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  1. Hey there, I was wondering if someone could help me figure out what mod is causing my companions to not follow me? Basically, whenever I give them "Follow" command, they acknowledge it but the "Follow" button still stays the same (instead of changing to "Stay") and they are stuck just sandboxing on their spot, pretty much. If I teleport them outside and do the same, they will just turn around and walk back to their original location too. This seems to occur with all the vanilla companions APART from Dogmeat, who works flawlessy. Any idea what could be causing this? Here's my load order: Thanks in advance for any help/info!
  2. Basically giving the player an ability to do the same animated taunts that NPCs do (bashing their shields, lifting their weapons etc.), maybe via an MCM hotkey? The animations already exist in the vanilla game too (to my knowledge), as seen here: I would love if it also had some kind of "aggro" effects on NPCs as well - like forcing them to attack you and drawing enemies from your followers/NPCs? Basically something along the lines of what I have seen in the Housecarls Are Tanks SE, except for the player and with animation/AOE aggro effect? To my knowledge there used tob a mod that did exactly that called "Player Taunting Ability with Animations", but it was scrubbed clean off the internet and the author even deleted all of their social medias altogether so I couldn't contact them. :/ Thanks in advance to whoever decides to at least consider it!
  3. Got it. Works and looks perfectly now. :smile: The bolt doesn't bother me too much, since not even the G3 mod seems to have managed to fit it properly with the animation. Unless someone makes a full fledged R91/G3 type of weapon with custom anims, this will have to do. I even finally managed to fix the sound! Although there is a few sound options there regarding a "Cloth" reload which I have no idea what its for, so I left it alone. I was thinking, would you be okay if I released this under your and mine name, after I get all the permissions, fix up the .esp and the subgraphs for NPCs and Synths? You did like 80% of the work pretty much, and I'd love to see it spread further. :smile:
  4. Aye that is what I am using. But it says "unable to access jarfile hkxpack-cli.jar" in the command prompt. (using the 64bit version since I am on a 64 system) Am I even using it the right way? I admit I am pretty new to using jar based programs in general. EDIT: Nvm. Managed to get it to work. I had to use the "cd" prompt and navigate the cmd to the correct folder first. Then it finally managed to unpack xD Now just gotta figure out how to fix the angled magazine and then the R91 is perfect....
  5. Alright, I tried to open the file and do it myself by converting hkx to xml with at least two programs but to no avail. HKXpack .jar file won't open no matter how many times I click on it. I have the newest Java installed. F4AK doesn't work either and throws off an runtime error, everytime I try to start it. Even when I put WPNreload.hkx in and click convert, I get an Unicode error and nothing happens. :/
  6. Yup, just tested it and it's working pretty well. The angled magazine does not bother me much, since I am so happy that at least it shows up now. xD Just wanted to thank you a lot. I really appreciate helping you above and beyond like that. And I learned some new stuff as well. :smile: Also what program did you use for opening and editing the .hkx format? Just in case I'd like to try and fix the magazine angle too in future and maybe even add the reload sound from the original R91 mod to the .hkx file, after I learn enough. BTW: Regarding the subgrahps for Synths and NPCs - it's okay to use the same Reload.hkx file you provided for them as well, right? They don't need any "separate" special .hkx versions or anything? I also assume I need to generate metadata again for Synths and NPCS too?
