Could anyone make a mod that allows you to write your own books in game? Not a journal, a normal book like all the others you can pick up. I would experiment myself but i have absolutely no experience in modding and i would be lost before i even started. I just think it would be cool to be able to write your own books, and keep on the shelves in your home. I have looked all over the nexus and steam and have found skill books, craftable books, and books that show you've read them... But no mod to write your own... I have a journal mod that is pretty cool... Maybe the mod to write books could work the same as that, but add a normal book to your inventory or something when you finish. I'm not sure if this is possible, or if it has been attempted before... I never look on the forums. :blush: *this has been posted 3 times because my internet connection was terrible when i tried to post this... sorry (I havent worked out how to delete posts yet... this is my first topic)*