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  1. If you post your file, I will have a look :) It won't be till tomorrow when I get home from work but someone else might be able to help before then.
  2. Yes indeed! I miss the systems of old that were present in Morrowind. I usually played a thief with high damage output, so I rarely invested in magic... But, I have moved on and excepted the new systems and learned to stockpile lock picks! Lol But the OP wanted to know what would make me use scrolls more? POWER!!! Unrivalled power. I would love to see scrolls overhauled to have massive destructive power, buffed beneficial and negative player, ally and enemy effects. Have a scroll of mass fear or turn undead? Cast it and watch the waves of enemies flee in terror! Summon a Storm Atronach... Why not 3 or 5!!!??? And of course, the beloved open lock scroll's. Nine Divines I miss those! At the end of the day, I just want more power, but not something I can spam 10 times a second. Something that might have a cool down or some kind of system similar to the way shouts work. The more powerful the scroll, the longer the cooldown or whatever is put in place to limit usage. But there could also be rare (ish) scrolls that have awesome power, which are not effected by and have no cool down or penalty. Making them your last line of defence or your weapon of first strike. -Edit: Another mechanic that would be fun is multiple cast. Say you have 3 different (for example) and want to fire them off one after another, but don't want to ruin immersion buy stopping to open your inventory 3 separate times. You could set it up like: Cast scroll 1 to buff you and your company. Cast scroll 2 for a huge, destructive hit! Cast scroll 3 that might slow enemy speed and recovery. K, done for now... ;)
  3. Great to hear! I wish you all and the Nexus of course ;) a very long and bright future Thanks for creating some truly unique and bringing us all together in this great community Cheer's! -ScrollThief
  4. Just out of curiosity, what were you looking to have modeled???
  5. Every time I am confronted or notice a poor little orphan or begger asking for a gold piece, I give them anywhere from 50 to 300 pieces so they can have a hot meal, rent a bed in a tavern and maybe get some clean clothing :) I will also buy out completely anything they are selling when that is an option.
  6. The textures can be found in Texture archive 3, under: textures\dlc01\clutter\DLC01SnowElfGoblet.dds, textures\dlc01\clutter\DLC01SnowElfGoblet_n.dds, textures\dlc01\clutter\DLC01SnowElfGoblet_em.dds and textures\cubemaps\ShinyBright_e.dds As for Amren's Sword, it is just the normal Iron Longsword textures... Texture archive 7 textures\weapons\iron\IronLongsword.dds, textures\weapons\iron\IronLongsword_n.dds, textures\weapons\iron\IronLongsword_em.dds and textures\cubemaps\ShinyDull_e.dds -Scroll Thief
  7. If your game is crashing after adding a glowmap flag, you might also have another flag active. This happened to me, I had a glowmap flag and environment flag active at the same time. Skyrim did not like this. After disabling the second flag all worked fine. I don't know if this is the problem though... but maybe. If that doesn't fix it, post your files and I will take a look tomorrow when I get home from work :)
  8. Hehe tx12001, that made me smile :) Even though i do agree, I can understand where the OP is coming from. I also used a replacer for my Argonian char when I played through Oldrim. I hope someone ports that old mod (can't remember the name) or makes a new one! Cheer's
  9. nice progress! the addition of the pattern in the gold is a nice touch. if it was me, i would try to give it a specular mask texture to take some shine out of your wood. you could even split the mesh where different textures are applied so you could control the BSShaders separately in NifSkope. :)
  10. looks really cool! I like the over all textures very much the only thing I would add would be some scratch's that'll give it a really nice look :) Cheer's
  11. If I remember, I did see a discussion on this somewhere and it was said that SSE would still have the 255 limit. But do you think I can find said info... ;)
  12. From what I've seen so far, the option is now in the "main menu" after you get past the Bethesda logo.
  13. I thought this was intriguing: A bit off topic with all the info, but if you read it all you should see that the textures will be updated... As for ENB... that will need updating, sorry :ninja:
  14. I would just redownload the original mod and let it overwrite the files that have been changed.
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