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Everything posted by fiabundem

  1. ^DancingGirl Hcup^ you can find it on pajimans blog
  2. you might be looking for oblivion XP http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15619
  3. how do i use it to replace the moonelves race and the bloodelves race
  4. ok so theres no going around it or fixing it i see. thanks for the help though much appreciated
  5. thanks will these fix the hands too?
  6. ok so Qarls Texture Pack III Full v1_3_OMOD or Really Textured Normal Maps for Vanilla can i run both or is it one or the other? and which one would be worth it?
  7. was wondering how do i get rid of the seems around neck, hands and feet, also on the inner legs? another thing i noticed is the hands kind of look like rubber gloves. im using HGEC body replacer, HGEC Better Bouncing Boobs Hcup Ecup Dcup, Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons, moon elves race and the blood elves race so far.
  8. That one is from The Cursed armor, a very adult and weird quest mod. You can get it here, if you find the download link. I've heard he's working on a new version so you might have to wait until release to get the new armor model. The table is from a pose mod called CTAddpose Hentai. Warning: Extreme sexual content in both of these links. If you are a child your brain will stop developing if you click them. o0o0o0o0o thanks man your a god send
  9. damn your right pieces are from that mod, looks like i wont be finding that armor mod
  10. oh damn my bad with the pics didn't know how to put them in spoilers and im asking for the armor
  11. so pros and cons? Unnecessary Violence or Deadly Reflex? and has anyone actually gotten them to work without problems?
  12. what about these can someone identify and link them
  13. was anyone able to grab it while it was still up? can you email it to me or link it to me plz
  14. OK so i was playing fine earlier today took a break for a few hours, added 3 mods a weapons mod, armor, and texture, then the game refused to start kept crashing when the Bethesda logo showed up or just a black screen then back to desktop. So i did a fresh install with no mods and it didn't help, so what i ended up doing was deleting the Oblivion.ini and that fixed it. my question is what can i do to for this to not happen again? did the mods crash the game? then how come a fresh install didnt work? running a GOTY steam vs win XP 64bit HD 3870 4g ram game wasn't really heavily modded at the time
  15. Thanks this is just what i was looking for just decided to get back into the game, and was looking for mods like these
  16. thanks just installed the unofficials now im browsing for my old mods
  17. one more question since i have the steam version all the unofficial patches and mods that i will be installing can be installed the same way as the regular one right
  18. ok i see, well what my worry was since i just bought the game off of steam i thought i would be the latest version with all the fixes. the unofficial patches i see date back more than a year or so, i was worried if i would be downgrading the game or something along those lines but your telling that there are bugs and broken things still in the game.
  19. hey yall i been out of the game for awhile now and just decided to get back into it. i have the steam ver. of the GOTY edition and i was just wondering do i still need to install all the unofficial patches for it to make all the mods work?
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