a nine to five and earn upwards of ten times as much. Is that fair? No, I wouldn't say most liberal thinkers would say that EVERYTHING a person has worked for should be taken from them and redistributed (although in a truly functional communist society such a thing could happen, and potentially in a way that would benefit everyone - redistribution of a large amount of personal wealth to support health care, police services, fire services, education etc, to help everyone have the same opportunities). But this story also assumes that person A has worked hard and person B has not. What if person A got better grades because they had a loving and supportive family who could afford to put them into private education and get them tutors to support an area they were struggling in, whilst person B grew up in a foster home with six other children, no support, not parental guidance, and had to do everything themselves? Why should a child like person B know how to self study or work hard? Who taught them how to do that? Who helped them when things were going wrong? They're a child. It's their fault that they're not prepared for life? When I was younger I worked in a Job Centre (UK thing - people out of work report in every week or every other week dependant on how long they've been on benefits, give a statement on what they've done to look for work and then a Job Centre worker will authorise the release of their out of work benefit if their statement is satisfactory). I saw people who really didn't care if they found work, but those people represented less than half of my clients. Most people were trying, even if they felt hopeless - this was in 2009, when we were entrenched in the global recession. The ones who stuck with me were the ones who were utterly humiliated that they had to be in a Job Centre at all. They were angry with me (yes, with me apparently) that they were stuck in this situation, that they had to be in a room with what they saw as the dregs of society, that they didn't have jobs. I often managed to calm them down by pointing out that actually, I didn't want to be working there, I had a degree and had worked hard at my education, but this was the only job I'd managed to get after dozens of interviews and hundreds of applications. When they realised they were talking to "an equal" they'd tell me what happened to them, what they hoped to do in the future, and sometimes I could help them with further information or by demonstrating how to get through the JC tedium as efficiently as possible. And here's another fun life time story. I grew up in an academically minded house. My dad got a first in pure mathematics after he was crippled in a car accident (someone drove into him at traffic lights - not his fault - broke his spine). I was lucky to an extent as this meant I had a parent at home a lot of the time, and I had a lot of encouragement in my studies. My little sister became seriously ill as I entered my teens and I helped care for her and for my dad. I was bullied at school. But I still did well, and got a scholarship to a private sixth form (senior high?) based on my academic ability. From there I went to university, graduated in 2008 into the aforementioned recession, and struggled getting a job. And then, after I'd been at my job for a while, the pain condition I'd had most of my life (the one that affected my sister very badly) started to get worse. It got to a point where I couldn't stand, let alone walk. I got very depressed and became suicidal, at which point I quit my job. Fastforward a few years of worsening pain and physical limitations, I now can't get out of the house to work and besides that, I get tired and unfocused if I have to sit for too long (I need to lie down). So... am I employable? If I can't get out of bed due to pain, how can I work? I live with someone, but that person is also ill, so where's my support system? How do I get out of the house to socialise, let alone work? And how could I afford food if it wasn't for the social system that gives me a little money? When one of our politicians decided he was going to make the disability benefits system "better" by increasing the hoops we had to jump through (ha!) to claim them, as well as increase the number of claims turned down, almost thirty thousand disabled people, who had had their benefits sanctioned, died within a year. I'm sure they'd have been glad of being given a fish, as teaching them how to fish led to them being eaten by a metaphorical shark. My anecdotal evidence in this post is just a highlight to be honest, because I actually think my life is ok, and I'm glad I'm educated and had the opportunities I did. On the other hand, I'm sad that I'll never have my own children (I don't have the money, and with my health the way it is it would be irresponsible to potentially inflict the same illnesses on a child), it's a shame I won't get to travel, and above all else it's disappointing that I'll always feel guilty that I'm "living off the state" when I'd love to work. But there are hundreds of thousands of people who are like me. Insisting that we're bone idle and just don't want jobs is not only extremely hurtful but also untrue. But rather than have industries create more home based jobs or trying to ensure health services are not only available but affordable, those on the right seem more inclined to brand us as lazy lost causes who should be left to die. Healthcare is clearly a big issue in America given the number of people who want to abolish Obamacare - even though not everyone knows what it is. I remember a great post on Twitter where a guy posted a pic of congress debating the healthcare bill when it was in the early stages of potentially being repealed, saying how great it was that they were "finally" getting rid of Obamacare. When he was questioned on this, asked how he could be so callous, he said it was great that "millions of Americans" like him were already covered by the American Care Act. He fell strangely silent when it was pointed out to him that the ACA WAS Obamacare. There seems to be a lot of that sort of confusion in the Rep. vs. Dem., "them vs. us" stuff going on in America. It's not just a two sided argument. Not every Republican wants to be likened to a member of the KKK, but in the currently "alt-right" climate not everyone is seeing the difference between a conservative American and an automatic weapon wielding white supremacist maniac. And not every Liberal wants to be thought of as an anarchist. There's a middle ground, and I'd be tempted to say most humans at least circle that middle ground, but the extremism is what's always highlighted, and the greater the fear of this extremism gets, the more likely people are to not want to talk, which makes it less likely anything will be peacefully resolved. Also, Donald Trump in charge when North Korea are messing about with missiles? f***ing terrifying.