  7. I see. I will try to migrate those sounds over then. Thank you for the Subgrapghs tips as well! Hmm... I actually stumbled upon another mod (G3, which is aesthethically even closer to the R91) that makes use of the same MP5 animation,but it says in credits that the author has managed to "adapt it to the weapon magazine". https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42624 So I did the same process as before (copying only reload.hkx, making subgraphs, metadata, correct keywords etc.) and managed to get it work and voila... the magazine animates correctly too now! BUT looks like there is a new problem: While my character holds the weapon correctly (shooting, aiming, idle etc.), but when he reloads - the gun moves back into his arms again, like the picture I posted in the first page... really no idea why it's doing that again, and just for the only animation that I use/need. :/
  8. I have seen this "out of position" issue on animation and its due to mixing different animations made for different gun. For a start, make sure R91 is using its own correct default animation. The holding of the weapon, moving , etc should be correct. Then take the 'reload' of 'Heckler und Koch - MP4 Complex' and add as additive to the default R91. If done correctly, everything will be fine (holding, moving etc) cos u only modified the reload. Then check the reload, since its for different gun, maybe pulling of the gun slide etc is wrong and we can work from there ... Gotcha. I will try and do that and report back. I remember when I was doing the subgraphs, I did indeed pretty much just copy over the entire mp5 animation folder, which may have probably included the said holding animations. Was messing around u can take a look: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eQIug3mVnXn_M8f4Er9UndwPii396WCN/view Only added 3rd person view and only for player. I added the extra keyword to the 'R91' weapon, probably missing some other weapons but if u search it thru console command, u should see 3 entries, for me, its the last one. You should get the reload animation of ' 'Heckler und Koch - MP4 Complex' ' Since you r using the animations of other MA, maybe its good to ask them for permission? Finally, u can do the same for first person view and other NPCs ... Oh wow, thank you so much! I was in the process of doing it but looks like you were faster. This will be a good reference point. :) Also the original R91 Expanded mod already included 1st person reload anims, so we're good in that department. As for the reload itself: I tested it and the animation looks to be fitting now. The bolt pulling is a bit off but eh, can't do much about it, unless I somehow manage to edit the animation itself. However, there is for some reason no reload sound in 3rd person. The magazine also completely dissapears when its pulled out and appears only when its put in, during the animation... Any ideas how could these two issues be fixed? EDIT: Also how would one add these animations to NPCs? I assume it's through adding the Synth and Human subgraphs in CK?
  9. I have seen this "out of position" issue on animation and its due to mixing different animations made for different gun. For a start, make sure R91 is using its own correct default animation. The holding of the weapon, moving , etc should be correct. Then take the 'reload' of 'Heckler und Koch - MP4 Complex' and add as additive to the default R91. If done correctly, everything will be fine (holding, moving etc) cos u only modified the reload. Then check the reload, since its for different gun, maybe pulling of the gun slide etc is wrong and we can work from there ... Gotcha. I will try and do that and report back. I remember when I was doing the subgraphs, I did indeed pretty much just copy over the entire mp5 animation folder, which may have probably included the said holding animations.
  10. Aye, just the reload. I followed a tutorial and learned how to make additional/additives in the Subgraphs section (I already have the animation itself) and generated the medata, but I guess the problem is the animations were originally made for a different gun - hence the wrong weapon position in the screen. :/ Wondering if I can maybe just move the gun position a bit forward in NifScope since Blender or 3Dsmax (which the good folks before you suggested) is way beyond the scope of my current skills...
  11. Ok, I'Ve followed this video and somehow managed to make the animation show up on the R91 (the magazine is animated or looks to be so far), but problem is the entire gun itself is moved way back into my guy's arm. Does anyone know what needs to be done here to "sync" the entire thing together?
  12. I am currently trying to add the 3rd person reloading animation from Heckler und Koch - MP5 Complex to the R91 (the Expansion version), which currently uses the Handmade rifle reload anim.. but have no idea where to even start at all. I am assuming it's probably not going to be as simple as just pasting the .hkx files over each other? How would one go and at least make the animation play for the weapon, for starters? I have some tiny little experience with xEdit and Creation Kit/Construction Kits from all previous Bethesda games but for F4 I couldn't really find any step-by-step or decent tutorials that'd point me in the right direction at least. :/ Thanks in advance!
  13. Interesting, I completely forgot about the fleeing feature. That could be very useful indeed! Now if I only knew how to script it in, hmm. :sad:
  14. Is there a mod that makes enemies actually react to fire-based weapons like Flamer etc.? I know there was one for F4 where they'd drop their weapons and start running around, but in NV they still don't give two craps while on fire which kinda breaks immersion and effectiveness of the Flamer. :/ Thanks for answer!
  15. Yep, tried that too. Setting the Animation type from "Rifle - Balistic (2 Hand)" to "Rifle - Automatic (2 Hand)" in FNVEdit. Still doesn't look right and the only difference is, that the shotgun is now being held like a pistol grip assault rifle. :/
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