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Everything posted by ZMD78

  1. All ships interior lighting fx goes off, after enteringthe in game photo mode.. happens every time in all ships i've tried since the new update Anything to do with starui? Any one got a bug fix for this one yet ? Thanks
  2. eh ? "Pc's are used for other things not gaming IMO". I think what you are tryin to say is : ' Help, there's a whole other superior world of gaming outside of consoles I never knew existed until now, and I don't understand PC's, so can anyone help me get started>?' Obvious console user looking to annoy modders, going by what's said theve made dodgy comments and did not like the authors responces (Not me ) so they post a bunch of nonsense.. Is that about right ? I dunno why I am even wasting my time to reply..
  3. Incase this helps anyone with issues : This is how i went about things after the recent upates.. Make a backup first if you are not sure.. Disable the mods from vortex that are still in the my games folder, remove the 'vortex mananged' file in that folder. Manually switch all the data from the my games starfield folder (move it) over to program files86/steam/steamapps/common/starfiled if you have not already. Install most mods manually by copying the files in to the correct folder, textures to textures, meshes to meshes etc..place esm files into the data folder. Copy the esm mod file name into your plugins text document like so : * *starfiled.esm *mymod.esm if you have not already enable windows hidden folders and select "show know extenstions for file types... (check the plugin.txt does not have the .txt extension twice like plugin.txt.txt. Update the game first Update vortex. Update sfse and any other mods that need it. Make sure you have the latest version of sfse and copy the files from that directly into the data folder (/Starfield/Data/) programs86 folder stated above.. the only mod i am using that still needs updating the latest sfse is 'chargenmenu'..sure it'll be updated soon though. Only use vortex for mods that are updated to use the new system structure. I only use it for 5 mods at the moment the rest (most) I install manually as there is less chance of errors if the mods folder structures are not set up to function with the new updates to vortex and game then you have no choice but to install them manually, it's very easy once you Familiarise yourself with starfield folder structure. and you'll be able to swap out texture or mesh mods yourself without vortex issues in a matter of seconds. Hope that helps.. Backup your folders first incase you make a mess.. Mod managers are ok but they do cause issues regardless sometimes so understadning a games folder and file structure is best. Then You can easily solve and understand issues as they occur...and correct them manually yourself without involving a mod manager. Manul installation or moving renaming files etc is just part of modding any game imo.
  4. You just have to wait for the author to reply to you, that's all you can do. SSEO - Settled Systems Economy Overhaul and SSEO - Outpost Investor. Stated on the mod page-Permissions and credits "Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file"
  5. Cannot view the body mesh ? What am i missing are the body meshes not yet funcitional with nifskope ? I think I read something about mesh encyption ? or am i just not using nifskope correctly ?
  6. You should look at these mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21029 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32644
  7. https://vectorplexus.com/topic/1170-download-%E2%80%94-high-poly-head/ requires the original citrus mod also, but saves alot of hassle
  8. Hi, Wondering why the following box is not shown on my mod pages ..any ideas? (see image) ive set to accept donations on my individual mod settings and account settings...Both straight donations and premium membership donations accepted (missing) ?? See image for example of whats missing!
  9. im curious about this issue as i do a hell of lot of texture modding..im downloading the mod to see if i can help you SOLVED Textures are fine they wont open in gimp becuase there using an older texture format, but they open in paint.net(which is free) just fine They are Not blank texture files ! If your using PS make sure youve installed the correct .dds plugins (nvidia) https://ibb.co/d0q12pQ
  10. lol.. you would need to provide details mod list load order etc
  11. missing or incompatible texture issue if the face is blue, convert with asset optimser or catherderal asset optimiser
  12. de activate any combat mods and see if your still getting the same issue also flora overhaul needs to be high in your load order, realistic water b2 should be at the bottom
  13. Hi firstly how did you generate the crash log, ive been trying to find a crash log generator ? Your load order doesnt look to good tbh, does loot say any master files or mods require cleaning if so clean them Oftenm meshes textures conflicts cause CTD, im taking a closer look, good idea to look in your texture folder for any (locked) files..if there are any trace them back to the mod source and uninstall...then re install, ive solved many ctd this way takes alot of time and pateince though Regards ZMD
  14. Not for skin but for overlays that appear on skin its specifically for incorporating into My own created mods : Hand and feet nail art, ill look into BOSSE. Many Thanks :smile:
  15. Yeh it needs doing, i may take a look when finish current projects
  16. Are there any mods that specifically replace all the dungeon flora , already running flora overhaul but am looking for specifically the flora in dungeons to be replaced thanks
  17. Is this possible if so how ? im tring to add shine to my existing overlay mods Thanks
  18. No ENB used, but will try the MIC mod for se thanks for the reply :smile: I believe its a standard asset ( the vine) not from a mod but overwtitten with one that replaces textures and meshes
  19. I need help identifying this texture: Its a vine but i really would appreciate the texture dds file name so i can replace mine as its missing , Its the vines that surround the ritual stones
  20. I need help identifying this texture: Its a vine but i really would appreciate the texture dds file name so i can replace mine as its missing , Its the vines that surround the ritual stones
  21. cool, could you share your outfit or tell me which mod contains the outfit you modified please
  22. Looking for a tut on how to create a pose mod if anyone has any saved links please.. Skyrim or Skyrim SE Many Thanks
  23. SOLVED all sorted thanks that pointed me into the right direction i also had missed an importnat part of racemenu and been trying to compile its scripts without a plugin a active...Hurray :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :D :D :D
  24. OK thats very helpful ill give it a go...really appreciate your advise ThankYou Loads:)
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