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About theevilteacup

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  1. So I don't know much about modding but I tried to do this myself because I really wanted this. Basically there is a .archive folder for English VO audio that can be unbundled with CP2077 tools. So I thought maybe if I downloaded the English VO .archive and the Japanese VO .archive, I could unbundle, copy over V's JA voice lines to the English archive, rebundle, and mod it in. Quick in and out adventure. So I went inside the JA /vo/ folder in the archive and just copied over anything that started with "v_" into the EN one, overwriting the EN ones. I figured it was a good starting point at least, see if it made a difference. Rebundled and applied to the patch folder. Whenever I started a new game, it crashed right before dialogue started. I probably did something very wrong but am unable to figure out exactly what, but my hopes are low.
  2. I'm not sure how difficult this would be, but it would be cool if we could have a mod where only V spoke Japanese (using the Japanese dub) but keep the rest of the cast in the English. I even thought it would be cool if V spoke Japanese, other characters who are Japanese would also speak it back at you like Takemura, Hanako, Okako, etc. So you could have two different dubs (the English and non-English one) interacting.
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