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Posts posted by BenzenBeer

  1. Hi, I would like to know if someone is skilled enough to just remove the nails from female_hand.dds to fit this mod : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57083 with skin textures like FairSkin, Leyanda and Demonic.


    The mod are equipable nails and in my opinion is the best looking nail mod, but when equipped you can see the ''default'' nails from skin texture mods. I know the author of the mod did a SG and a CBBE skin texture nails removal, but I would like to use other skin textures than these two and still use the equipable nails.


    I dont know if it's really complicated, probably not for someone who is experienced with these things. I also don't know if it needs tons of permissions to do so.



  2. Hi


    I was wondering if anyone has this issue : I dont know if its caused by riften face sculptor, but since I used her, lightning is messed up.


    I do got few lightning mods, but always worked fine.


    I dont know if riften sculptor is the cause. Same day I used her, nvidia had an update and I also updated ussep. I dont think its nvidia update and I dont think its ussep.


    I loaded a previous saved, before meeting with sculptor and I also disabled ussep. Still got that lightning bug.


    Hard to explain what the bug does....Its like there is no more light reflection

  3. Hi, I been searching for a mod that marks every single quest givers in all skyrim. I believe I completed em all but since Skyrim is huge, I was wondering if I forgot some npc with a task for me somewhere or a book/note/letter that triggers one...


    So, I was wondering if such a mod exists : A mod that shows a marker on every quest givers.

  4. Hi.


    I was wondering if I was the only one : I cant wear morokei with arch-mage robes. Its either one of them, cant have both equipped. I Tried with circlet, same thing...


    I remember that the old skyrim allowed you to.


    I dont have much mods. I'm like pretty much everyone. I am actually playing the game while waiting on the new skse.

  5. In my opinion, a whole new nexus for remastered version is needed. I only hope that great mods authors still roam nexus, they need to update their goodies !


    I dont see why people would stick to older version of skyrim since the remastered version is totally free if you own all DLCs. I think majority of Skyrim players/mods users have all DLCs. I am not judging those who wanna stick with the original version. I only think that majority will install the new one.


    I honestly havent played Skyrim for atleast a year so I am confused about what mods would still work and those that wouldnt. I dont even remember what mods required SKSE...If I understood well, Textures, Meshes and Animations replacement can be copy/paste into the new remastered Data folder, but nothing else...Havent found anything clear about what will be compatible and what wont be.


    That whole remastered skyrim thing will get me back into skyrim ! I just hope most of mods will work. Some of em are from authors that probably doesnt even mod anymore.

  6. Hi, first post yet.


    I have started to play skyrim vanilla on the release, once I finished all quests I played something else, I didn't know anything about the fact we could mod that game...When I discovered Nexus, I started to install every kind of mods and Skyrim is now my main game !


    So, I already install many many mods and there was a mod I tought about and I don't think its ever been made yet :


    An instant kill with animation spell that makes a human enemy to shrink so you can eat him. Would be awesome on killcam.


    I saw that in a movie, just cant remember the title. Hot women shrank a guy to the size of a pickle and then ate him.


    I know it sounds weird, but I've seen so many weird and disturbing mods al around that I think my idea would fit well

  7. Hi,


    I dont know what happened with my female char, i hope some modders can help me figure out what causes this ( see attachment )


    I tried to put back the meshes/texture from my backup folder to get rid of those ''void spaces'' on my char's hips but didnt work.


    The ''void spaces'' on my char's hips changes color depending on the light.

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