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Posts posted by FlashFatman

  1. In response to post #73636103. #73636268, #73636408 are all replies on the same post.

    FlashFatman wrote: I thought the new format was OK and was going to post that until I went to my Tracked mods and saw Fallout 4 mods mixed in with Skyrim SE mods. I DO NOT LIKE THIS. I don't want to see other game mods when I'm playing a particular game.
    FlashFatman wrote: And now I see all the mods from all the games are lumped into the All Mods page also. Again not good as far as I'm concerned. When I'm playing a particular game and want to peruse the mods, I want to see the mods that are associated with that game. I don't need to be reminded that I have other games that I'm not playing at that moment. Not to mention thinking I just found a great mod for Skyrim only to see it's for another game. Please fix this.
    Augusta Calidia wrote: Did you notice in the Tracking Centre that there's a drop down menu that allows you to select which game you want to view?

    Thank you for pointing that out Augusta. I really didn't notice that. Okay so now that my only beef has been addressed, due to my jumping to conclusions before looking deeper I will endorse the new changes. Please ignore my previous rant.
  2. In response to post #73636103.

    FlashFatman wrote: I thought the new format was OK and was going to post that until I went to my Tracked mods and saw Fallout 4 mods mixed in with Skyrim SE mods. I DO NOT LIKE THIS. I don't want to see other game mods when I'm playing a particular game.

    And now I see all the mods from all the games are lumped into the All Mods page also. Again not good as far as I'm concerned. When I'm playing a particular game and want to peruse the mods, I want to see the mods that are associated with that game. I don't need to be reminded that I have other games that I'm not playing at that moment. Not to mention thinking I just found a great mod for Skyrim only to see it's for another game. Please fix this.
  3. Hey there, Just popping back to say I did reinstall Vortex and got it to work. It took a while to figure it out but it worked for me. Then I installed MO2 to see the difference and MO2 is probably easier to sort with, so I would suggest that if you want to constantly add and delete mods and change your load order then MO2 is your manager. If you have a stable and large list I would stick with Vortex.

  4. I just got frustrated working on this and only screwing it up further. I was venting, sorry. I wasn't expecting a dissertation on support groups in society though. Anyway I ended up with some looping warnings about "cyclic rules" and I can't move anything now and the game will not start. I think I screwed it up further when I tried to move the mods. So I'm thinking of just deleting the whole thing and just reinstalling vortex and try again, this time I will use what Augusta and rmm200 said. Thanks for the support, group! Really, thanks for the help much appreciated. And yes, support is good 1aeobfb8.

  5. I'll give you an example; Babes of skyrim needs to be loaded as a "late loader" or you get the black face bug. but LOOT always puts it at the top. The mod author knows this and tells you to move it manually down the list and LOOT has never fixed that problem. NMM was just click and drag, very easy. Now in Vortex you have to identify it as a "late loader" and it puts it lower but not low enough. The problem gets even harder when you are using "Babes" with "Warmaidens" and maybe a Serana replacer. No matter how you try to reasign the mods it always puts babes above those mods. Even tried dragging it down but that dosen't work either. and now I have error messages that I can't clear up. I spent 2 days trying to fix it and the game is unplayable at this point.

  6. Vortex is really badly done. They made it way too complicated. You shouldn't have to go to vortex support for help, and why have a support group anyway? This ain't rocket science it's just sorting mods. Nexus mod manager did that just fine. I can't get Vortex to sort the mods either. It's very frustrating and time consuming.

  7. Yeah, now i'm getting some warning about "cyclic rules" and I can't do anything. I'm trying to move the mods it says are conflicting but it won't do it. I think that auto sort changed the load order. Thanks for helping.

  8. Spoke too soon, When I thought I was disabling them they were just reinstalled in the load order with NO MAIN MODS in the mods file! So Blackface City! Disabled them again and they are back at the top of the load order, Disabled of course. Is anyone having a similar issue? If not I would appreciate some helpfull advice, even if you want to call me stupid. I really want to make vortex work. And yes I watched all 5 of Gopher's videos.

  9. Well, I just stumbled on the way to remove the esp's from the load order by deleting them. I'm sorry, WAY TO COMPLICATED. Just saying, you guys should try making this a little more user friendly and not so flashy. You might scare away some users to MO2.

  10. OK I finally figured it out and can manipulate my load order but now when I disable and remove a mod the ESP is still there. It says it is disabled in the plugin file but they are all ganged up at the top of the load order. Why are they there after deleting the mod in the mods section? How do I remove them? This Vortex is really crappy, hate to say it but it is. Way to overproduced like Jefferson Starship was. It really shouldn't be this complicated. It should be EASY like Clapton.

  11. I installed "Babes of Skyrim" and loot puts it way up at the top of the load order. I need to put it very low and then add "Warmaidens" and "Serana" under that for them to work together. I've been futsin around for the better part of an hour now trying to do this simple operation and Vortex is just not co-operating. ( it was very simple to do in NMM, just click and drag) This is very frustrating, I would go to NMM and do it there and just drag the whole load order over but NMM won't let me download anything now!!!!! HELP!!!! AGGHH!!!

  12. Not necessarily, I'm still using 6.5.6 and every time I try to change to 6.5.11 it fails and closes NMM ( and I've been trying for a looong time now.). And I just continue using 6.5.6 with no issues. But this is different, It just won't accept my password. The game still works, I just can't download anything now. This just started this week.

  13. When Vortex came out I almost pushed the button until I read that Nexus Management advised not using it yet because of bugs, so I'm sticking with NMM because it works just fine. Until that day comes when I load up Skyrim and it tells me that NMM does not exist anymore and I'm forced to use Vortex. Also I've noticed how mod authors are starting to change to only ESL's slowly forcing me to abandon mods I've used forever so I guess the end of NMM is near.

  14. I usually play with 3 to 5 player homes. What I do is give each of my follower girlfriends a home and that gives me a reason to visit them every so often. I like the smaller homes and stay away from those "modest" homes that have armories and room for 20 followers and kids. I also try to stay away from forges and such because I think there are too many in the game already.

  15. I started having this glitch where if I'm randomly attacked by 2 vampires 1 of them is invisible. Very annoying and yet a challenge but I know it's not right. Could it be from the physics mods or Racemenu? I don't recall having this problem before I added that stuff.

  16. I have a problem, no matter what my mod list is. When I get to level 10 and start the Dawnguard quest, once I meet Serana my saves start reverting to save 1 and my other saves up to that point are in another save file under my character name. So if I saved just before meeting her then all my new saves after that start at 1 with a popup screen telling me that I have mods installed. The only way I can see the old saves is to go to the main menu and pick a character save menu. Anyone else have a similar issue? This is really weird and frustrating. Any ideas why this is happening?

  17. Started up a new game and i'm getting this weird glitch when I kill a vampire girl or a bandit girl when I take their outfits there is a wig of their hair around the ankle that cannot be removed. I'm using the UNP body with the physics and FINS, I'm also using Leyenda skin. Didn't have this before. Any Ideas?

  18. So is the only way to get physics hair by downloading mods that use wigs? I tried Serana Resurection and it uses a wig that gets distorted and unusable with AFT. Since this game based on the Fallout 4 engine and that supports physics hair shouldn't it be easy to make a mod that supports it? Just asking.

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