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Everything posted by DefiledNH

  1. http://skyrimforums.org/sf/threads/lisette-calls-me-names-weird.21517/ Solved this OLD-ass question I had. Thanks David.
  2. Let me start this off by saying this is NOT a random, uneducated opinion. I am very much familiar with the lore of most Elder Scrolls game, particularly Skyrim, in which I have over 1100 hours logged. I have done the civil war countless times, I have done every single radiant/non-radiant quest related to it. Personally, I favor the Empire, not because omgjerkjerkjerkswagswag. I have valid reasons, but I will put aside my personal opinions for the purpose of neutrality. Let's start off with the Rebels, or as they call themselves, the "Stormcloaks". The Stormcloaks of Skyrim They are racist, yes. They despise the Aldmeri Dominion, so they hate Altmer, much like Germany after the Treaty at Versailles (there is no better way to explain this, read up on it). They feel the Empire has become slave to the Aldmeri Dominion, due to the White-Gold Concordat. They hated that Talos worship was outlawed and giving up a huge chunk of Hammerfell. They feel that Skyrim is their's, because they are Nords, and Skyrim was first inhabited, and is, therefore for the Nords. They want independence from the Empire. Pros => They want to worship whatever gods they want. There is absolutely nothing wrong in this. Cons => They are racist. Not to a little degree. To the point Argonians are tortured in cages. They are the Nord equivalent of the KKK. Even those born and raised in Skyrim, the dunmer for example are treated like s***. => Because of this, there is no diversity in the demographic. => The literal argument "first come first serve" to Skyrim. Main point of debate => This should be a con, really. Ulfric defeated the High King, Torryg, in "fair" combat. Accoutns differ, Ulfric said he used the voice to knock the High King to the ground and them finished him off, others say he "shouted the High King to pieces", but one thing is certain. Ulfric used the Voice. While it may seem fair, since it's his ability, it is not the "Old Nord Way". The Old Nord Way dictates one-on-one combat, strictly without "tricks". The Voice can be debated to be magic of a sort, or not, or you could say it's his skill just as Torygg was a fine swordsman. This is crucial, because the base of The Rebellion is that they want Skyrim to be "as it once was", of Nord culture. This is the changing point in the morally right or wrong. Also, there was no moot to make Ulfric High King, for what it's worth. The Imperials of Cyrodiil They want to expand the Empire, especially after The Oblivion Crisis and Red Mountain. They were, for lack of a better word, raped at the Battle of the Red Ring. They made peace, signing the White-Gold Concordat. Pros => Signing the White-Gold concordat was a necessary evil. Skyrim would have been over-run by the Aldmeri Dominion had the Imperials not enough time to gather their forces anyways. => They allow diversity in Skyrim. This is HUGE. Even in the modern world, only when cultures mingle do we avoid conflict and better ourselves, economically as well as personally. => They are not sexist. I am tired of hearing this argument. Women are not allowed to patrol cities. That is all. They advance to even the upper echelon in the legion itself. Take Legate Rikke, for example. Outside the Legion, there's Jarl Elisif. => Organized rule. It's what's better for Skyrim as a whole. On it's own, without the support the entire Legion behind it, they are far more secure against the Aldmeri Dominion. They wouldn't stand a chance otherwise. Cons => Again, the White-Gold concordat. You don't get in a position like that without f***ing up. They lost. They had to survive. Also, the conditions are unjust, especially in that of Talos worship. => While necessary, it does not mean we should be happy about the Thalmor Embassy enjoying special privelege and upholding the concordat's conditions in Skyrim. Main point of debate Whether they have any right to force upon Skyrim that which it does not seem to want. Just because it's a much better from an economical, political and cultural standpoint does not mean it's right. The people get what the people want. This can be debated as to whether the people include all those who are native to Skyrim, or only the Nords, and even then it is unclear for the Legion also has many Nords. It can also be debated that you cannot count only the Nords for that is racist (see the Stormcloaks argument). This is rather stupid, as we're basically arguing whether they can have better stuff or not. But, it is only just if they want the better stuff.
  3. BUMP! I have the same problem! All the model textures are black as well :(
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