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Posts posted by longjohn119

  1. In response to post #118740058. #118748943, #118858763, #118859828, #118911008, #118911908 are all replies on the same post.

    valshares24 wrote: I hope the publisher paid the authors of the mods. Being only in credits is not very cool.
    ProtectorNova wrote: Do you know how to read, because it clearly say THEY REIMBURSED THEM, it means they PAYED THE MODDERS.
    herd wrote: Why should they pay them? Every mod you make BELONGS to the developers of the game. Did you read the TOS? 
    You literally slave for free, no one has to pay for the mods, its illigal. 
    showler wrote: That is just wrong.  They own everything that is their IP, but you still own any work you did and anything original you added.

    You can't charge money for the mod because it is based on their property, but they can't just steal your work without compensation.
    yRaven wrote: It depends... if you create the mod using MODKit depending on the EULA anything you create there would technically belong to CDPR and they would not need your permission to use it as they see fit, this is true for Bethesda games.

    BUUUUUTTTT they would never do such i thing, backlash would be too big, they lose less money just paying the authors.
    showler wrote: EULA can't override laws.  They write stuff like that in more as a "statement of intent" or a "scare tactic".

    They can take your ideas and re-create them, doing the work themselves, but they can't just use your work for free.

    If your mod uses any part of the base files in the game it's technically CDPR's right to say whether the mod can or cannot exist ...according to IP, Patent and Copyright laws in most nations. Just like CDPR had to get the express permission of the Witcher author to make the game using his Intellectual Property

    Modding is a privilege afforded to us by the owners/developers of the game and not a right ......
  2. A missing mod can easily break a list .... For instance if another mod references it or it is a Master or it is part of a Bashed Patch or is part of a Script Merge and a lot of other reasons such as having to regenerate several pre-generated LODs ..... Instead of just downloading the LODs as part of a list I'd have to first learn how to generate my own LODs and then spend a few hours generating those LODs


    If you don't think it can break a mod list go over to WabbaJack right now and take a look at how many are down right now because mods got deleted on Nexus and broke those lists ....

  3. Actually you don't have as many rights as you think you do


    For instance if you mod Skyrim Bethesda basically still owns the essential Rights because any way you try to spin it you are using THEIR IP, their game engine and so on and so forth .... You don't own a single game in your library, you only own a license to use that IP and that license can be revoked for any reason the license holder sees fit .... If Bethesda wanted to they could make your mods all illegal with the stroke of a pen because THEIR Rights supersede your Rights .... Your Rights end where the next person's Rights begin

  4. The reason for premium for a one click experience has to do with bandwidth limitations and costs ..... If you want to use WabbaJack you have to have a Premium account on Nexus


    I doubt most of you have even the slightest clue as to what it costs to build and maintain a server farm to handle a site with this many mods and users .... HINT: More than most of you will likely make in a lifetime


    Nor do most of you have a clue as to what it takes to maintain the obviously massive database that is the heart of this system ..... Having people constantly deleting files nily wily is a nightmare for those trying to maintain the database and make it work efficiently ..... No corporation will let the ordinary users of their corporate database just delete files whenever they want ... No you have to go through a "chain of command" to make ANY changes to a corporate database for reasons that are obvious to those of us that have had years of experience in that type of environment ... Frankly I'm surprised they let it go on for as long as they have

  5. You could use Cheat Engine and this table and just give yourself 9,999,999 of everything and if you run out just fill it up again .... You can also use it to give you Drachmae and XP boosts so you can add points to abilities or the mastery levels quicker

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