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Everything posted by ZMD78

  1. Thankyou for your reply..However im using the latest SKyrim with the latest SKSE..and a clean install of everything..The PSC files are extracted to the Scripts Source folders..not sure where else to look , literally nothing compiles in Old or new CK..but i have both versions running fine of LE and SE with Creation Kit for both and latest SKSE for both/....neverending nightmare this i just want to release mods without having to ask others to compile my scripts:(
  2. RaceMenuBase.psc: RegisterForModEvent is not a function or does not exist ? installed ck le ck se installed scripts zip into correct directories, installed RM modders package and plug in template,using notepad++, set papyrus to Admin, UAC if OFF(always)..skse is latest RM is latest CK is ltest Skyrim is latest...Im lost ..must of spent 50 + hours on these errors and similar..no luck..please can someone advise ?? CK new and old will never compile my scripts:(( Thanks
  3. does anyone know if there are any plans for a new hi poly head mesh for SE? Such as citrus heads HD? Becuase it seems its the one big thing missing from SE version of Skyrim.. that and deadly mutilation..
  4. yes someone needs to add on screen water splashes...cant belive know one has already [2019 and still..]
  5. Can anyone shed a bit of light on how this is achieved...nothing much on google relating to doing this ..Just looking to create my own pose mod for sse...appreciate any advise..and yes i am well aware that 1000s of poses already exist , but not like mine :smile:
  6. nice to see you got a reply...lol...im also after this 3 years later!
  7. just use this :) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23316
  8. needs to be its long overdue best alternative for now imo is skysight hd skin for males
  9. had the same issue myself...it could be a commonly known facebug issue [see link] which u can fix easy, with mine it was a lot more complicated becuase of my very non standard custom follower...still for me is unresolved:( https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Dark_Face_Bug are you using sse and racemenu ?
  10. Multiple reasons can cause the lag..took me ages to reduce mine with a 1060gtx. if its a 3gb version..time for an upgrade. But mods and load order are a big part.personally i dont use the ussep it breaks my game every time..im runningt 248 active plugins and took ages to get things nice and stable, trial and error..
  11. My setup without running LOOT. Runs sweet with a multitude of different mods running. Total Plugins:256 Active Plug ins :248 Active mods:354 Total mods:376
  12. First versions of mod now released https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24087
  13. =never managed to fix , it only effects all female human races...still need some help with this one
  14. if only nifmerge worked for sse :( how can i merge without the functionality of nifmerge using sse?|
  15. nooo good :( cannot achieve . whats the complicated way..
  16. ok ..i think im not thinking about this whole merge and head nifs correectly..I have attached a screenshot.this is the head i want on my follower ..i do not require the ck head..when i replace the ck facegendata nif for my follower mod esp with this racemenu one and rename or not rename(doesnt matter)|. nothing chnages in game on her face..do i need to redirect the textures in nifskope..i keep trying managed to get racemneus facetint done.,.just the head shape data is still not Appearing...paths .please see screenshot thankyou | tried few times the data is just added instead of being merged..so its not giving me the racemenuhead which iall i basically want..why is soo hard for simple thing !
  17. sooooooooooo frustrating..spent 50+ hours on a follower and cannot merge head niffs ...lost..watched countless hours of youtube tuts , official tuts and numerous other readings....what a fkn nighmare using sse btw
  18. how to merge racemenu exports with ck exports (nifs) without the use of bloody nifmerge???? im runnign sse
  19. how can i merge nifs racemenu export and ck export without the functionality of nifmerge in sse. is it possible with nifskope, i heard it is but cannot seem to get it right...any advice appreciated ..looking to merge head face data thanks
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